40- Lorenzo's Letter

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As I'm escorted out of the hospital by Detective Payne and my nurse, I hold tight to my last link to Lorenzo. I looked up at the sky. I hoped he was watching down on me and that he knew that I was safe now because of him. As we got closer to the limo that was there to pick me up, I noticed a man standing against it, his arms folded across his chest. I wondered who he was, and why he was standing there looking so serious as we approached him and the car.

"Stewart, this is Azlynn your new boss. She inherited all of Lorenzo's estate, which includes you if you would like to continue your employment with him. Through her, your contract will continue." He says out loud, making introductions. I look up at his eyes. He sends me a big cheesy grin back.

"Oh, so this is Azlynn. It is very nice to meet you. I had never seen a man so determined to save the woman he loved as Lorenzo was. I was shocked even more when he changed his will to give you his whole estate. I was one of the witnesses to that by the way!" He held his hand out for mine. I decided it would be appropriate to be polite so I gave it a shake.

"Nice to meet you," I say softly, as I look around. I knew who I was looking for, but I also knew that Detective Payne told me he wouldn't ever get out to get to me. It still worries me though.

"So are you ready to head home? I have been working hard at making it ready for your arrival." He smiled down into my face. I couldn't help but the feel knot that jumped in my stomach at the thought of heading to his penthouse. He wouldn't be there, but it would be nothing but memories of him and I didn't know if I could take it. But I couldn't stay here any longer as they determined me to be fine.

"Yeah, sure." Not wanting to look into his eyes, I kept my eyes low. I didn't want him to realize how nervous I was.

"Okaywell then, let's get you home." He opens the car door for me to slide in. As I slide in, I say goodbye to Wolfe and the nurse. I needed to get this difficult thing over with. He closes the door, and I watch as he walks around the car to the passenger side. He climbs in with the driver in the front part of the car. I didn't know if I'd ever get used to riding in a limo alone.

It was a very quiet ride to the hotel, but as we pulled up to the building my stomach turned into knots. The last time I was in this place, I literally ran into a dead body and he had just proposed to me. Then the next thing I knew he was tossing me out, only to get killed trying to rescue me from Jesse's grip after he realized his mistake.

I gulp down air as I step out of the limo. My stomach drops, but I will my feet keep moving to take me closer to the building in front of me. Walking in that door was so difficult, but now I needed to walk through the lobby area to the elevator head-on. I knew it had been slightly over a week since his death, but his face was still everywhere I looked. The story of him leaving his entire estate to me took the world by storm. No one could believe that the man had cared so much for a girl like me.

It was instant fame for me, the fact that I had survived this horrible crime. The fact that Lorenzo literally gave his all for me, and that Julian was now in jail finally paying for everything that he did. This is in addition to murder in the first degree. I pushed the button for the elevator and was comforted by the familiar sound of the ding as it opened up to take me to the penthouse.

Stepping in, I turn to find Stewart standing close behind me. Watch carefully as I push the button for the top floor. As the doors shut, we stand in uncomfortable silence.

"Are you doing okay, boss?" He asks me, placing a sweet smile on his face as he looks at me.

"I'm fine, thanks. It's just a lot to take in. The last time I was here I found a dead body and then the next day Lorenzo and I finally made love. I was so scared when Julian showed up and took me to his house, facing him again after he sheltered me for so long. I wanted to believe that he loved me. Only to find out a few days later that he had passed away because he was fighting for my life. I didn't think he cared, I was so hurt that day." I let the tear fall from my face, as I looked up into his. "I loved him so much, so much that it hurts coming here knowing that he can't be here with me."

I could tell that he didn't know what to say back. He just stood there clearing his throat and putting his hands in his pockets. After the ding sounded to let me know we were there, the doors opened. I stared out at the beautiful room, and I couldn't stop tears from filling up in my eyes. I couldn't stop them. I fell onto the couch and just bawled.

I was grateful that he stood there quietly waiting for my tears to subside. When they finally did it was close to midnight, so I walked up to his bedroom door and opened it. I stared into his empty room. I wasn't sure if I could sleep in that bed. But opening up the closet I see they have left his suits. Grabbing one of the button-up shirts I throw it on my body and curl up in his giant bed and drift off to sleep thinking and dreaming of him.

The next day...

As I open my eyes, I stare out at the room blinking at the bright light shining in the window. I remember why I was here, and my stomach drops. I'm filled with an overwhelming need for a man I'll never touch again. I sit up and look over at the desk. On it was the note he had left for me. I walked over to the desk and settling down in his chair I slowly opened the envelope with shaky hands. I felt surrounded by him as I unfolded the letter slowly to read his writing as I smelled his shirt.

My dearest Azlynn,

If you are reading this, then that means that I am no longer here in this world. Since I saw you that first day we were together, you have made me feel so much more complete, more alive. You have shown me the true meaning of happiness. I was such a better person while you were by my side. I always wanted you, even when I didn't know what I wanted. Even before I met you, it was only you. I know being with me wasn't always easy. But there is something that I want you to understand, you have to understand that no one has ever had my heart except for you. I didn't fall in love with you, I walked into love with you, with my eyes wide open choosing to take every step along the way with you. I needed you when you came into my life... I needed your love to show me that I deserved more... You showed me what life was about. When I found you, I stepped into an all-new universe. I found my true partner. I had discovered love, affection, and a kind of devotion. In loving you I experienced possessiveness, madness, passion, and insanity. But I also found recognition, respect, and forgiveness. I never got the chance to say I love you, I never got the chance to say I'll miss you. I wish I didn't need to die because it means I won't have the chance to say goodbye! But there are so many things we don't want to happen, but we have to accept them. Things we don't want to know but have to learn. And people we can't live without, but have to let go. Azlynn, I love you enough to fight for you, compromise for you, and sacrifice myself for you if need be. I miss you so very much now that we are apart. I want you to know that all of this was worth it, even if I can't take care of you in person. I've made sure you are taken care of even after my death! That's how much you mean to me! Now that you are safe, away from him I want you to relax... You're going to be okay... You have been here before, you've been this scared, uncomfortable, and anxious and survived it all. Breathe... And know you can survive this too! I know it all feels so unbearable right now, just breathe, keep breathing... And tomorrow when I am not there, and we are not together. There is something you must remember! You are braver than you realize, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think! But the most critical thing I need you to remember is even if we are apart I'll always be with you! There in your heart! So cry whenever you need to. Scream, shout, and lay on the floor with your eyes closed shut. Sob in the shower. Be still, run, walk, and create new memories. Live your truth. Listen, breathe, and release your pain. Don't be afraid of being broken because of me. I love you so much. I am so sorry that I let you go. I'm hoping this has made it all up to you. I'll be waiting for you and watching you from heaven. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. It's out there.

Yours forever
Lorenzo Albertini

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