32- Finally caught

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Opening my eyes, I winced at the soreness in my body. Last night was bliss, my own form of heaven as I had fallen asleep in his arms. Sitting up in the bed, I glance over at the empty spot where his body was. I stand up and walk into the bathroom. I needed to shower and get ready to run. Forall I know, he could be watching Lorenzo closely and waiting for the right time to come after me. I climb into the shower and start washing my body. In the middle of washing my hair, I hear a soft knock on the door of my room. Hoping that it was nothing I continued washing. After I was done rinsing my hair and rinsing my body off with my soap I turned the shower off and pulled the curtain open. Looking out the doorway, I jumped. There stood Julian staring at me naked behind the shower curtain.

"Oh my god Julian, you scared me to death. What are you doing here? Lorenzo will be back any moment." I tried to bluff my way out of this one. I quickly grab the towel hanging on the wall next to me and wrap it around my body.

"I'm here for you. Don't even try to lie to me Azlynn. I know that Lorenzo left to head to the office for the day, but I wouldn't expect him to be home for a while now." He spoke each word carefully, eyeing me just as carefully.

After climbing out of the tub, I shoved past him into the closet to change my clothes. The only ones I had available here were the ones that Lorenzo bought me. Coming out of the closet wearing a maroon red short sleeve dress with a pencil skirt and maroon high heels. I walked back into the bathroom to pull my hair back into a high ponytail. Turning around to face him, I gave him a smile and a glare. "I'm not going anywhere with you. In fact, I could call the detective who is actively looking for Nick's killer, which Lorenzo revealed to me before we made love together last night." I glared back at him, folding my arms across my chest. "I suggest that you leave now, do not come bothering me again and I can promise you that I will keep it a secret what you did to me."

I see anger flashing in his eyes. "You would try that crap, wouldn't you?" He growls out, pulling out a gun from behind his back and pointing it right at me. "Now we are leaving, and I don't want any more problems from you!"

I looked at him and then back at the gun. I had no one standing with me to help me. I had no choice but to go with him and hope that he wouldn't kill me. I hated Lorenzo for running away the way that he did. "Look, don't underestimate me because this is what I do for a living. This is why I am so rich. I am an assassin! I am an assassin who is in love with a girl who wants to run and torment him, instead of just loving him in return. Azlynn I will succeed in my hunt for you, so do not underestimate me either, and come with me right now. I do not want to show you my evil side, but I will if you force me to."

I looked back at him, holding my breath. I had no choice but to believe what he was saying to me so I nodded my head and said, "Fine I will go with you. I give up." I hung my head down feeling all defeated and let him grab my wrist and pull me along with him out of the room and down the hallway. We climbed into the elevator and I stayedquiet. If he had spoken the truth earlier, he could have killed me without blinking an eye. When the doors to the elevator opened and we walked out into the lobby, I wished I had not followed Julian out of the hotel. I hated what he did to me, I hated what being around him does to me still. I was terrified of him, still to this day. I really didn't want to find out what he had in store for me now after all of this time. He knew that I had slept with someone else.

Opening the door to the limousine, he shoves me inside and slides in behind me. He leans into me and I glare back at him, trying to dare him to do anything. "Don't give me that look, you caused all of this the minute you ran from me." He growled out, holding the gun's barrel in my face. I thought that it would be best to accommodate him as best I could and Nodded, stopping to look out at the passerby as they walked about. Everyone was moving about their day, while my life was being ripped away from me. I wanted to scream out, I wanted to fight back but I was so worn out from running from him for all of these months. I just couldn't do it anymore. I can't keep running from him, this is just what my life is going to be from now on stuck with him. I resigned to my fate and slowly glanced at him. I was too scared to look back, too scared to even cry. I knew that I had no other choice but to accept this life, no matter how much I didn't want it.

I watched quietly as the limo pulled up to his townhouse. I looked over at him and saw the devil shining in his eyes as he pressed the gun to the curve of my back. He nudged me out of the car and up the steps into his home. "This way my love." He spoke softly as he pushed me towards a set of doors at the back of the entryway. Opening the doors he nudges me through, and I let out a shudder as I spot the much-hated chair complete with shackles for my ankles and my wrists. "Sit!" he demands with a growl. I sat down in the chair, letting a tear fall down my face as he buckled my ankles into the shackles and moved onto my wrists. I looked up at him. I couldn't believe that I was exactly where I started after all these months. I had been free for almost a year. I was almost completely out of his reach. "Seriously Azlynn, do not look at me like that!" he demanded that I follow his instructions. "It's just going to piss me off."

"Well, I'm not sorry. All I want to know is why? Why me?" I yell back at him, red-faced and staring at him with my red-rimmed eyes. I dared him to tell me. I really wanted to know how he could do this to me as he has. He just stood there, silent, looking down at his feet. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my emotions in check. I waited for an answer, but he said nothing. +

"I'm not sure, there is just something about you that gets me excited. I want you all the time. Your body and your mind just drive me crazy! I love you, even though the doctors told me I couldn't fall in love with anyone." He says and I tilt my head at him as he continues. "When I was younger, my mother had me tested. The results scared her because they told my mother that I was a psychopath, that I had psychopathic tendencies and I didn't have feelings like everyone else did. I'm wired differently, but I feel something with you, I need you. Don't take any of this the wrong way. I have found that I do have feelings because if I didn't I couldn't love you." He grinned at me with his devilish grin. I wasn't sure how to respond to him, to the news that he was a psychopath. It all made sense though, the fact that he could do what he had done to me and feel nothing because of it. A normal person wouldn't be able to do it. His 'love' was nothing more than an obsession. If the doctors were right with the tests, he couldn't feel love. However, with all of my research on the matter of psychopaths, I found out that they could often confuse obsession with love. This has to be what was occurring with Julian. He wanted to possess me, to control me. He wanted to feel like he had power over someone else, but he didn't understand that real love doesn't rely on power but on care and mutual respect. He was unable to feel that kind of love.

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