38- Goodbye is so final

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Lorenzo's POV

I looked back up into his face. My acting was coming to an end according to the plan we had come up with. I still had one more trick up my sleeves, and it was designed to let him know that he'd already lost this fight. I knew from the look on his face that he was weighing all of his options. I decided then that it was time to stand back up and show him that I'm not such a wimp. As I slowly stood up, I sent him the most menacing smile I could come up with. I drew my gun back up, and with more steady nerves I pointed it back at his face right smack in the middle of his eyes! The perfect kill shot should I need it. "I think it's time you give this up Jesse, let Payne take you in!" I say, a huge smile plastered on my face.

"You would like that, wouldn't you? Then you could have the girl. But let me make myself clear here right now if anything happens to me then you'll never get to her in time. This is because I have a bomb hidden in the townhome. If I don't get back to stop it then, she'll be killed anyway because if I can't have her neither will you!" He says through gritted teeth. I knew we were at a standstill, and that I needed to figure out what I needed to do. I wasn't sure if he was bluffing or not, but I needed to do something so I decided to call my backup to reveal themselves now. I let out a whistle as was the agreed signal.

I shook my head as I heard them approach. I smiled as I watched him gulp down air as he realized what was happening here. I had called in a favor with someone who owed me one. This was someone who knew his share of crime and situations like this. This was the same individual who thought up this awesome plan that by the look on his face right now was proving to be a great success.

"How about now Julian? Do you plan to give in now? How on earth are you ever able to kill everyone here?" I ask him coldly staring straight into his face. I knew I was looking death right in the face, but I wondered if he had the guts to try it with so many guns pointed all at him. "Oh and I doubt you have a bomb hidden in your home. I didn't give you enough time to come up with a plan like that when I sent you that email! I on the other hand have been planning this for quite a few days now." I felt a shiver ride down my spine as he stared back at me. I could see anger grow in his eyes as he realized the circumstances he was caught in.

"Do you really think that he will save you should I decide to pull this trigger?" I could hear him growl at me, refusing to lower his gun from my head.

"Oh, I doubt you could kill me without them killing you shortly afterward," I mutter at him, motioning to all the bodies standing around the two of us. "You see, all their guns are trained on you! You shoot me dead, fine. But don't think for one minute they won't kill you after you kill me! Then where would she be? Without either one of us."

I could see the wheels turning in his head. He was trying to consider everything. But there was no way he could get out of this alive if he killed me. The gun was starting to feel heavy in my hand, but I couldn't lower it, no I can't give in to him. She deserves this, deserves everything that she's about to get because I was prepared for both scenarios. Should I die today, my money and my penthouse would be given to her. She would never have to worry about anything ever again, and my bodyguard would become hers as well. It was the easiest choice I have ever had to make, being able to take care of her, either way, this ends.

1 sec...

5 sec...

A minute...


Detective Payne's POV

In the instant that I heard the loud pop of his gun, I heard countless others. After the noise of the shots, it was complete silence. I looked out towards where he stood and the scene in front of me had me gulping down air. His lifeless body lay on the ground, the hand he held the gun in lay in front of him, and my stomach fell. Looking around at the men around me, I noticed a few injured. Despite Julian's suffering from the pain he was experiencing as four of our men hit their targets, none of them were dead. He was the only one dead.

"Sir, you will have to get your guys out of here now! I'm calling this in, I have to report the death to my boss." I spoke with a sense of authority. I knew that they wanted to finish him off, but I couldn't allow them to do that. Yes, he needs to pay, but taking his life would be too easy. It wouldn't make him feel pain, but he needs to be locked up.

"You can handle him?" I heard him growl out over the noise of the men scampering around to treat the wounded, all but him.

"I'll have backup here in less than ten, yes I can handle this guy," I say, stepping up to his side and peering down into his eyes full of pain and hatred. I wanted to feel sorry for the man, but I just couldn't because he had just ended a man's life. A man who had every right to have the woman he loved and his happily ever after, but that will never happen as he took his life away. "I am determined to make sure that you pay for taking his life from him," I say to him through gritted teeth as I grab my phone and punch in the numbers to call for my backup.

After the others had left, it only took the cops two minutes to show up. I felt for Stewart as his boss had just been killed. I watched as he sat next to Mr. Albertini's body until the coroner came to collect it. I gave the boss my side of the story as I watched them wheel Jesse on a stretcher to the ambulance. He asked that two cops accompany him and remain stationed with him to prevent him from escaping. I knew I needed to wrap this up. I needed to get to the townhome and get poor Azlynn out of there.

"So there is a girl who is tied up in his townhouse as we talk?" My boss demands from me. He looked shocked as I told him everything I had learned from Lorenzo about Julian and Azlynn. I nodded, my stomach churning with fear. I had no idea how far Julian was willing to go to keep Azlynn quiet. I could only hope that I had uncovered the truth in time.

"Yes, and I have to get to her now!" I growled out, a little harsher than I intended. But I didn't care, she needed me. She needed to be rescued, and now is the time.I was determined to get to her no matter the cost.

"OK, go. Hand me your complete detailed report after she is safe! Get her to the hospital, I'll meet you there." He says before he walks away and climbs into his cruiser, following the ambulance to the hospital.

"Thank you, sir. I made a promise to the deceased that she would be safe after tonight!" I reply out loud as I watch him walk away.

I walk the ten-minute walk down to my own car and drive off to the townhouse to rescue the girl that started this whole thing. I had to admit that she was stunning, but still, I had no idea what it was about her that was worth dying for. I had no idea why this particular girl had so much power over me. However, I soon realized that I was willing to do whatever it took to protect her. This is because he had given his.

It took me twenty minutes to arrive at Julian's house. I made the call to the bomb squad and I had to wait for them to come in and sweep the place. I had to wait before I could step foot in it to get her out of it. They arrived only ten minutes later. I stood next to my car with my arms folded across my chest and watched them work. I warned them of the threat of a timer, so they were rushing to get their job done.

After the big guy told me I was in the clear, I entered the house. Looked in every room, frantic to find her there. Where was she? I opened the last door, only to find her lifeless form lying on the bed. I was immediately worried that he had already killed her. But as I got closer to her, to the bed I could see her shallow breathing and I knew she was just sleeping. I could see the cuff on her wrist though, holding her to the bed. This irked me as a girl should be free to leave if she wishes to.

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