12- The Job Interview

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After a long night of tossing and turning and unpleasant dreams, I open my eyes and sit up straight in bed. Looking around the room, it took me a moment to realize where I was. Yes, I was in my own room, but I was in his penthouse. This was already proving to be an extremely demanding job since it took me out of my own apartment and into his home. At least the room was a drastic upgrade from my old apartment, so that alone almost made up for the lack of privacy I would have.

Looking at my alarm clock on the nightstand next to me, I noticed it read 7:30 am. Great, I had an interview today to secure my position as his PA, which I had to prepare for. The majority of the night had been spent working hard on my CV, including all types of well-researched lies about me to make it appear as though I was capable of the job. Even though he had already told me I had the job, I still had butterflies in my stomach.

I walked into my bathroom to take a nice hot shower when I noticed a nice box sitting on the counter with a card in it. I picked up the card with caution, not knowing what it was. Reading his message, I read: My dear Azlynn, do not be nervous! I know you are going to nail this interview since you have already impressed the boss. *wink. Get dressed in this. You need to look the part. I'll see you at 9; don't be late. My driver is waiting downstairs to take you to the office where I am waiting for you. Sincerely, Lorenzo Albertini.

Upon opening the box, I was stunned yet again. It was very professional and sleek, ideal for the job. I hop into the shower to wash my body off. Feeling refreshed, I climb out and put on the dress, which fits perfectly. I swept my hair into a side braid and lightly applied makeup to my eyes and lips. Looking in the mirror, I decided I looked the part in this dress. The dress had a white top and a black and white patterned skirt, and I finished it off with some elegant low-heeled shoes.

I sling my jacket over my arm, grab my CV and climb into the elevator. Once I reached the bottom floor of the building, I noticed the black limousine waiting at the curb. As I approach the vehicle, I see the driver get out and walk around to open the door for me. "Thank you," I reply as I climb into the back of the vehicle. As the car pulled up to another high-rise building, I wasn't surprised to see huge letters across the building that read ALBERTINI INDUSTRIES. I got out of the car and stared up at the sky. I knew that his office was probably on the top floor. Of course, this was not the time to be scared of heights.

Walking inside the building, I saw many people going about their normal workdays. All of them looked rushed and nervous as they passed through the building. Seeing the desk in the back of the large foyer, I walked right up to it. It had a sign on top that said reception. Therefore, I knew they could help me. I approached the girl behind the huge desk with a smile on my face. "Hello, how can I help you, Miss?" she asked with a big smile on her face. She had her hair in a bun at the back of her head, and she was wearing a stylish professional dress.

"Yes, I have an appointment!" I answered softly.

"With whom?" she inquired, still plastering her smile on her face.

"Mr. Albertini," I announced.

"Okay, well, then let me page him and tell him you are here Miss?" she asks.

"Ms. Jennings," I answer.

"You can sit down there," she says, pointing to a group of chairs in the lobby. "Someone will pick you up soon."

I smile back at her, thanking her, as I walk over and sit in the chair. I was nervous because I had only ever been around Lorenzo in his penthouse, or away from the office. The look on the lady's face when I told her I was meeting with him told me that he is a very demanding boss. I looked up to see a short man approaching me.

"Excuse me, but are you Ms. Jennings?" he asks with a smile on his face, "Here for the assistant position with Mr. Albertini?" holding out his hand for a handshake.

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