19- Gone Shopping

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I woke up to a loud banging on my door, so I jumped out of bed and walked up to it, opening it to see Lorenzo. I debated whether or not to slam the door in his face after what he did to me last night, but instead, I asked, "What do you want?" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Wait, you're still sleeping? I thought you liked running in the morning?" He asked, eyes skimming over my body. I saw his eyes turn dark and I looked down. I was in my skimpy shorts and a tank top that I like to wear to bed, but my right boob was about to play peek-a-boo with him. My eyes narrowed as I frantically covered myself with my hands.

"Yes, I usually do... but after our brief discussion last night, I didn't feel much like it this morning!" I brought up last night intentionally as I saw a flicker of something in his eyes. Was I seeing an entirely different side to this man?

"Oh okay, we will be late for work, so hurry up and get ready!" he groaned as he turned to leave. I closed my door and sighed, not wanting to go back to the office, but I knew I had to. I couldn't let him win. He scared Mr. Albertini, as no one had ever breached his servers before.

Turning to my closet, I hurriedly grab an outfit and throw it together. I decided on a stylish pair of coffee bean slacks, complete with a simple white button-up top and a matching coffee bean blazer on top. I put my hair in a high ponytail and applied light touches to my face. I decided on a pair of black flats today. I grabbed my black purse and glancing back at the mirror to check my reflection, walked out into the living room. He was angry and pacing back and forth. I glanced at the time only to find out why he was mad. In fact, we arrived five minutes late and it was all my fault.

He spotted me as I approached him. "Let's go!" he said and I followed him out of the room and into the elevator, which was silent. When we got to the lobby, I followed him quietly outside to see we were taking the limo again, which made me wonder but I didn't ask. The drive to work remained silent until Mr. Albertini whispered into my ear, "I will drown you in the pool if you ever take that long to get ready again! He whispered, sending a chill down my spine.

The car stopped at the curb of the building, and we walked into the building in silence. I followed closely behind him until we reached his office. He motioned for me to sit in a chair, so I did. "I want you to go ahead and get to work, but you must let me know about any unusual calls and if you will be leaving the office," he said. I didn't mean to flinch at his tone.

I looked up at him with my eyes wide open. "Even if I just need to use the restroom?" I asked.

He shook his head, "Yes, even if you have to run to the bathroom. Either you do it or I lock you inside your office Azlynn." I won't take any chances with this guy and your safety. "I don't know what lengths he will take to get to you, so just be a doll and do things my way for now!" he said, in his usual cold tone.

"Fine," I replied, before walking into my office. I wasn't sure how long I could handle things this way.

As I sat down in my chair and started working on my files and mail for the day, I came across a file that contained a name I recognized all too well. Why on earth did he have a file on Julian Greene, a man who wanted to get to me? Why would he put that in the files he wanted me to sort through? I picked up the file and slowly walked into his office. He was on the phone and it sounded significant. Therefore, I waited in the doorway while he finished the call. He looked at me and seemed annoyed when he saw me standing there. "What do you need, Azlynn?" he snaps.

Unsure of what to do, I walked slowly up to his desk and put the file on top to make sure his name was clearly readable. I turned around and walked out of the room. "Stop Azlynn!" he growled in a very angry tone.

I turned to face him. He was standing behind his desk. I watched as he closed the distance between us. I looked into his grey eyes and saw regret. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to mix that folder in with all the rest. Yes, I am looking at him. I need to know who I am up against. I need to figure out if there are any weaknesses I can exploit to tear his ass down." He explains softly, reaching out and tucking a loose hair behind my ear. He didn't have to explain himself to me. I understood what he was doing.

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