9- Stepping in to save the day

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"You know, when I first saw you walking up to the group outside, I thought... Dude, this girl is beautiful! And now it seems like you'll look even more beautiful beneath me." He leaned in and whispered, his eyes shifting down to my chest.

"What the hell, Felix? The answer would be no!" I rolled my eyes at his obnoxious comment.

He stared back at me with a dangerous look in his eyes. I have seen that look before; it screamed danger to me. I assumed he'd behave himself in public, so I chose to ignore it. I couldn't tell you how long I ignored him. He just stared at me with his arms crossed across his chest. "What's wrong with you?" I asked him, getting a bit frustrated by how he was acting.

"Honey, there's nothing wrong with me, except your lips aren't on mine." He replied, leaning in again. This time he attempted to kiss.

"I should go home now!" I blurted out before he connected his lips to mine, looking into my eyes. Before I knew what was happening, his lips were on mine. I tried to push him away, but he didn't stop. He kept licking my lips and sucking them in an offensive way, and I wanted to get away from him.

I tried and tried to stop him from kissing me, but he kept kissing me without recognizing that I wasn't as into it as he was. I pushed him really hard and managed to break the kiss just as he was about to topple backward off his chair. He stared at me in shock, like how could I break this up? Before I could say anything, he leaned in again crushing my lips with his lips. I was getting so annoyed. Could no one see what was happening here? He groaned in pleasure as he bit my lower lip to open my mouth.

Then, all of a sudden, he was taken away, as if someone had ripped him from me. All I saw of him was a tall, dark figure throwing punches at his face. I watched in horror as I caught a glimpse of his face and people slowly gathered around to watch what was happening.

"No, stop!" I told the man, who became my Knight in Shining Armour in an instant, and I meant I wanted Felix to pay for what he'd done. But let's face it, he didn't deserve to die for that one mistake.

Upon my request, he straightens up and tells the security guard not to let Felix back into the club again, telling him to escort Felix out. I wondered if he owned the club. That's when the stranger turned around and smiled at me. He was tall, his brown hair sleeked back, his green eyes glittering at me. He was wearing a black suit and tie, like someone of importance. "Miss, I have been ordered to take you to Mr. Albertini immediately."


He said with a smirk on his face, "It seems you're incapable of looking after yourself, so he ordered me to take you to his penthouse right away! Please come with me." I stood there dumbfounded, not knowing what to say. The only man in the room who seemed willing to step up was Lorenzo Albertini's wallet.

"What would you do if I told you 'NO'?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest. Who did Lorenzo think he was? He wasn't anything to me, and I owed him nothing. I didn't care that he protected me twice from terrible things happening. Who was he to order me around?

"I am not giving you a choice, Miss Jennings." He glared at me, getting closer. I looked around at the many people just watching what was happening. I doubt anyone would even bother to stop him if he attempted to do anything to me.

"I'm sorry, but no... I'm going home." I announce that and walk away from the man who had just beaten up some guy for me. Not waiting for me to disappear, he steps closer, and with a flick of his finger I feel my legs weaken and my eyes start to close. I felt him shift his posture and pick me up. He walked out of the club and into a waiting car. What the heck just happened? I wondered as I slowly drifted into blissful sleep.

Lorenzo's POV

I could not get her out of my head no matter how hard I tried. I tried to distract myself from the thoughts of her circling inside my head. She had me mesmerized, but I didn't understand why. She's done nothing to deserve it, other than getting herself into endless trouble. I didn't like the way that those guys treated her, which is why they lost their lives that way. I was pissed off that someone would treat someone like that. Normally I would not even get involved when I saw something like that happening. Hell, I was once the type of man who would do anything for what he wanted, but not anymore, not since I met her. It must have something to do with her eyes I saw that night. They pleaded for my help. I am inspired by her. She intrigues me with her mystery.

I spent most of my day attempting to get work done. I needed to stop wasting my time with her. I had a lot of responsibility for running my business. Yes, they all had their own CFOs and CEOs. However, I owned the company so I was still involved and handled most of the daily activities. On the plus side, I inherited my father's empire, which turned out to be the majority of the auto industry. I acquired so many dealers it was almost laughable; I had no idea my father was worth that much. He passed away a few months ago, and his lawyer and I were still trying to sort out his affairs.

I lost myself in file after file of information as I attempted to get familiar with one of the dealerships I just inherited. Next, I decided to check my business accounts. I needed to check the statements to ensure that no one was taking advantage of having access to that account. There were many people with access to that account who were involved in any type of business I was conducting.

I was not comfortable with the idea of one of my people taking a loan from that account for themselves. After scanning the statement, I found no discrepancies among the many charges. I was satisfied as all of the debits were indeed business-related. I started making phone calls and checking on my hardest-working employees. I hadn't realized it was getting so late and hadn't seen the sun go down. It was pitch black outside, and I decided to call him to check up on my girl.

"Hello" I heard his deep voice chime over the line. I heard a lot of noise on his end and I wondered where he was.

"Hello Nick, how is my girl doing?" I asked him. I hope she hasn't noticed him yet. I needed to know that she was okay, and I hope she won't be upset that I sent one of my goons to watch over her.

Hey boss, she's out shopping with a friend. I think she'll be heading out tonight as she bought herself a dress and is shopping for shoes." I carefully listened to his answer, wondering what type of plans she had. Was she going on a date? I had to set it aside immediately as it made me sick. No, this girl was mine. She just didn't know it yet.

"Okay, thanks for the information. Keep an eye on her - she's probably going to need some sort of assistance if she's out. She tends to put herself into situations that require rescuing; I want you to be with her all the time; watch out for this one." I growled at him. This conversation was getting on my nerves, and it wasn't entirely his fault. "Should she need assistance I would like you to step in and assist her, then bring her here to me." I kept my tone cold. I intended to keep her here, where I knew she was safe. I wanted her here with me, in my arms.

Yes, sir. I'll call you and let you know either way." He responded as I expected he would. He was a valued employee, one I paid out of my personal accounts and kept in one of my black books. He was one I used for jobs I couldn't do because of my image. This was a dirty job because I couldn't have my name associated with the business dealings I had going on behind the scenes.

My 8 o'clock appointment was going to arrive soon, and I knew Nathan Wolfe too well to know he wouldn't be late. So I ordered myself some dinner. Chinese is always my go-to on a night like tonight. After it arrived, I ate my lo'mein and prepared myself for whatever he had to say. He was the one who called me asking to speak with me. I had heard about something happening in one of my restaurants, but I wasn't entirely sure what it was. It was some sort of harassment suit or something along those lines, at least that's what I thought after listening to what he had to say earlier. He called me all frantic about it, so I made room for him in my busy schedule and told him to swing by the penthouse. I preferred to meet with him at home anyway since we talked about many things that no one in my office was aware of.

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