5- The Drive home

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After finishing the dishes and feeling satisfied with the counters and stuff being cleaned I headed to the employee's room to change out of these shoes. My feet were killing me and they felt much better after I put them in the Vans I was wearing before working. They were the only comfortable pair of shoes I had, and I wore them all the time.

After stepping out of the restaurant, I locked the doors before starting the long walk home. "Don't bother, I will drop you off!" I turned to face him as he stood there leaning against a Tesla Model S series with his arms folded across his chest. The car was sleek, ruby red in color, and very stunning. I knew that this type of car had to have cost him a small fortune. God, why didn't I notice him standing there?

I send him a smile and reply, "Thanks, but I am fine." As I start to walk away, I pick up my pace.

I didn't hear him approach me until he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back into him. I let out a scream as he whispers into my ear, "Do not test me today, my dear!" he growls in my ear dragging me back towards the car. He opens the passenger's door and holds it open for me. Looking up into his eyes, I could tell he was getting annoyed perhaps even angry with me. His eyes had grown a shade darker. I decided not to say anything to complicate matters, but not before rolling my eyes at him.

Buckling my seatbelt, I watched him as he casually walked around the front of the car. He remained focused on me. What was the problem? He moved quickly and quickly as he slid into his seat. Flipping the switch and turning the car on, he took off quickly. The way he took off had me grabbing anything I could to steady myself. He made me so nervous, and I felt sick. I hate cars. They always made me feel sick to my stomach.

I gave him the address of my apartment and started watching out the window. Wait, this isn't the way to my place. "Where are you taking me?" I yelled. He didn't glance at me, keeping his attention on the road ahead of him and his lips sealed. "Where are you taking me?" I asked again, hoping he would answer me this time. He didn't reply and just as I thought he was planning to ignore me, he slammed on the brakes bringing the car to a halt. I braced myself to avoid flying forward. Hearing a small click, I glanced back at him to find him leaning over into my space. I leaned against the glass to keep some distance from him. Looking into his eyes and seeing what I saw made me uncomfortable. I saw pure anger there. My heart began to pound so fast as I held his gaze.

"Why were you there?" he asked me in a cold tone, looking like he could kill me right there. That made me wonder why he was asking me that question.

"What? Why were you there?" I screamed back at him, asking my own questions. He was unbelievable. Who did this guy think he was?

"Why were you there?" he growls at me as he asks me the same question.

I widen my eyes at him as I meet them with his. "Let me put this simply, I work there!" I snapped at him. "Oh and I need that job to survive, that is why I was there to take your order and make you your drink so that you could have a good time with your friends," I answered truthfully, not understanding why he was there or why he was asking me these questions.

Suddenly, he reaches over and nudges my chin up, forcing me to look him in the eyes. I swear I saw something different then. Was he softening towards me? "That sounds pretty honest to me. I need you to promise me something. I need you to stay out of trouble. Can you handle that? I can't keep rescuing you like that. It could get me into lots of trouble if I had to rescue you every time you got into trouble." He spoke softly, and I couldn't help but notice it sounded more like a request than a question. I couldn't help but feel angry about his statement.

"Do you really think that I put myself in those kinds of situations voluntarily, or that I ask for them intentionally? I can promise that I don't!" I yelled back at him; I was angry beyond comprehension. How dare he presume the worst of me? "Oh, and by the way, Superman, I never asked you to save me either time!" I snapped at him, crossing my arms across my chest. He just chuckles at me as if he knows something I don't.

"I think I should keep my thoughts to myself on that one." He continued to chuckle, making me want to slap him hard. "Well, I think we ought to get you home, eh?" he asks as he settles back in his seat and begins to drive down the street. Again, I noticed that he wasn't heading in the direction of my apartment, and I glared at him.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked him, wanting to know what he was doing.

"I'm taking you home - my home, that is - I think you could use some rest," he said matter of factly without looking at me. It was more of a demand than a request.

"Excuse me? I have my own place, with my own bed in it, for that very thing! What makes you think that I would even want to go to your place, or feel safe enough there to sleep?" I have my own place, take me home... My house, please!" I demanded from him, trying to make myself sound just as dangerous as he was, but I almost ended up laughing when he looked at me in the way that he did. He seemed nervous, almost as if he didn't know what to do from there. "Turn this car around this instant," I yelled at him. I started getting angry.... like hair-raising angry

"No... I'm heading to my place and that's final!" he snapped in his deep arrogant tone, glaring into my eyes. It was as if he challenged me to say anything back to him, anything at all, and I wondered if he liked our bantering. He parked outside of his building, his chauffeur walking up to the car. "Now get out!"

I folded my arms and refused to get out of his car. No way in hell was I willing to allow him to order me around like he was trying to. I was angry at him for making the decision for me without my consent. He wasn't allowed to dictate to me as an employee or as his girl. Taking me out of my thoughts, I hear my door open and notice my seatbelt being unbuckled as he reaches in. He grabs my wrist and pulls me out of the car. Standing up I feel him tug on my wrist pulling me against his chest. He holds me tightly. I feel as he leans his head forward and places his mouth close to my ear. His hot breath sends goosebumps down my spine. "Stop making a scene, I won't stand for it. Now you're coming upstairs and we'll sit down and talk, understand?"

I shook my head. I mean what could I have said to him anyway? There was no way in hell that I would be able to fight him off. He was much stronger than I was. Plus, let's not forget that he was New York's most eligible bachelor, dangerous or not. He was worth billions, and that alone meant that he was dangerous, not to mention that he was used to getting what he wanted from everyone around him. It didn't matter what obstacle was in his way, this man always came out on top, and he was usually worth more after he was done. "Come on," he says as he starts to walk towards the building, my wrist tucked firmly in his hand.

I could tell it wasn't a request, no... this man gave me an order. As I glanced up at his face, I could feel the anxiety building in my chest. I wondered silently what he would do if I ran away and left him there. "There's no way in hell I'm going back up there!" I stiffened as I realized that I actually said that to his face.

Watching his reaction, he stared back at me in shock and disbelief that I would dare to say that to him. I just narrowed my eyes and stared back into his eyes, trying to seem as menacing and dangerous as he did at that moment. What makes him think he can make my decisions for me, that he knows what is right for me... he doesn't know me, I can take care of myself. I could hear him let out a sigh just before he spoke. "Look, if you come up, I will explain everything to you. I promise I'll drive you home after we talk. I just want to talk, okay?" He insisted.

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