29- First dancing and then...

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Climbing into the limo after dinner, I couldn't stop staring at the beautiful diamond ring that sat on my finger claiming me as his. While I still had my doubts about the whole thing on his end, I couldn't help but feel happy about it as it turned out. As the limo pulled up in front of a beautiful mansion all decked out with lights, I could hear music pumping through the walls all the way out to the chauffeur area. There were photographers everywhere taking pictures of the guests as they arrived, paparazzi standing among them looking for their next big story. As soon as I saw them, I wanted to protest and demand he take me home. I felt so sick and nervous as I knew all too well that we were the story they had come to get. But then the door swung open and I had to step out into the flashes of the many lights. "Lorenzo..." I said nervously but then sighed in relief as he offered me his arm.

"Smile," he commanded quietly as we began to walk through the crowd of onlookers. I immediately listened, placing a bright smile on my face as I let him guide me through the people who were asking questions about me. They were literally asking all sorts of questions like who I was and what my relationship with Mr. Albertini was. I ignored them as he led me through them and into the imposingbuilding. The entire time I held that smile on my face.

As we walked into the giant double oak doors, I marveled at the upscale building. I wondered why we were the only ones coming to the party but I kept my thoughts to myself while I let him lead me through the building. There were paintings hanging on the walls everywhere, the ceilings were so high, and those decorative crown moldings were everywhere. While I was marveling at my surroundings, Lorenzo didn't seem at all interested in any of it.

Lorenzo stepped up to a tall man standing to the side and whispered into his ear and then he began to lead me down the pretty staircase. As we descended the stairs the man announced us to the ball, "Mr. Lorenzo Albertini and Ms. Azlynn Harper his 'One and only'"

I couldn't help but beam with happiness on my face. "Your one and only, huh?" I asked nervously, and he just smiled down at me.

As we approached the bottom of the staircase I noticed that everyone and I mean everyone was staring at us. As we reached the dance floor, "Dance with me, Ms. Harper!" He asked offering me his hand. I quickly grabbed it, and off we went dancing.

I was enjoying myself after the third dance with him. Everyone around us was staring and gossiping. They probably assumed that I was pregnant, because how else would someone have tamed the beast?

After the dance concluded, Lorenzo murmured a quiet "Excuse me." and walked off before I could say anything back. He must be taking care of some business, but he left me standing there alone in the middle of the dance floor. All of a sudden I froze. I was unable to move as I spotted Julian Greene across the room. I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I spotted a table with refreshments on it and headed there.

After accepting a glass of champagne from the bar, I glance around the room. No, Lorenzo. It was as if he had just disappeared and that made me nervous, especially with Julian Greene in the room.

"Ms. Harper, may I have this dance?" A shudder ran down my spine as I heard his voice ring out in my ears. I turned around just a bit too fast and almost fell on my ass from the dizziness in my head. I instinctively reached out and felt his hand grab onto mine, helping me to keep my balance.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I must have drank just a little too much champagne." I mumbled as I tried to snatch my hand out of his grasp, with little luck.

"It's OK, shall we?" he asked motioning to the dance floor. I wanted to run away screaming. But as that wasn't an option as I was representing Lorenzo, I quickly accepted and followed him out and onto the dance floor.

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