23- Putting on my Brave Face

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Azlynn's POV

I felt a bit nervous sitting in the passenger seat of Lorenzo's car next to Nick, but I knew I had to do this. I wanted to show him that I wasn't scared of him, and I wanted to let him know that our relationship was over. When he returned to California, I would definitely not be joining him. His hold on me was officially over! I needed to show him that I wasn't that sweet, naive girl who he could easily control anymore. I had changed. In a worst-case scenario, I will turn his ass over to the authorities and reveal the torture and suffering he has caused me. Now that I had someone just as dangerous by my side, they would listen to me, and they would believe me. Julian couldn't offer Lorenzo anything that he did not already possess tenfold.

Looking out the window, Nick pulled up to a posh quaint townhouse. It was sleek in design and looked like it had cost a lot of money since it was in one of NYC's hottest neighborhoods. This screamed his name. He was the type of man who wanted to show off his money and status. Since it was located near the city's nightlife, it makes sense that he would choose a place like this to rent. As I step out of the car, I hear Nick doing the same thing on the other side.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. His eyes were filled with worry, and I knew that he cared.

"Yes Nick, I have to do this," I say firmly. "He won't stop if I don't."

Trying to reassure me everything was okay, he squeezed my arm and said, "Alright, let's get this over with. Don't worry, I am right here and I promise not to let him harm you." Only I knew just how dangerous he was.

"I know," I reply as I walk up to the door and reach out to knock... Suddenly, my mind swept me back in time...


It's been a week since he tied me up to this damn chair. Refusing to let me stand... Although I knew I was close to his house, I didn't know exactly where I was. At the time, all I knew was that I was freezing cold and wanted to go home. It was constantly on my mind whether my mom was looking for me or if she was okay with me being here without checking in with her.

The thing is, he was telling her all kinds of lies, telling her things like I was just staying with him. He also told her that she was thrilled with the way it was all going. As a result, I began to hate my own mother. She did not realize he was lying to her and I was locked inside this room, tied to a chair, and held against my will. The reason he did this to me was to keep me quiet. This was to keep a secret between us since his father did not work as hard for him to lose everything because of a girl like me. It was going to be his responsibility to make sure this girl did not run my mouth.

As I sat in that chair, with nothing to do but think, I was left alone with my thoughts. He repeatedly raped me every day. The pain seemed never ending. There was nothing I could do and nobody wanted to help me... All of them believed his lies. No one was coming to rescue me, he was just trying to keep helping himself to my body.

I was finally let go, but only with rules I needed to follow and a constant roar of threats echoing in my head. I wasn't expected to have to worry about anyone believing anything I said if I mentioned anything to him since he made sure no one would. It was then that he reminded me that I was his. He informed me that we were a couple, that we had been dating for a few weeks, and that everyone thought that we were an item. Also, he told me that he was planning to make me his wife one day. He said that I would have to adjust to the idea of being his wife. If I ever ran away from him, he threatened to kill me. The only person who could have me was him. He would make my death appear like an accident so he would get away with it, able to find another woman to do this to too.

The only way I was able to walk freely was if I played along with his sick delusions. Sure I had to kiss him, sure I had to pretend to be in love with him whenever we were together. However, that was when I tried to find someone to talk to about it all. My mother was the first person to brush me off when I tried to tell her I wasn't happy and that he was forcing me to be around him. "Stop complaining, he's loaded!" she would say.

Suicide seemed like the only way out of this mess. As I made my attempt, all I could think of was... Is this it? Is this all I'll ever do? My life became dark. When I awoke in the hospital days after my attempt, I made a promise to myself that one day I would leave this shitty town. I would get away from all the pathetic people who wanted to believe in his lies...

~End Flashback~

"Earth to Azlynn... are you all right?" Nick looked up at me as he shook my hand as he asked. "Oh my... that was creepy. Your eyes were all glazed over, and I just couldn't get you to answer any of my questions!" He looked so concerned.

'I'm fine. I was just remembering something,' I replied. I told him the truth because I believed that the truth always needs to be told no matter the circumstances or who believes you. Even if no one listened to me, I'd stay true to the truth. I knew if I clung to it, the truth would eventually come out and he would no longer be able to run from it as he could once do. Every single day, I believed that one day I would see justice.

"Oh, so you mean you had a flashback?" he said in a low voice.

"Yes... I'm sorry. Just take me home Nick, I don't think I can handle this." I replied, turning to walk back to the car. Nevertheless, the front door opened so quickly that neither of us had time to react or stop it. In addition, as two enormous arms engulfed me, wrapping strongly around my waist, they pulled me back into a rigid chest.

As I look back at Nick, I see him pull out his gun and aim it directly at the individual who is holding me. "Let her go now! It is my responsibility to return her unharmed to Mr. Albertini."

I felt a shiver run up my spine as his familiar laugh made me know who had a hold of me. "Oh... isn't this cute? The bodyguard returning what is mine to me, well done, Mr. ?"

"It's Taylor, and you will be letting her go right now. She didn't come here for this, she was just coming here to talk to you." He spoke to him, drawing his attention down to me as he continued, "Go on, tell him... he needs to hear it." I heard him speak out to me, but it was as if his voice was muffled at that instant. It was as though everything from my past came flooding back and the threat that he would end my life made me sick to my stomach. After all, he held me so tightly and I wasn't even trying to get away. Was there something wrong with me?

He flips me around so that I am facing him, cupping my chin and forcing my face up so that he may stare me in the eyes. "Really, what are you here to tell me?" he asks with a sort of chuckle.

Smirking, he probably thought I wouldn't have the guts to speak up to him out loud, but boy was he wrong about me. Clearing my throat, "I came here to ask you to stop all of this. You do not have any right to me or my body. You cannot force me to return back to you. I have told Lorenzo everything you did to me, and he trusts me and will not let me go until justice is served. He will inform anyone who is interested about everything you did to me." Taking a deep breath, I felt so much better after speaking all of that out loud. I felt stronger and more alive as I watched his face closely while my words finally sank in. "I came here to tell you that the truth is always worth stating, even if no one believes you at first. Eventually, someone will believe you, and everyone will find out what kind of evil you have done to me. And I will be there for the day that the world is on my side, and you are going to rot in jail for your crimes against me." In shock, he loosens his grip on me and I rush to stand behind Nick, pulling away from him. Having a gun between us immediately made me feel safer.

"We will be leaving now..." Nick says as he slowly nudges me toward the car. He was still holding the gun drawn at Julian as he just stood there in front of his door watching us as I made my way to the car. Nick did not lower his weapon until I was safely seated inside the bulletproof vehicle we borrowed from Lorenzo. When he holsters his weapon and climbs into the driver's seat, I knew that I was completely safe.

"Thanks for that, Nick!" I whispered.

He puts the car into drive and speeds off down the road. "It was no problem, Mrs. Jennings. Now, let's get you back safely to Mr. Albertini, shall we?" he asks, and I nod in agreement as we drive back home.

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