18- Flirting with Danger

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Azlynn's POV

I rushed into my room so fast, I needed to cry, and I wasn't about to cry in front of him. I threw myself into bed and wept into the pillow. I never wanted to tell him about my past because I was so ashamed of it. I didn't think Julian would ever find me. How the hell did he find me then? I wondered silently to myself as I let tears flow down my cheeks.

I needed to get outside. I needed to breathe in some fresh air. So as I walked into the bathroom, making sure I looked okay, I splashed water on my face, not wanting him to know that I had been crying. Walking back out, I grab my purse and jacket and make my way toward the elevator, walking right past Lorenzo who was sitting on the couch. I tried to ignore him. I didn't even look at him. He cleared his throat, but I ignored him. I really needed some time to think and I needed some distance from him in order to do that. I heard a sound but did not pay attention to it. Instead, I pressed the button for the elevator to open up. Climbing in I turned around to see him. It was my hope that the doors would close before he entered, but they didn't.

I watched as he reached out and pressed a button on the outside of the elevator causing it to freeze. God damn it, he stood in the way, blocking my only way out, his angry gaze cutting right through me. "Where are you heading?" he asked coldly.

"That's none of your business!" I snapped at him, sending him a disgusting glance.

He clenched his jaw and straightened up as he stated, "Actually it is."

"No, that's none of your business!" I yell back at him, trying to hold back the tears that begin to well up in my eyes again. Betraying my feelings to him.

"Azlynn, where are you going? I'll ask you just this once," he stammered, forcing an intrusion into my personal space as he leaned inside the doors.

"Fine," I replied. "I'm going out for a walk." I quavered, shifting my gaze away from his. I stared down at the floor, embarrassed by all my emotions. I knew he was only doing this because he cared, that he honestly cared that I was okay and safe.

"Okay," he chuckled a bit, but I couldn't imagine what he could find funny. "You can leave for a walk only if you manage to push the button to unfreeze the elevator!" I looked back at him in shock. He was standing there with a devilish smile plastered on his handsome face. The button he was talking about was on the outside of the elevator, and he was blocking my way. He stood still when I tried to nudge him to the side. I didn't even make him flinch, not even a little bit. I gave up and hit him square in the chest.

"Fine, I give up. You knew I wouldn't be able to reach that damn button." I spoke slowly. I jumped when he grabbed my wrist, pulling me into his chest and screaming like he was about to hurt me. But I knew better. This man picked me up, throwing my body over his shoulder. "What are you doing Lorenzo? Put me down!" I screamed against his back as he tried to pull me towards him. My attempts to get out of his grasp were futile. He was so much taller than me.

"As you wish," he replied, tossing me on his bed. I looked up at him in total shock. Why did he bring me here like that? What was he thinking?

"What the hell Lorenzo, let me cool down, what is your problem?" I asked him, anger burning deep in my eyes as I watched him closely.

"My problem, little girl, is that there is a man out there trying to hunt you down and I can't protect you if I don't know where you are. I will not let you walk out of here without any protection. I am not letting this guy get you." he growled, his eyes narrowed as he stared at me. His anger was evident as he thrashed his arms. "I'm sorry Azlynn, but you're not just about to walk out on me; you're staying right here where it's safe."

I understood what he was saying to me, and why he was saying it, but he was just another guy trying to control me and my life. I did not want that kind of life, and that is why I ran away from Julian Greene. I wanted to make my own choices without someone always forcing them on me. I was angry; I felt compelled to smack him. "What gives you the right to make me stay here with you Lorenzo?" I screamed back at him, narrowing my eyes on him as he stared back at me with his arms folded across his chest.

Angry grey eyes blazed furiously in my face. "I just want to cool down," I spoke softly.

"Oh, you want to cool off?" he snickers as he glances at the door. I had no time to react before he leans over into my space and flings me over his shoulder for the second time tonight. I pounded my fists against his back while being carried around his gigantic penthouse. He walked through a pair of french doors at the end of the hall that I had no idea had ever been there.

"What the hell, Lorenzo? Put me down now!" I said with one last bang on his back. It wasn't long before I was flying through the air, and then I fell into the water, holding my breath as I plunged under. Coming back to the surface, I gasped for air and saw him standing at the edge of the pool, laughing his ass off. He thought he was so funny. "What was that for?" I scolded him, staring at him narrow-eyed, and splashing him with water.

"I was just trying to help you cool off," he joked, his eyes wandering into the water. Oh, he thought he was funny, didn't he? I will show him! I thought to myself as I swam to the edge of the pool and pretended to pull myself up. Instead, I grabbed his ankle and pulled as hard and fast as I could. I heard the splash as he fell into the water behind me. I laughed so hard as he regained his balance and looked at me with a cold stare.

"So, you think you're funny too, huh?" he asked, and I could tell he was trying hard not to laugh or smile.

"Yes, actually I thought that was pretty hilarious!" I laughed some more as he splashed water at me. We both climbed out of the pool and when I turned to head back towards my room to dry off he grabbed my wrist holding me in place. My heart began to race.

"Stop right there!" he yelled, his gaze sweeping over me. "There is no way you are dripping on my floors!" he says. Then he pulled his shirt over his head, tossing it on the floor.

"No way! I won't take off my clothes in front of you!" I sneered at him, trying not to look in his direction.

"Okay then, you can just sit here all night. At least until you dry." He grins, clearly enjoying this.

I swung my body around to face the pool as I heard the zipper of his trousers go down. I was so embarrassed when I heard movement and a pair of wet trousers landed on my head. "What the hell?" I yelled back at him, but I wasn't willing to turn around because it was obvious he was only wearing his boxers. I blushed so hard at the thought. I stiffened as I heard his footsteps behind me and held my breath as I felt his hands on my waist. He leaned close to my ear, letting his warm breath run down my neck as he spoke. "Take off your clothes now, Ms. Jennings! That's an order!"

I felt so weak and my heart was beating so fast. I had pulled him into the water and I wasn't sure what he would do about it. A shiver ran down my spine as he let out a sigh of disappointment. That's when he turned on me, ripping my shirt off my body. I let out a gasp of surprise as it landed with a thud on the ground, leaving me standing there in my bra. "Can you take off your skirt on your own, or will I need to help you?" he asked calmly.

I knew I was blushing as I nudged the skirt to the side with my toes. He groaned with satisfaction as I did what he asked. He tugged at my wrist, forcing me to turn around and face him. His gaze dipped down to my lips, and his face was only inches away from mine, and my heart jumped with anticipation.

After a brief moment of silence, he looked me in the eyes and said, "Wait here, I'll bring you a towel." Then he turned around and left me speechless as he walked away.

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