36- Facing the Monster

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Azlynns POV

"You are going to be a good girl and put this dress on for me." Jesse raised his voice out of frustration. He wanted me to try the dress he picked out on. He had untied me, but I hadn't moved from where I was sitting. I wasn't ever planning to put that dress on. He'd have to do it over my dead body.

"No, I'm never willing to try it on," I yelled back at him from where I was sitting.

"Fine, I'll just make you." He raised his voice even louder. I watched as he approached me. After grabbing my hands, he picks me up and practically flings me over his shoulder. Then hauls me into the other room where he tosses me carelessly onto the bed and starts to pull my clothes off. The fear and memories this caused had me frozen unable to move.


"I told you to always tell me the truth, never lie to me Azlynn. I know for a fact that you will run away from me the first chance that you get!" Jesse spoke in a raised tone, as he lowered his face down to my level. "But not after today. Today you will become my wife. Today you will be tied to me in more ways than one if you know what I mean."

"I'm not lying to you, I promise I just want to do my own makeup. You can keep one of your beloved friends in here to watch me, I don't care. I just want to look gorgeous on my own terms for my big day, please Jesse. Please, do this for me." I speak back to him, pleading with him to untie me so I can do something for myself.

I could see the wheels turning in his head. It was bad enough that I wanted him out of the room while I got ready. But I'd heard that it was very bad luck for the man to see his bride before the big day, and my family has always been big on traditions. I stared at him as he paced back and forth, hand to his chin deep in thought. I could sense he was trying to decide if he was willing to give in to my demands.

"Fine, I can agree to this. But if you try to do anything, I will kill your family. You need to understand this much. You will be mine. Even if I have to kill everybody to make that happen, now do I make myself clear?" He asked raising his voice and glaring down at me.

I nodded my head. I knew he meant what he said. But my freedom meant everything to me. I was determined to get out of here if it was the last thing I did. I had no intention of marrying the man standing in front of me. My parents were both oblivious to everything going on. I wondered if my mom even thought it weird that her own daughter didn't want her to help with preparing for the big day.

I watch as he unbuckles the shackles at my ankles before moving on to the ones holding my wrists in place.

"Now don't test me by running away. I will have one of my guys here outside your door so you can't. He will be armed with orders to shoot you or anybody trying to help you escape." With that being said he let himself out the door. I stood up and stared at my reflection in the mirror. I hoped that he wasn't being serious, that he wouldn't kill my parents when he found this room completely empty. You see I had a plan, a plan that's been in the works since his mom got wind of what was really taking place here. She was the whole reason I even considered running. She gave me hope that I could do it, especially with her help.

Instead of dabbing makeup on, I went to the closet and grabbed the bag she threw in there the day before. I put on the simple pink sundress, the wig, and the glasses she had in there. Looking in the mirror, I wasn't quite sure that this was adequate to be enough of a disguise for me to hide in the crowd. But I was still very hopeful that this was going to work. Following her plan, I walked to the window to look down. There she stood, this was it. I watched as she disappeared out of view. I stood there next to the bed and waited for her to knock on the door. It opened and she whispered, "the coast is clear." I made my way out of the room, and down the hall where I found the stairs. Slowly I took one at a time until I was on the ground. Following her plan, I made my way to the chapel. There I took my seat in the back row. Sitting down I reached under it and found the envelope where she had placed an ID card, money, and car keys.

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