25- A Nightmare

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I slowly walked into my room. I was emotionally drained from the day I had just had. Lorenzo didn't help matters any, as he is so confusing. There are moments when I think that he might just reveal to me how much he cares. Then, he stabbed me in the back like a sharp dagger. I don't know what I am supposed to do about this man. He is way out of my league, so really why would a man like him want anything to do with a girl like me? I have been ruined by a man like him. I have severe baggage. I am nobody, so why tease me the way that he does? Sometimes I want to hope that there could be something there, something about me as a person that just draws him in. But then again I am not sure if I could continue to go through life being controlled by another man, even if it is Lorenzo.

I step into the closet and change into my favorite pair of pajama pants and throw a tank over them. I jump into my cozy fluffy bed. Laying down I pulled out a book that I had been struggling to read for like the past year and got comfortable. There was no way that I was going to be able to sleep after that. After a few chapters, I felt my eyes grow heavy and decided to try to sleep. I set the book down on the nightstand and rolled over. Closing my eyes I drifted off peacefully into sleep.

Opening my eyes, I began to freak out. I was in some kind of room and there was something familiar about the room. I was sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, with no other furniture in it. I shivered because it was completely empty. Like I was actually in some kind of makeshift shelter with no heater. I couldn't feel my hands. Hell, I couldn't move my hands as they were tied behind me to the chair I was sitting on and I started to panic. It felt way too familiar. No, this can't be real. I felt so scared. I was horrified because, in all honesty, I knew exactly where I was and I did not want to be here. I felt so tired, tired of fighting. Tired of my existence, I was really starting to panic... I wanted to scream for help.

But then the door in front of me flew open. I felt terrified as I saw an all too familiar dark form standing in the doorway. He walked slowly towards me, laughing with his deep throaty laugh.




It couldn't be, I couldn't be here!

I cried when I felt his presence standing over me and I didn't dare look up because I knew exactly who he was. I was not willing to give him the pleasure of looking at his face. I screamed as he kneeled down and stared into my eyes. "Miss me, my love?"

Opening my eyes to a worried Lorenzo leaning over me on my bed, shaking me awake and whispering, "Hey, it's just me Enzo. I thought you were having a nightmare. But I am here now." I could feel the tears as they started to fall from my eyes. I threw myself into his neck gripping him tightly. I cried as I placed my head against his throat. I felt as if he held onto me tighter, almost like he was afraid to let me go. "Shh- it's okay." I heard him whisper holding me tightly against him.

It was just a nightmare... he really wasn't here...

I closed my eyes again, feeling completely safe.

As I slowly woke up, it took me a long time before I could open my eyes. I could feel something weird, something I hadn't felt in a very long time. It occurred to me that I actually slept, and I slept very well after having that nightmare. Opening my eyes all the way, I welcomed the brightness of the sun as it streamed in through the windows. Because for the first time in a long time, I felt happy and well-rested.

I rolled over to come face-to-face with Lorenzo. What the hell, what was he doing in my bed? I wondered as I glanced around the familiar room only to realize that we were actually in his room. I was lying with him in his huge king-sized bed, snuggled up with him. I slowly turn and try to roll away from him. However, he being asleep, rolls over and grabs a hold of me at my waist, and pulls me back into his chest with ease. We were spooning. Oh no, what do I do now?

I carefully attempted to lift his heavy arm off of me, so that I could sneak away. I tried to move away but he pulled me even tighter to his chest forcing me to go back into position.

His demanding tone whispered huskily, "Stay."

I turned my head just enough to see his face. His eyes were wide open as he smiled down at me in his sleepy daze. I couldn't believe how handsome he was when he was half out of it. But then I said the dumbest thing I could say at that moment, "I am sorry about last night, Mr. Albertini. But aren't you going to be late for work?"

He grins down at me and answers, "No, I'm not heading to work today!"

"What? Why?" I asked him as he breathed down my neck causing all sorts of sensations to run throughout my body.

"Oh, we actually have a much better place to be my dear. We are leaving at eight pm to head to a charity function that my competitors are throwing tonight, which means all the influential people are going to be attending. So I have some business to attend to, and I find myself in your debt, my lovely lady. I require your services tonight as my beautiful date."

"A charity function? You mean like a ball?" I asked him, trying not to let him know that I was enjoying being in his bed with him.

It's kind of, yeah... but more like a high-style party for the rich to donate money to the poor." He smiles at me, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine.

"But I don't have a dress for such an occasion!" I replied to him, trying not to stutter too much at what he was doing to my body.

"I know... and I have already figured that issue out for us my dear. That is why I am not returning to work. We are going shopping for your dress today. He spoke in his deep voice. He releases his hold on me, and I immediately sit up. I glance back at him, as he slowly sits up as well. "Do you want to tell me about the nightmare Azlynn?" he asks, placing his hand on my shoulder as if to comfort me and in a way let me know he did care.


"I want to know what it was about Az, please..." he demanded.

I glance at his face. "It was a nightmare, end of the story. I am fine now." I say softly.

"Are you sure? It seemed like such a terrible one..." he asks.

"Yes, I am sure. Why are you even asking me that? "Why do you even care?" I ask him, trying to get him to reveal some of his feelings to me.


I glance up at his eyes. He stares blankly back at me before slowly taking his hand off my shoulder. "I don't want you to have to sleep because I need you to be able to concentrate on the job you were hired to do. So my bed is available to you should you ever find yourself in need of it," he answers before standing up and heading into his bathroom. I could hear the sound of the shower turning on.

I get out of bed and walk to my room, before closing the door softly behind me. I figured I should get ready for the day as well. He wanted to take me shopping for a dress. I felt excited to be attending this event with him but wondered why he was taking part. Because I read in an article a while back that he never made it out to public events. Shaking my thoughts to the back of my mind, I jump into the shower myself to wash away the sweat from the nightmare. After taking a shower, I wrap my towel around my body, then walk to my closet and pull out a stylish dress I had bought on his dime. It was a dress that served multiple purposes. It could be paired with a blazer and be professional, or it could be a stylish dress by itself. It was all grey in color and had a black belt at the waist. Sleeveless. I paired it with a stylish pair of black flats as I knew we were about to be walking around.

I pull my hair back into a high bun and add some slight touches to my face. Looking at my reflection, I smile. I looked so pretty and I felt pretty too. Stepping out of my room, I found him in the living room, dressed in some light khaki slacks and a light blue button-down shirt. He had some brown loafers on his feet and he had sleeked his dark hair back in his usual fashion. I hadn't seen him in casual wear before, but I had to say that he looked very sexy, so handsome. "Are you ready to get started?" he asked me as he stood there by the elevator.

"Yes, I am ready."

"All right, let's head out," he says as he turns and pushes the button for the elevator to take us down to the car he had waiting for us. Having opened the door for me, he patiently waited for me to slide in before sitting on the seat.

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