30 : Bahamas baby!

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It's been a week since the whole fight and now Amator is stressing himself a little bit less and Hunter has also started some therepy thingy.
Me, I spend most of my time with my brothers and Greyson.
The real reason for the fight was that the other guys had misplaced some shipments.

I woke up today morning without any of my brothers dragging me around. That's suspicious. Anyway I quickly showered and changed into some easy clothes. Selena, Raven and Mia were coming to pick me up for a Sunday coffee at Starbucks. 
I hoped down to the kitchen to find dad and Amelia having a secret conversation.
"Morning!!" I chirped and gave them a kiss on the cheek while dad thought it is fun to smother me with kisses.

"Where are the boys??" I ask him while pouring some Orange juice for Aiden.
"Twinies are sleeping, kade, Noah are out..and the others are doing something in the backyard which is top secret." He said.
"Anyway..I am going to Starbucks and I will be back in an hour!!" I yell as Eli stops me.
"Bring the girls home, we have a new mission." He says as I give him a big hug.

"Come on!!" Mia yelled through the window.
"Calm down woman!!" Raven said as she rubbed her ear.
"Anyway..let's make it a driveway...as we might have a new mission..Eli and guys need us!" I say as we all cheer.
After making home I enter the home and Aiden comes running at us.
"Hey Birdy...where are our brothers?" I ask her as she snuggles into my shoulder.
"They told me to lead you to the backyard!!" She says as we look at each other and make our way to the backyard.

I gasp.
The whole backyard is filled up sand and some huts like they are in Bahamas.
"Eli...twinnys??" I shout but no answer comes.
"Grey...Nico!!" Selena yelled to receive no answer at all.
Suddenly all the boys jumped out of there hiding place in swimming trunks!!
"O my god!! Why are you wearing swimming trunks in the backyard with no pool!!" Mia screamed as she dramatically covered her eyes.
"Why is there sand in the yard??" I yell as they all stop laughing.
"Well because...(dramatically picks me up on his shoulder Hunter.)...we may or may not be going to the BAHAMAS!!!"
Hunter yelled as I gasped.
We all were now on the boys shoulder as they ran around the whole yard and literally dumped is in the pool.
"Are you serious!!" Sel reconfirmed as Nico nodded and gave her a big kiss.
I squealed and hugged all my brothers.
"You know I was also in the plan." Greyson said as I rolled my eyes yet bought him in a big hug and kissed him.
"Come on girls...we have a shit load of packing to do!!" Mia exclaimed as we got out of the pool and ran to my room. Mia was staying at my house as her parents were away for work and they always neglected Mia but not her step sister. Her parents were a bunch of idiots who cared more for her step sister than their own biological daughter. Nonetheless, Amelia loves her like her own child and Mia also has a tiny crush on my angry brother kade who has no idea. What an idiot. I think me and Selena need to be matchmakers for all my brothers.

I picked my bathing suits, bikini, shorts and some tank tops, my hat, and all the makeup we needed. I also carried my camera for some lovely pictures. Amator had arranged this whole trip and mission thing for us.
Apparently a small gang leader had stolen some arms and drugs from us and sold it to the Russians. So we had to find that idiot at some club in Bahamas. Who runs away to a vacation Island claiming I am going on a vacation.

Anyway I was still packing my bags when two hands wrapped around my waist and I was lifted off the ground and thrown on the bed. Grey was now hovering above me and was kissing my neck. My hands grabbed his soft hair as he kept on kissing me. I let out a involuntary moan as he smirked against my neck.
"What are you doing here?? Aren't you supposed to be packing your bags??"
"I finished it and now I am spending my time with you." He said as he snuggled his face in my chest.
I started to play with his hair while he tried to sleep.
The nightmares were still troubling him so I help him to sleep. I took my phone and clicked our pictures.


He fell asleep 😂👤 Greysoncastro

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He fell asleep 😂
👤 Greysoncastro._

After our sleep, I was woken up by Elijah and he pulled me outside.
"Did he get any nightmares?"
"Not today..but he does get them often...I really want to help him." I sigh as Eli rubbed my shoulder.
"You are already helping him a lot I think I should take one or two therapy lessons..if he likes it he can continue it... psychologically it might help him because he is stressed due to the Mafia." He told me.
"I will talk to him and then we can discuss. Anyway you should get ready Bahama is waiting for us." I said. Suddenly we heard the twins scream from there room. Me and Eli dashed into there room with our guns out to find Hunter's face covered with whipped cream and Nico was on the floor dying from laughter. I laughed silently as Hunter glared at me which caused me to run back into my room. Grey was still sleeping on my bed cuddling with the pillow I gave him instead of me.
"Grey.. Greyson...wake up..we have a plane to catch!" I yelled as he woke up.
"Ugh.. Maddie...why would you scream!!" He said as I shrugged.

I changed into a Addidas pink tee with ripped jeans and shoes.

Around 3am we all reached our private plane and took off to Bahamas

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Around 3am we all reached our private plane and took off to Bahamas.

"Let's go to Bahamas baby!!" Nico screamed as we took off.

Late update!!

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