21- Meeting with the Devil

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Lorenzo's POV

It doesn't make sense to me why I behave in such a selfish manner around Azlynn. She just brings out a lot of selfishness in me. I just want to hug her and kiss her, especially after learning what her life has been like; I want to hold her and never let her go... But then there are other times when I want to ruin, break, and control her. There is no way this will end well... But I know one thing for sure: I will never give up on her and let her go.

While I sat in the dining room drinking my hot coffee, I waited for her to come out of her damn room. I wasn't sure if she remembered, but she was supposed to have the day off today. Looking at my watch, I realized it was time to get to work or I would be late. On a piece of paper, I jot down some instructions and place them on the table in an obvious place. I then walk to the elevator to head down.

My phone began to ring as I climbed into my limo. After pulling it out of my pocket, I glanced at the screen to see who was calling. Realizing it was my private investigator, I put it to my ear, answering the call. "Hello, Mr. Albertini! I have some news relating to that man you wanted me to look into, Julian Greene. It appears he just rented a cozy duplex in town. It seems he plans to extend his stay here, so to speak.' He exclaimed in my ear. He always liked to talk my ear off.

"How long is the lease?" I asked him. My patience was wearing thin.

"He signed a six-month lease on the property this morning," he added.

"A six-month lease? What is he planning?" I wondered aloud. Why go through all this trouble for one girl? I thanked him for the information because I really needed all the leverage I could muster against him for my meeting later. I knew who he was and exactly what he wanted. However, the one thing going for me here was that he didn't know that I knew everything and I was counting on that.

When the car pulled up in front of my building, I quickly emerged and walked through the building, finding my office. I ignored any and all who tried to talk to me on my way. Sitting down at my desk, I picked up the phone and called my boss, Mr. Stone. I wanted to borrow him for the week and hoped that he didn't mind that I had borrowed him. I knew he liked doing most of his own work anyway.

"Sure, that would be okay. But what exactly happened to the hot piece of ass you just hired last week?" he asks me, and I tense up as he refers to Azlynn in that way.

"Don't talk about her like that. She's not feeling very well and simply needs a couple of days off." I lied to him; I didn't want it to appear that way.

"Okay, sorry sir."

After hanging up the phone, I turned on the computer. I need to prepare myself for my meeting with Julian Greene. The guy already made me feel threatened, but I didn't want him to know that. Though I knew I didn't like him, his willingness to find her no matter what risks enticed me a bit, I had to admit.

The moment Mr. Stone walked into the door with a confused look on his face, I told him the same lie I told his boss. I told him to make himself at home in her office. I informed him that she would be out the rest of the week, and he seemed to spring into action at that. Having only 30 minutes left until my meeting with him I decided it would be beneficial to talk with her so I punched in her number and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" she called softly and gently and I wiped my brow. She was perfectly fine, she was safe at home... I didn't need to worry.

"Hello my dear, just checking in with you. How have things been for you?" I said softly, attempting to avoid looking like the overbearing control freak that I really was.

"I am fine, Lorenzo. Nick is standing by the elevator. He won't let me out and I'm sure that if anyone other than you tried to enter here he would kill them. There is nothing to worry about here. Just concentrate on the work. I'm planning to go for a swim, and then I might read a book. What do you think sounds good for dinner? I have been planning on trying my hand at cooking tonight," she says, and I realize she probably could have said more, but I cleared my throat to stop her from talking.

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