31- Creating my own Sunshine

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Opening my eyes I looked at the room that surrounded me. It really wasn't as luxurious as his penthouse, but I must say that I was out the moment that my head hit that pillow. The bed was incredibly comfortable. I needed a good night's rest after the events of last night. My mind flashed back to finding Nick's body, more specifically running into his body dangling from the ceiling like that. It was as if whoever killed him was trying to send a message to me, or was it Lorenzo they were sending the message to? Sitting up, I glanced over to find Lorenzo had left the room. I wondered where he would go. As I stood up, there was a soft knock on the door. I grabbed one of the hotel-supplied robes and wrapped it around my body as if to shield myself from whoever was at the door. Opening it, I placed a smile on my face as I greeted the detective that was working on Nick's case.

"Oh, hello detective Payne," I said softly as I held the door open as if to invite him into the room. I wasn't sure where Lorenzo had disappeared, but I didn't want to be rude to the police detective that was handling the case.

"Ma'am, I wondered if you might have a minute to answer a few questions?" He looked serious. He had this way about him that made him seem so tough.

"Ohof course." I smiled at him.

"Ok cool," he made himself at home sitting down on the small couch that was tucked into the corner of the room. Motioning to the other side, as if to tell me to take a seat with him. "So first question, do you know of anybody who would want to harm you or your husband?"

"He's not my husband, he's just my fiancee! But no I don't know, I mean I really don't know that much about him. Lorenzo is very tight-lipped about his business dealings. I'm only his personal assistant at work, and fiancee while we are home." I smiled at him, unsure if I was saying everything wrong here.

"So, you mean to tell me that he has your entire life wrapped up in his? But doesn't include you in all the critical decisions?" he asked pulling out a small notepad to jot down notes on.


"Well that doesn't seem right, does it?" he asked staring me in the eye. His stare made me feel so uneasy.

"If you ask me, no. But don't get me wrong here, Lorenzo is a good guy. He has never ever done anything to mean me any harm." I spoke sharply, jumping to protect him without any hesitation.

"Oh I'm sure he hasn't, I'm sure he's been nothing but kind to you!" He chuckled sarcastically. "Moving on, where were you between 8 and 10 last night?"

"I was at the ball, with Lorenzo and a ton of other high society people," I replied, getting a bit irritated by his questions.

"Ok, last question can I take a DNA sample from you? Just to rule you out of being our suspect, it is purely for procedural purposes." He flashes me a huge smile, showing off his pearly whites.

"Um, yes." It made me feel so uneasy as I let him pull a hair from my head, and he collected a saliva sample from me as well. But I let him collect them quietly. I didn't want to interrupt him in his trance. I watched as he sealed and marked the collection tubes, and then placed them into the suitcase-looking bag he carried around with him.

Standing up as he did, I heard the door open. Looking over I spotted an angry-looking Lorenzo walking into the door. I watched as he marched right up to Detective Payne, pointing a finger at his chest and raising his voice at him. "I thought I told you that I wanted to be in the room when you questioned my fiancee! This isn't listening to me is it?" He growled out at him drilling his finger into his chest.

I looked wide-eyed as he stood up straight and looked him in the eye as he replied, "You did, and no it's not. But she is a big girl and did quite well answering the questions on her own. I am done here, and will show myself out."

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