I loved you first harry styles love story part 1: Time to fly

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I was running late. Ugggg not a good sign, I'm the youngest employee, to ever get hired at "Hello magazine" and I don't want them to think I'm irresponsible. I did a half-run through the halls as I got to the the conference room to find that they haven't even started yet.

A group of my co leagues were sitting at a long rectangular table. They all looked up at me and smiled. "Good morning sunshine, are you OK" Nick said from his seat. He was dressed in a baby blue dress shirt that was neatly tucked into his dress pans, with s a tacky yellow smiley face tie. "Good morning yea I thought I was late" I replied. I made my way to my seat and put down my pad and pen. Everyone was having small conversations. "Nice tie" I complimented Nick. "Thanks Georges" he replied. Nick was one of my editors. He was 23 years old who looked like a 16 year old. He was the go to guy in the office. He stayed active and we always joked around. Nick was someone who I can talk to about anything and everything.

Silence came upon the room as the door opened and Ms. Heather and the CEO Mr. Thrasher walked in. We all stood up and welcomed them in. Mr. Thrasher made eye contact with me. He hasn't met me yet, since I am a newbe "So I usually don't come to these meetings, but this is a special one. I have recently been at the board office and they think it's a splendid idea for us to have one of you writers to go undercover to publish an article for "Hello Magazine". Now this is a competition for all the our companies. We are competing against some of the biggest companies out there. So I want the best article and I want to win. The winning writer will get to published in not only . Know I have asked Ms. Heather who she thinks is right for the job, but before that, I see an unfamiliar face." He was looking directly at me. I smiled and began to introduce myself. My heart was raising. I hated speaking in front of people. That's why I liked writing I can express everything on paper, without speaking it. "Um . . . my name is Emma Ranoe, I'm 18 years old and I'm an um . . . writer" I said stuttering. He smiled at me and said "well you are one of the youngest writers our team has ever had. I'm very familiar with your recent article in last month's addition. I think it's in everyone's best interest if you take this one Emma" he said. "What me . . . take an undercover job" I thought to myself. My face light up like a lightning bolt. I let out a smile and said "I'm flattered, I won't let you down". How hard could it be, it will be fun and a new experience, I thought to myself. His smiling face turned into a frown and said "Now you should know you can't back out, once you are in, you must complete it." I nodded. "The theme is celebrities/popularity . All the other companies are doing similar things like trying to discover secrets of big businesses like McDonald's, and others like W Magazine are going undercover of celebrities and their fashion trend. I was thinking something outside the box. This might push you out of your comfort level, but we all think you can do it. You will be flying out to England for the rest of the year. Ms. Heather told me you were a student, so you may continue your education at Mounty Abby School. You must make a boy from one direction fall in love with you. The article will be about finding true love and how fame and culture play no role in it" he continued. My jaw dropped at the name of one direction. "Wait your asking me to lie?" I interrupted him. "No, it's a white lie" he said. "I don't lie Mr. Thrasher how is that fair to him or anyone?" I asked. "You're not lying your just seeing if a guy like him and a girl like yourself could get along. Imagine all the other girls who wish to be with them. You're just proving that they are normal people who can fall in love. Your kind of proving a stereotype wrong. " he said giving me a wink. "OK now that I can do" I said. My best friend was gonna freak. Alyson was the biggest directioner. I didn't really care for them, I liked there music but I wasn't crazy like Alyson. "Now are you willing to go all the way?" asked Ms. Heather looking at me seriously. I hesitated but answered "yes". I took a glance at me colleagues, Nick smiled, but I knew him to well to see he wasn't happy. "I'm gonna miss you" he whispered. I placed my hand on his shoulder and whispered quietly enough only for him to hear "it'll be fine". It let out a smile and whispered back "I know." "Well then get packed I'll go do the paper work, your ticket will be on your desk in two hours. Good luck Emma, I have faith in you" Mr. Thrasher said shaking my hand. I smiled and thanked him. Mr. Thrasher and Ms. Heather left the room.

The second the door closed, everyone began to clap and cheered. Mia, one of my best friends at worked tackled me with a big hug "I'm so happy for you, but I'm gonna miss you" she said in a high pitched voice while squeezing me. Nick came from behind her and said "good luck sunshine, call me if you need anything" while giving me a hug. Somehow we all got into a group hug. Imagine that, a bunch of 20-24 grown up men and women group hugging in a conference room. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat. We all let go of each other. It was Ms. Heather, she looked at me and hugged me "good luck Emma" she said. "Now go get packed your flight will leave at 9:00pm today. I went home. As I approached the door my heart began to race again. How is my mom going to take this? Is she going to let me go?" all these thoughts raced around in my head bringing my energy down. I entered the apartment. "Mom" I called. She was on the phone "yes, yes I understand, thanks" she said into the phone. She hung up and had the biggest smile on her face. She ran to me and hugged me "oh my little baby is gonna be a writer" she said. I felt relief, I didn't have to explain and she was gonna let me do it. We both p started jumping in excitement. "Come on lets pack your bags. We packed everything I needed. Shoes, purse, dresses, shorts, sweats, books etc.

After 3 hours of packing we finally finished. I zipped up my suitcase and set it right side up. I sat on my bed. My mom came in and sat beside me. She pulled me to her close and told me "Are you sure you wanted to do this? If at any moment you want to come home, you call me and come home." She said assuring me that I don't have to do this . "I love you "I told her. She kissed my forehead. Nothing is like a mothers kiss. She sat up and handed me something rapped. "What is it mom?" I asked. "Open it" she replied. I quickly opened the present. I loved opening presents I always rip the rap apart in a crazy way. I was astonished at the site of it. It was a little pink booklet and a pink fluffy pen. It had purple sparkled flowers to the side of the cover. "I want you to write everything that happens" she told me. "I love you mom" I said hugging her once more. We went back to the office and got my ticket. Mia, Nick and my mom came with me to the airport. They said their goodbyes and we all began to cry. I got on the plain and the pilot began to speak "welcome aboard, enjoy the flight we will be landing in London in 8 hours". I stared out the window, the plain lifted off the ground and we were off into the sky. I closed my eyes and thought to myself "I'm finally doing it. I'm a writer. Ever since I was 8 I've always loved to write. But know I have to pretend to fall in love with someone. Pretend . . . pretend . . . pretend. . The word played over and over in my head. "You can do it" Ms. Heather's Played back in my mind. I was all buckled up ready for the ride. I never have told a lie in my life, I remembered what Mr. Thrasher said to me "you're just going to get to know him and see if a girl like you is right for a guy like him. This will be an interesting ride. Know all I have to do is fall in love with . . . the one and only Harry styles.

Authers messege:

Hey everyone, This is my new Fanfic I just edited it and im ganna be editing alot of it, making new changes and adding in more detail. Please vote and tell me what you think. I'l update after 10 votes. Whats the point of writting if no one is reading :) thank you so much all right belong to @Smileyfacel

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