39- His Will

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Azlynn's POV

Opening my eyes, I looked out at the room around me and jumpedin shock when I realized that I was in a hospital room. That made me wonder what had happened, and how I got to be here. Last thing I knew I was handcuffed to Jesse's bed.

A husky voice whispered, "Oh, you're awake." I turned my head to find out who had said it. I let myself relax slightly as I realized that it was Detective Payne who had spoken. "I'm so sorry Azlynn, I didn't mean to startle you."

"It's okay."

"Okay good, Um I do have some bad news to tell you." I studied his face and immediately got a sickly feeling deep in my gut.


"It's Lorenzo, Azlynn. He'sdead." He said sitting up straight in his chair. I could tell he was having a hard time telling me this.

I stared at him. I was silently hoping it wasn't true. Deciding that he had indeed told me the truth, I let the tears roll out of my eyes. It dawned on me that the man that I fell in love with was dead. Sorrow wound its way into me, but then dread wound up right behind it. "What about Julian?"

"Julian is here, in this hospital as he suffered quite a few gunshot wounds. But he is under guard and on a completely different floor. He cannot get to you, and I can guarantee you that he will never be able to hurt you again. After he's released from here, he'll be going straight to his jail cell to await his trial." He says through a soft smile, I could tell he was trying to keep me at ease. But the fact that Lorenzo was gone and Jesse was still alive made me extremely nervous.

"How did it happen?" I stared at him. I needed to know.

"How did that happen?" He asked gulping down air. He refused to look at my face, and that made my stomach drop and my heart flutter a bit.

"I need to find out how, how he died." I flutter my lashes at him. It was important to me that he told me how he passed, I wanted to make sure he didn't suffer anything. I wanted to be convinced that it was honorable. I just wanted to know.

"Julian killed him. Lorenzo had him backed into a wall and Jesse decided to take him out. Lorenzo, Stewart, and I were all surrounded by him when it happened. By the local mob who apparently owed Lorenzo a favor. I could tell from the look in Julian's eyes that he wasn't planning to go down without taking his life. Julian told Lorenzo that if he couldn't have you, neither would he. He meant it. I knew it at the same moment that I heard the shot ring out. Everyone around me fired their weapons, and when they were all done and I looked out both men were on the ground. Lorenzo was taken away, it was quick but I can't tell you that it wasn't painless because I don't know. Julian was screaming out in pain. He was actually really lucky to still be alive because four of us hit our mark. The mob boss wanted to kill him, but I knew he needed to pay for his crimes against you. So I arrested him." He says watching my face closely. I think he was worried that he was telling me too much. But I needed to know.

"He was so brave, I'm not sure if I would have done the same if I was in his shoes," I say softly, almost in a whisper. I was fighting the urge to just give up right there.

"I think you would have. He was doing what he thought he needed to do to save the woman he loved." He spoke seriously. I sent him a small smile.

"I don't know if he loved me, but it's pleasant to know that he cares," I whisper.

"Oh trust me, that man loved you. No one would put their life on the line to save someone who didn't deserve it. He wasn't that type of man." He says softly, laying his hand lightly on my shoulder. "Oh hey, his lawyer Mr. Wolfe will be by shortly. He has something to discuss with you. You have been cleared to leave since you woke up. There's nothing to justify you staying here for too long" he says. He steps up grabs my chart and looks down at the info there.

"Thanks, Payne," I said softly trying to hold back the tears that were welling up in my eyes. I needed to be strong, I needed to be brave for him.

"No problem." I watched as he headed towards the door. "I'm preparing to get some coffee. Would you like one?"

"Sure, that sounds good," I replied, sending him another smile. I was so grateful for him, for him being here to explain everything to me. My heart felt so heavy. It felt like it was breaking into a billion small pieces and I didn't know what I was going to do now that he was dead.


I glanced up to see a man walking in dressed sharply in a full suit. He was carrying a briefcase. I wondered if this was the lawyer that Payne had told me about. I watched as he set his briefcase down and approached my hospital bed.

"Hello, Azlynn. My name is Nathan Wolfe, I am Mr. Albertini's lawyer and I have brought his last will and testament to read to you if you want to hear it." He says holding his hand out for me to shake it. I stare up at him, unsure why he was really there.

"Um, yeah sure. But why are you reading it to me?" I ask him softly.

As he took a seat at the table where he had placed his briefcase, Mr. Wolfe said, "That was what he wanted!" I watched as he opened it up and pulled out a sealed Manilla envelope. It was addressed to me in his handwriting. I gulped down some air.

"Oh hey, Wolfe. I told her you were on your way here. Is that it?" Detective Payne asks, handing me a cup of coffee. I didn't feel like drinking hot liquid right now.

"Yes, it is." I heard him answer back. Heslid his finger into the seal opening the envelope. I held my breath as I wondered what he would have to say.
I watched as he pulled out a small recording device. "Do either of you mind if I record this reading for my records?"

"No" we both answered in unison. I looked up at Detective Payne with a pained look. I wasn't sure if I was ready for this, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be ready for this. Detective Payne nodded slowly as if he understood what I was feeling. He placed a hand on my shoulder and said, "It's going to be alright." I took a deep breath, and nodded, ready to face whatever was ahead.

"Okay then... We will continue." I listened carefully as he read out the will. My eyes becomehuge when he says that he leaves everything to me. What? He didn't even know me all that well, and here he is dead and he gave everything to me. All his company, his penthouse, his cars. He even left his Hamptons house to me, but why? "To conclude the reading I have one last request from Mr. Albertini. He requested that I give you this." He says as he hands me a small envelope. I knew it would contain a letter from him. He probably explained everything to me in his own words. I held the envelope against my chest as I fought the tears threatening to flow out. "I need you to sign this document claiming that you have read the will and that you intend to collect your inheritance."

I looked at him in shock. Lorenzo left everything to me. What was he thinking? I have no background in business, I wouldn't even know where to start in doing anything with his business. As I accept Mr. Wolfe's pen and put it on the paper, I sign my name on the line he pointed out. "Thank you, Mr. Wolfe." I watch as he nods in my direction, smiling softly as he pats me on the head as if he was comforting me. "This means so much to me, thank you."

"It meant a lot to him." He whispered gesturing to the envelope in his hand as he handed it over to me. "I would read this in a peaceful and quiet place." I nodded in understanding and took the envelope from him. I looked at it for a few moments and felt the weight of its significance in my hands. I tucked it away in my pocket, promising myself I would read it in a special place.


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