10 : Date night

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Today Grayson is going to take me on a date. I have no idea what he has planned or where he is. I woke with a smile today. Me and Aiden did a small photoshoot with dad.

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We had fun

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We had fun. Right now me and Aiden are in my room. She is watching some cartoon on my telly and I'm painting a canvas .
I had also designed my office at the warehouse.

I still had not chosen the outfit I was gonna wear today for the date

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I still had not chosen the outfit I was gonna wear today for the date. Around 6 Amelia came in my room with a small package. It was a white box with a card attached to it.

Dear Maddi,
I hope you are excited for a date with me and I hope you will wear this small gift for our date today. I will come around 7 to pick you up.
Love Grey X

I smiled at the note and opened the box.

I smiled at the note and opened the box

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It was a simple black dress. I decided to wear my knee high black boots. After finishing my makeup and hair and sat on my phone looking at greyson's Instagram.
Around 7 the doorbell rang and before I could make my way down the stairs I saw all my brothers and dad ambushing Grey. Amelia and Aiden were standing behind them shaking their heads.
"Make sure you bring her home at 11 young man."dad said.
"Yes sir. Maddison should we?"he said while taking my hand.
"We should." I laughed as he gave me a box of red roses , chocolate and teddy bears.

" I laughed as he gave me a box of red roses , chocolate and teddy bears

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He opened the door for me and I sat in the car. I sat down in the passengers seat and he made his way to the drivers seat. We talked and occasionally kissed each other during the ride.
Greyson stopped the car at a beach hotel . We got out of the car and he linked our hands.
"Table for 2 , Castro" Greyson authorised.
The girl who was at the reception started to eye Grayson as if I was not standing there. We both sat in the open balcony.
"May I have some wine while the lady will have the same. Also ask your manager for a new waitress who does not eye their customers."Greyson demanded.
"Why would you say that Grey!"I said.
"What she was being a discomfort to my Queen. And I hated it."he smiled.
"I'm sorry sir for your discomfort..I have fired her and you will have a new waitress coming up with you order."the manager said.
"Thank you and I will have an Italian pasta while my lady will have lasagna noodles."he nodded.
"Greyson how are you going to deal with the mafia?"I ask.
"Don't worry I'm handling it perfectly. I have still not taken over the business right now. But in the end I'm going to come to you Maddi. So don't worry."he assured me.
"How can I not worry... even when I myself fight worrying about loved ones is always in the back of my mind. " I say as I look down.
"Okay...come here."he holds his hand out for me.
I sit on his lap and wrap my arms around his neck.
"Baby, I will always come back to you. Never say that. And soon you are also starting missions right. Even there we are going to be together. So don't worry my dear girlfriend and promise me you will never think like that." He said.
"Yes baby. I promise now let your dear girlfriend sit in the chair so she can eat the dinner and we can continue our date." I laugh.
"Nope you are staying here he says as he lightly kisses my neck. I suppress the moan .
After we eat Grey and me made our way to the beach. We walked hand in hand . I clicked some pictures of us.
We spent so much time together.
While going home Grayson grabbed me from the passengers seat on his lap so my back was facing the door. I wrapped my hands around his neck and started to play with his hair. He placed his hand on my waist and only moved it when he needed to change the gear.
I got to know Grayson more today. His favourite colour is black and hates liers. Like a lot. He pressed small kisses on my lips occasionally. After reaching home he stopped the car a little far away from the house.
He turned me around so I was straddling him. He slammed his lips on mine as passionately kissed. His hands gripped my ass as I slowly moaned. My hands went into his hair as we kissed. His tongue slipped in my mouth as I moaned. We kissed eachother no other day.
I got off him and sat in the passengers seat and hold his hand.
He pecks my cheek before I leave the car. I reach my door and wave at him as he drives back.
I slowly enter my room to see Amelia waiting.
"Come on give me the details!!"she said.
I tell her all about my date . Before sleeping I change into a sweatshirt and booty shorts and remove my make up.  I see a message pop up on my screen and I open it to see Greyson taking a selfie outside my window. I quickly get up and pull him in.
"Are you crazy!!"I glare at him.
"Well I am after my queen. Sorry I locked myself out and I had also messaged Nico about staying over. I have 5 min before he opens the window to his room."he says and I giggle. Wow... Maddison the tomboy just giggled. What are you doing Greyson Castro?.
I pull him close and kiss him as he picks me up and sits down on my bed. He starts to leave kisses on my neck as I resist the moan. I bring his lips back to mine as we kiss. Suddenly someone knocks on my door.
"Madds..you okay?"I heard kade speak.
I quickly get up push grey into my closet not before he pecks my lips. I get in bed and answer him.
"Yes kade. I was just about to sleep. Good night!" I say.
"Good night sis." I hear him say and the door next to mine closes.
Greyson comes out silently laughing and wraps his arms around my waist and snuggles into my neck.
"Sleeping huh?" He teased.
"Nope, no you have to go down to Nico's room or he will get suspicious. So go!" I push him towards my window.
"Okay. Bye beautiful." He says as I hug him tightly. He removes one hoodie from his bag and hands it to me.
"Wear it...it's mine."he says.
I kiss his cheek and put it on.
Bye"I whispered as he disappeared.
I sleep in my boyfriend's sweatshirt.


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