14- His work meeting with the Don

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Lorenzo's POV

I was certain I was making the right decision in moving her into my spare room, that way I could keep a watchful eye on her at all times. I just have this strange feeling in me that I have never felt before. It makes my heart skip a beat every time I am around her, and I am starting to really like it.

I watched her closely as I returned from my many meetings. She was not aware I had returned. She was so busy adjusting her chair and setting up her office so that it suited her better and that did not bother me at all. I'd rather see her make the space her own. I intend to keep this one close to me for the foreseeable future. I only hope that she handles the job well since she wasn't quite qualified for it.

I caught myself smiling as I saw her spinning in her chair. She paused when she saw me. I watched her slowly stand up and make her way into my office. "Are we heading home now, sir?" she asked me quietly.

"Yes, we are. Are you ready?" I asked, smiling. I really liked the sight of her in that office. She looked so gorgeous in there; I haven't found anything I disliked about the woman standing in front of me.

"Um, yes."

"All right then, let's go," I say impatiently. "I have a dinner date that I need to get to, so I cannot be late for this meeting." I watch as she returns to her office to get her jacket and purse. "While I am at this meeting, I want you to go to this store and buy what you need for a week's worth of professional clothing," I told her, handing her the card for the store next to the restaurant. "I will bring you food after my meeting."

"Um, okay. Do you not want me to take notes for you, sir?" she asked me.

"No, I need to handle this particular meeting on my own. And you, my young woman, should look the part of my PA, and I'm pretty sure you don't have the clothes for it." I spoke with authority as I handed her one of my personal cards. "Put it all on this."

"Well, thanks, I guess," she replied, taking the card from me. I watched as she stuffed it into her wallet. I led the way out of the building and into the car. I knew many were probably staring as we made our way out, but I didn't care. Let them stare. It was not like anything was happening between me and Azlynn, even though I wanted it so badly.

I opened the car door for her and watched as she slipped into the seat looking so cute in my car as always. I hid the smile on my face as I walked around to the driver's side, then got into the car and quickly wiped it off my face. I drove down the road quickly, feeling sorry that I was not taking her out for dinner. However, I needed to handle this particular client without her presence as it was so distracting to me.

I pulled up in front of the restaurant and pointed down the street to the clothing store I was sending her to. "I will meet you there in two hours, so that will give you plenty of time to shop for clothes. Do not make me go to that store after you!" As I said this, I knew she would not disappoint me.

"Yes, sir." came her soft response, and it made me smile. She was learning fast, and I was quite pleased.

I watched her as she slowly made her way down the sidewalk toward the store. It seemed that she was not happy with the way tonight was going. But nothing was enough to alter my mind about keeping her away from this client, so I needed to schedule and handle the meeting today before she begins tomorrow.

Walking into the restaurant, I scanned the room looking for him, spotting him sitting with two other men. I let the hostess know I was there to meet with him and she took me to his table. As I got closer to them, one of the guys stood up and patted me down to check for guns and wires. I knew better than that. Feeling at ease that I had none on me, he sat back down in his chair. As I adjusted my shirt and sat across from him at the table, he looked unhappy at me and became nervous.

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