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Azlynn's POV

I sit watching my little 5-year-old running around chasing after his prized blue polka dot ball. He was a handful, and I loved him dearly. I've been married to my husband for four years. I was surprised at how it all started as I swore to myself that I would never love another man. But I was wrong. It was Lorenzo who brought him into my life after all. It kind of snuck in on me, but when I realized everything I fell hard for him. I sold the penthouse, buying a more family-friendly house after I found out I was pregnant. Lorenzo gave me something to hold on to before he sacrificed his life for ours. I plan on telling our son all about his father when he grows up.

"Hey Az, I think that little Emily is hungry." I smile up at my husband's handsome face as he brings our four-month-old daughter outside. He hands her over to me and gives me a kiss as he does. I would never have guessed that I would end up being a mother to two pretty amazing kids, but thanks to him I am.

"Thanks, Joe, I'll go and feed her right now. Can you watch Enzo for me?" I say with a smile on my face. Yep, you guessed it. I married Detective Payne! He has been so considerate to me and understands when I go and visit Lorenzo's grave every week as well. He understands my need to name my son after Lorenzo, Enzo Joey Albertini. Emily Lynn Payne is our daughter's name and she is your typical active four-month-old.

Joe quit the force, now he assists me with Lorenzo's company. We restructured everything so it's all one company instead of several, which works better for us. We understand everything better, and it was all my CEO's idea. We left it all as Albertini Enterprises, and I hoped that he would be happy and proud of everything I've been able to accomplish with his company. There is now a charity in his name. Its main purpose is to help victims of rape and human trafficking get back on their feet. That's my unique contribution. That's what I am in charge of these days. We are actually about to open a center in California and I have plans to visit Lisa at that time. I know she worries about me, and I cannot wait to show her Enzo's and Emily's pictures.

After I fed the baby, I made sure her diaper was clean and set her down to sleep in her crib. I truly hoped he would live on to take over Albertini Industries when I am unable to keep it going. I hoped that naming him after Lorenzo would make him happy up in heaven as he watched over the both of us.

Carrying the baby monitor in hand I headed out to play with my little boy. It was almost time to feed him lunch and lay him down for his nap as well. Next year he'll start school, and that makes me so nervous. "Joey, what sounds good for lunch today?" I ask him as I walk back out the door.

"Oh, I figured we would just have to make some sandwiches or a salad. Something simple like that." He says glancing up at me. It tugged at my heartstrings. He was sitting on the grass rolling the ball around with Enzo. I smiled at my husband. He was just so easy with our kids.

"Want me to do it?" I ask him coming to a stop and setting the monitor down on the wooden table on the porch.

"Sure, I'll just keep wearing him out for you!" He smiles up at me.

I turn and head back into our kitchen, to make the requested lunch of sandwiches and a small salad as well. I toss together a simple salad mix in a bowl, adding tomatoes, cucumbers, green peppers, and onions. I toss in a light Italian dressing and then make three chicken salad sandwiches to serve with it. Pulling out the plates I begin to set up the table for our meal. Placing the bowl of salad in the middle, I placed three plates down each with a sandwich cut in half on them. I set down a pitcher of freshly made lemonade and empty glasses, then I called out to my family letting them know that lunch was ready. We sat down at the table to have a quiet meal together.

After he was done eating most of his lunch, he let me know he was full and I could see tiredness clouding his eyes. "Come on pumpkin, Daddy will tuck you in for your nap." He smiles down at him, lightly patting the top of his head. I watch him walk off. This life we've created together is perfect. But I couldn't help but think that it would have been so much better with Lorenzo by my side. With regret in my head, I clear the table of dishes and start washing the dirty dishes.

I heard him clear his throat as he joined me in the kitchen. "You were thinking of him again weren't you?" He spoke with sharpness in his tone. I knew it wasn't fair to him, the longing I still had for a dead man. But he knew when he asked me to marry him that my heart would always belong to him. This was because I wasn't ever willing to forget Lorenzo. After all, it was Lorenzo's sacrifice that gave me this life. I couldn't just forget him so easily. I looked up at him, my eyes welling with tears. I nodded silently, unable to find the words to explain myself. He sighed and pulled me into an embrace, his warmth a comfort and his understanding a balm to my aching heart.

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