16- My first day on the Job

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Azlynn's POV

Walking into the office was surreal, but I knew I was eager to start my first day. I felt ready anyway, ready for anything he could throw my way today. I came through the building right behind him, rushing to my desk while he sat at his. I had an uneasy feeling in my gut but did not realize that I would have one of the worst days of my adult life.

The phone rang on my desk. I picked it up. "Hello, this is Azlynn Jennings, Mr. Albertini's personal assistant. How may I assist you today?"

"Get in here, now!" he yelled in my ear, and I glanced over at him through the window. He angrily pointed to the chair in front of his desk as I frantically hung up the phone and scrambled into his office while sitting on the chair. I had no idea what I had done to upset him because we had just started working. He threw a huge pile of folders onto his desk, and they landed right in front of me. I stared at them and then at him in disbelief. "You will go through these, separate the critical ones into another pile and then separate those into urgent and significant." I need to know what urgently needs my attention and what can wait. Also, whenever you answer your phone, you don't have to say that you are my PA! All you need to say is your name." He grunted, already annoyed I was there. As I went to pick up the files, he cleared his throat, "Your other duties are: I expect a fresh cup of coffee to arrive shortly after we arrive every morning; you are to always maintain the best of schedules as you attend all my meetings and ensure I never miss one. You are to offer coffee or tea, water or juice to my clients as you would me by smiling. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," I respond, picking up the folders and marching back to my office to begin my work for the day. I go to work looking through the pile on my desk. I have no idea which ones are critical and which ones are not.

After an hour of sorting, my phone rang again, and I remembered what he had told me. "Hello, this is Azlynn Jennings," I said and waited for a response. I heard breathing coming from the line, but no one was saying anything. I hung up the phone and looked over at Lorenzo who was typing something into his computer. I shrugged it off as some sort of prank and returned to work.

All of a sudden I heard him yell over the intercom, "Azlynn, get in here." I rushed into his office without a moment's delay wondering what he was arguing about. He pointed to his seat and I sat across from him. He stared at me and looked rather worried. "Is there anything about your past I should know, Ms. Jennings?" Someone looking for you from your past?" he said in a sharp tone, his dark eyes demanding that I tell him everything.

"W-why are you asking me that?" I asked him, my face showing my confusion.

"Well, it appears we have had a security breach at the office. The person who broke in was only looking for information on one person... You!" he hissed.

"What?" I trembled and fear overpowered my senses.

He relaxed a bit. "Now I need to know what's happening here. Is there someone or something I should be concerned with?" he asked softly.

I didn't want to admit anything to him, I didn't want him to think differently of me. "There is nothing," I replied immediately. Why would anyone want to break through his security to find information on me? It did not make sense, regardless of what happened in my past. There was no way he would have the means to do that, especially for a company of this size.


Once I opened my eyes, I looked around the room. It didn't feel like I was in a house, so I assumed I was in a barn or shed. I could not see anything through the darkness surrounding me, and my stomach dropped in fear as I had no idea where I was. I was so afraid for the second time in my life. I had no idea what they wanted from me, and I couldn't run away from them. They made sure of it when they tied my hands and legs to the chair with rope. They just left me sitting here in this dusty, cold room. I heard footsteps outside the building and froze.

I glanced around, fearful of what they were planning to do with me now that I was awake. Looking up at my monster's face as the door started to open, I squinted my eyes against the light that streamed in from the open door. He stared at me like I was some kind of candy. I shook under his glare, knowing that his smile was menacing and he was capable of anything. "How's my adorable kitten doing?" he asked cautiously as he entered the room. As he slowly made his way up to me, I froze under his stare as he dragged his finger down my arm.

"What do you want from me, Julian?" I shrieked out at him, only to have his huge hand cover my mouth. The other one he placed on his lips as if to silence me.

"Oh, I want everything. I would like to live with you. I want you to be my wife and have my children. I just want you, and I will make damn sure I get it!" he said with such authority that it gave me goosebumps. I stared at his handsome face with a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Why?" was all I could mutter.

"Because I can," he replied to me before turning around and walking back out the door, leaving me in the darkness and cold by myself. I wanted to scream at him, but I stayed quiet. I knew he would eventually let me go, and then I would make a run for it. I will never allow that to become my life. I was not willing to let this man trap me in such a way.

"Ms. Jennings!" I heard him yell.

"Yes, sir?" I asked, my voice barely audible.

"Why aren't you paying attention? You have ignored me for the past five minutes!" He was angry, and I knew it was my fault. I glanced into his face trying not to cry.

"I am sorry, sir," I replied quickly. "I think I should tell you something, sir." I was feeling so ashamed as I realized I had to tell him the truth, that I was going to have to tell him about Julian and the whole reason I left my hometown to move out here. I was going to have to give him my real last name. Well, it was about time I stopped hiding anyway and faced them head-on.

"What is that?" he asked softly.

"Well, to be honest, I am on the run from somebody. Someone who will not rest until they control my every move. Someone with a lot of power where I come from. He forced me to marry him outside of high school after he raped me and forced me to abort the baby. A man whose father taught him to be the monster he is, and he has been looking for me ever since I escaped. My last name is not Jennings. I had to change it to try to stay out of his reach. "I'm afraid he's found me," I whisper, afraid to look him straight in the eye.

"You know... I knew something was wrong. There had to be an explanation for the lack of information on a woman who apparently just showed up in New York City," he murmured. "So, what is your real last name?"


"And what's your real age?" he asks.

"I am 19 years old," I replied with a gulp. I used a fake ID to obtain a job here. My fake social and everything I had given him were fabricated.

"So, tell me, was this the real reason you came here?" he asks, folding his arms across his chest and staring at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." I started crying. I couldn't hold it in any longer. I just felt so weak.

"What is the guy's name?" he demanded, making me tremble in fear as he was so angry.

"Julian, Julian Greene." I swallowed hard. I hadn't spoken to him since I left my hometown. Since the day I ran away from the wedding he had planned, leaving him standing there alone at the altar.

"Tell me, Azlynn, how long have you been on the run from this man?" he asks, and I can clearly see he is fishing for answers. I was afraid to tell him more information, but I knew he would not rest until he knew everything.

"Eleven months." I whispered back to him, "Please tell me he hasn't found me yet." I looked at him with watery eyes, rimmed with red. I did not believe he could really help me with this. Sure, he had money, but Julian had it too. I knew there would be a war brewing if these two came head to head.

"I'm not sure Azlynn, but there is something I can assure you of right now. I won't let him take you away from me. You belong here, with me." He confessed to me. It had me looking up at his handsome face. I searched his eyes for some sign that he meant what he said. I really wanted to stay with him, where I could feel secure with someone I could trust. I felt at home here with him.

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