34- His Craziness

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Azlynn's POV

Opening my eyes, I looked around at the room I was in. I wanted to rub at the sting on my cheek, but I couldn't because I was still bound to this darn chair. He had struck me hard for telling Lorenzo too much information about what he was doing. I knew he wanted to keep me to himself. However, I don't want to be here with him anymore now than I did back when I first ran away from him several months ago. I needed to find a way to get away again. There was no way that I was willing to marry him this time either.

I didn't know why Lorenzo called. He said he just wanted to make sure I was fine. Julian told me that he had given up on me, but that made me wonder if he had given up or if he was up to something. I was silently hoping that it meant that he wasn't giving up on me, on us.

Hearing the slam of the door, I look up to see him approaching me.

"Well, well if it isn't my beautiful bride," he replied with a devilish grin on his face. "Are you ready to begin shopping for your dress?"


"Oh but I insist, I want you in a dress even if we are only going to the courthouse." He spoke in a demanding tone.

"I'm sorry Julian, but I don't care what you want! I'm not planning to go buy a dress for a day that isn't going to happen. I'm not willing to marry you, and as soon as I can I am determined to run far away from here." I spoke slowly just to make sure that he heard each and every word. I needed to make sure that he knew where I stood on this matter.


I looked up at him, eyes wide with shock as I felt the bright red spot growing on my face from where his fingers had struck my skin. "How dare you, how dare you speak to me in that way?" He raised his voice at me. I wanted to sink back into the chair. But I was stuck sitting here, looking up at him as he screamed back at me. "You are going to do as you are told. I am tired of chasing you. I probably should just shoot you and let you go." My eyes grew even wider when he pulled out a gun and pointed it straight at me. I didn't want to die so I started to do what any rational person would have done in my position.

"Please, Julian don't shoot me. I'll behave, I promise I'll behave." I spoke fast, wishing I could take it all back. I didn't know he had a gun with him, and he was acting crazy. It all scared me.

"I don't see why I shouldn't shoot you right now. You are never going to love me!" he says through gritted teeth. I could see that he was shaking with anger. I was worried that he was planning to shoot me and I really didn't want to die. I had so much more that I needed to do.

"Julian, I'm sorry! Please don't shoot me. If you shoot me, how am I ever going to be able to prove to you just how sorry I am?" I asked him, looking for a sign that I broke through in his eyes. His phone started to ring. I watched as he pulled it out of his pocket glancing down at the screen. I could see the look of confusion cross his face and that made me worry just a tad bit more than I was already. "Who is it, Julian?"

Ignoring me, I listen as he answers the phone. "Hello, mother." He growled out. I watched as he paced back and forth listening to the voice on the other end of the call. I could tell that he wasn't happy with her. He was growling out his responses. I could tell that she was not at all happy that he even set out to find me at all. Apparently, if she had her way he'd not get married at all. Maybe he'd be working for somebody else. But apparently, he likes what he does and that was the end of that conversation.

As he hung up the phone with his mother, I watched as he slowly turned towards me. He had a look about him that screamed danger and made me whimper out of fear. I had no idea what he was about to do, and I wasn't quite sure that I wanted to know.

"Okay, so I'm not planning to kill you just yet! As I like to piss my mother off, I will always do the opposite of what she tells me to do. I still plan on marrying you, and you know what, you are going to give me a child. A child that I can train to do what I do and to carry on my legacy." He spoke through gritted teeth. I could tell he was trying to hold himself back, probably to avoid hurting me. "I am going to go out, be good. I need to work this anger out of me before I do something with you that I might regret later!"

I watched him leave, and I let out a sigh. He was such a scary guy. I have no idea what any girl could see in him. As a result of his actions, he had told me the truth about himself. I knew exactly who and what he was now, and I wanted nothing more than to run from him. If I could I would be doing just that right now. I looked around the room to see if there was anything I could use close by to loosen my restraints enough so that I could pull my hands free. But of course, he was just too careful and there was nothing I could use.

Julian's POV

Walking out of the townhouse, I was livid. I couldn't believe that she would dare to talk to me in that way. Who did she think she was? How dare she refuse me the only thing I wanted in life. Nevertheless, I will marry Azlynn and make her pregnant with my child again. I should never have let my damn mother talk me into forcing an abortion on her the way she did. I knew what she worried about, that the child would be like me. But if we have a kid like me, then I will have to show him how to survive in this world the way that I have.

I climb into my car, start the engine and drive off. I knew that there was no way she could escape and I really needed to let out some anger before I did something to her that I'd regret. Pulling my car into the parking lot of my favorite bar, I got excited as I thought about her. I was hoping to have fun torturing my kitten. She was the only girl I ever found who loved it when I was rough.

Walking into the bar, I spotted her at the pole on stage. I could feel the bulging in my pants and knew I needed to get this started. So I walked up to her don and pay for an hour of her services in her private back room. She was indeed worth the $3,000 that he always charged me knowing that I liked to be rough with her.

I let his man walk me back to the room, where I was determined to make her pay for everything that has been terribly wrong in my life. Having to make someone pay for her wrongdoings, it might as well have been a whore I found. I waited patiently for her time on the stage to be over. My dick was so hardjust thinking about what I was going to do to her. I glanced around at the many toys she had available in her room. I wondered if anyone had ever made her suffer for someone else's wrongdoings before. I picked up a dildo. I knew exactly what I was planning to do to her with this. Make sure she takes it in both holes. I wonder how that is going to make her feel.

I looked up as I heard the door open. I smiled as she walked into the room.

"I thought I wasn't able to see you anymore. I thought that the girl you wanted finally changed her mind and that you were going back to California?" She purred out, as she came closer to where I was standing.

"Well, it turns out she hasn't changed her mind after all. In fact, she thinks she can just do whatever she wants and I'll just ignore it. She pissed me off so I came here to let go of some steam." I was open about it all. She was so easy to be open with as she never treated me horribly because of my personal preferences.

"Um, okay, shall we begin?" She added some sweetness to her tone and I knew she was doing that just for me.

"Yes, bend on over. I can't wait to punish you for it all." I grinned at her as she turned around showing me her soft plush cheeks.

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