33- Finding out that she's gone

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Lorenzo's POV

Climbing into my Tesla, my thoughts drifted back to last night's events. I couldn't help but smile as I drove to the office, hoping that with all the cops hanging around the hotel Julian wouldn't make a move on her today. He'd be crazy to try because I knew that Detective Payne wasn't about to let any of this go so easily.

Pulling up to the office building, I hand the chauffeur my key and walk towards the building. Stepping into my office, I glance briefly over at her office. It of course was empty, and I knew I needed to hear her voice to know that she was okay. I grabbed the phone and dialed the number for the hotel, asking for our room number and listening to the line ring. It just kept ringing, and suddenly my heart raced at the thought of her being gone. I knew I had a meeting that I needed to complete so I dialed a number I never wanted to call. He didn't pick up either, so I left a message on his phone asking him to check in on her for me throughout the day. As an old friend, I knew he would probably do it.

Hearing footsteps coming into my office I hear my cell phone ring. Glancing in the direction of the door to see who it was I see a man step into my office as I peer down at the caller ID. I hold up a finger to tell him I'd be right with him as I answer the call. "Hello, I am glad you called me back detective. I need you to do me a favor. I left Azlynn asleep in the room because I had business to take care of. Can you please check in on her for me?" I asked him.

"I suppose I can do that for you, Mr. Albertini. I will keep you updated," he says and I thank him before hanging up the phone. Standing up, I take the man's hand into mine for a strong shake. He was here for an interview to replace Nick. I scanned him and noticed immediately that he looked capable. I thought to myself as I eyed him up and down.

"It is nice to meet you...?" I say waiting for him to fill in the gap.

"Stewart Fowler, my name's Stewart but you may call me Stew or Stewie!" He spoke with ease.

"Well, it's nice to meet you! Please have a seat." I replied to his statement, motioning to the chair across from mine.

"So let's get started. What is the most difficult situation you have had to face, and how did you handle it?" I asked him staring him down.

"Well let's see. I have had quite a few in this line of work. I think the right one to tell you about would be the time I was escorting a VIP to some kind of conference. People were gathering around yelling at my VIP and I had to make a quick decision. I called the cops and then made a separate escape plan out of the building after delivering him to the building safely. I monitored the crowd outside by working with the cops and ended up getting my guy safely out of there." He spoke with ease. He seemed to feel comfortable talking so I decided to ask him another question.

"Okaywell, so tell me why you would be the most suitable person for me to choose to be my next bodyguard?" I asked him seriously interested in what he had to say.

"Honestly, I cannot tell you that I am the most effective. There are many of us in my career, and we all have the same skill set or are similar enough. But why you should hire me is because I have had years of training to become what I am today, and I know I will keep the client safe. I am ready to die for my client," he replied with some pride in himself that made me smile. That dedication might just prove useful for what I was planning.

"That's terrific because that's why this job is even open. My last BG got killed and was found dead in my penthouse by my fiancee, well rather former fiancee that I am planning to get back." I spoke with him looking him in the eye. I needed him to know that I needed a strong bodyguard, not a weak one. "In this line of work, you might find yourself in several stressful situations! Are you able to handle multiple stressful situations and how will you cope with them?"

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