35- Making a plan

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Lorenzo's POV

The next day...

"Stop complaining and get back here. I have the lead detective on the case coming in for a meeting about how to get her back and I need you here for it," I screamed into the phone, this bozo and his damn excuses. I was beginning to feel like I had made a mistake hiring him. He was running late and I hate it when my employees whom I trust are late. It means they are not doing their jobs properly.

I glanced back over at her empty desk. The pain began in my gut as I felt guilty for knowing where she was. I knew I needed to get her out of there. I realized Julian had a private ceremony booked at the courthouse in the morning and I would hate myself if I let her get married to that man.


"Sir, Detective Payne is here." I heard the annoying voice of my new personal assistant and I grimaced.

"Send him in." I let out a small sigh. I was going to have to handle my bodyguard when he got here.

When he walked into my office, I offered my hand for a shake. "Thanks for coming over soquickly. My PI just told me something I think you should know."

"Oh really, and what is that?" He replied sharply ignoring my hand.

"Look, Joey, Azlynn is in trouble and I need your help to save her," I screamed, hoping he heard every word clearly. I didn't want to have to repeat myself. "Julian is planning on forcing her into marrying him."

"Hey now, it's Detective Payne to you! And what exactly are you talking about?" He asked surprised. I could see it in his eyes. He was so confused about what was taking place.

"Look we both know that she's being held at his townhouse against her will and she needs both of our help," I shouted frantically, hoping he would help. I just didn't know what else to do.

"What are you trying to tell me here Lorenzo?" I could hear the fear in his voice. I knew he would help as what I feared in my gut was true. He liked her.

"Ok focus Joey, sorry Detective Payne. I know who killed Nick... It was Julian Greene. He killed Nick to scare me into letting go and walking away from Azlynn. He left me a note on the body, and before you tell me, yes I knew it was wrong to take it from the body and not tell you about it." I took a few deep breaths before handing him the note. "In it, he tells me what to do, and I am guilty of following his instructions. But I didn't listen. I didn't do what he told me to do. Instead, I fell even more in love with her as I made love to her the night before. I need to save her. I can't just sit by while he hurts the woman I love."

"Why didn't you tell me all of this sooner?"

"Because I thought I could do this on my own, but I hired a lousy bodyguard who seems to be late more than he is on time and has made so many other foolish decisions. So I have come to realize that I do need help with this." I spoke the truth, and I hoped he could put our past behind him and put her safety first.

"Well okay then, do you have anything else that you can tell me to help with this investigation?" He asked me pulling out a small pad of paper and pen to jot down notes.

"Yeah, I heard from my PI. She told me he had an appointment for a marriage at the courthouse. We cannot allow that to happen, not after all she has been through. I will not sit around and let him win." I stared him down. I knew he needed to be convinced of how serious all of this was.

"You really hired a PI?" He sounded surprised.

"Yeah, I did. As I said I needed to make sure she was still alive. I needed to know that she was okay. She is all I think about. She is all I have thought about since the moment I ran into her that horrible tragic night." I spoke truthfully.

"What night? What are you talking about?" He asked in frustration.

"The night I ran into Azlynn, I saved her from being raped by this group of disgusting men. I have protected her a couple of times as well. Our girl has a knack for getting into trouble." I explained to him. "A girl as beautiful and naive as she needs to be protected. She needs to be worshipped."

"Well I do agree with you, I'm just surprised to hear these things, especially coming from you. She definitely looks innocent."

"Oh, don't get things wrong here! She is both innocent and naive."

"So what do you suggest we do?" He asked me, his pen halted in the air.

"I think we should rescue her. You are a police detective. You can put a stop to his harassment, can't you? You can put him in jail for his crimes. I can tell you everything he did to her." I stopped myself from getting too emotional about everything. I wanted his help to end all of this so that I could marry her and spend the rest of my life making everything up for her.

"You mean to tell me that he has done more than you have told me here?" He asked me with surprise shining in his eyes.

"Yes, he is pure evil."

The door to my office opens and in walks my incompetent bodyguard. I watched as he eyed Detective Payne as if calculating whether or not I was truly in trouble here. I might be able to forgive his lateness as I could tell he didn't like this guy, but I couldn't have him hurting him. "Well, hello Stewie it's nice you can finally join us," I said in my sharp tone. I was so irritated by him. "Do tell me why you are so late. What if he had been an assassin out to kill me or something?"

"Well if he was an assassin then I would be out of a job. As to why I am so late let me explain. There was a pile-up on the freeway. I was stuck there for nearly three hours. I am extremely sorry, sir. It will not happen again!" He explained to me. I could see he was telling me the truth.

"Fine, you are forgiven. Now let me talk to Detective Payne here. We are trying to devise a plan for rescuing Azlynn." I spoke to him sharply, turning back to Joe I was surprised to see he was smiling. "What?"

"Nothing, I just don't know why you try to put off this big macho man thing. When you are actuallyjust such a softy that cares about those around him." He snickered at me, which actually ticked me off. I didn't want to be known as a softy, especially by him.

"Don't call me that, I am a tough ass. I prefer things a certain way, but yes I do care about my employees and about Azlynn." I cried through gritted teeth.

I walked over to my desk, and sitting down at it I began to jot down some ideas on how to save the only girl I have ever cared about. She was special and I knew it. We couldn't let her suffer with him. He'd probably marry her and keep her tied up for the rest of her life. I couldn't live my life knowing that she was suffering in hers. "Ok, fine I will help you save her. She doesn't deserve to be held against her will, no girl does. Tell me more about his crimes against her and how you think I can help with this. Without proof or a statement from the victim, I can't do much." he says. "Let's focus on getting her away from him first, we can worry about proof later," I replied. "We need a plan and we need to act fast." I began to brainstorm ideas, and soon a plan was formed. We both knew that we had to act quickly before he had the chance to harm her further.

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