15- His extra-curricular activities

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Azlynn's POV

When I walked into the penthouse, all I wanted to do was put all my purchases away. I hoped that I could get to bed and be ready for my first official day on the job. But as the elevator doors opened, Lorenzo took me by the waist, pulling me back into him. I feel shivers running down my spine as he whispers in my ear with his hot breath. "Be ready by 7 am, I do not like being late!" and then let's go. I rushed into my room and slammed the door. He got to me and I wasn't thrilled about it, so I didn't wanna let him do that again.

Looking around my room at all the bags on my bed and floor, I couldn't help but smile. He might be pissed when he sees the bill. But all is well, I had fun, and I got some really cute professional clothing to wear to work. I opened up the almost-empty closet and started putting clothes away. But I couldn't help but wonder who he had met with. It seemed they kept it more professional. This is because he said he didn't eat during his meeting. Instead, he ate with me while waiting for the car to come and get my bags. Why did he want me so occupied?

I shake off those thoughts for now, and I change into my favorite PJ shorts and a tank top, climbing into bed to drift off to sleep. It was going to be an early morning as I planned to wake up at 4 to run like I usually do.

Lorenzo's POV

I glanced at her door, noticing it was shut. I figured she needed some time alone as I was forcing her to be here in a way, and that wouldn't make anyone happy. But I couldn't help it. I had to keep her close so I could protect her. I walked into my office and placed the next business call to Mr. Wolfe, explaining to him the documents I needed to be prepared for a trucking company. He also had to meet Savarino at The Warehouse to conclude the business arrangement. However, I wasn't in need of it because I was a successful businessman without it. But I felt the Mob could help me with a problem I am sure to have in the future.

After hanging up the phone, I headed to the kitchen. I heard no noise inside the room as I walked past her door and decided to peek in. She was lying in bed, silent, so I figured she was asleep. I quietly walked up to her bed and gazed down at her sleeping form. She always looked so beautiful when she was sleeping.

Turning around I walked back out of her room, and then to my office to get some more work done since I hardly ever slept. I started working on the business the next day in order to alleviate my load. I thought I would take my time transitioning her into the position; I didn't need to break her so quickly after all. As I felt the need, I called for my usual late-night delivery and asked my maid to deliver it. I had to let out some of my pent-up frustrations or I might make another mistake with her.

After twenty minutes, I walk out to the living room just in time to hear the elevator chime letting me know that my special pet has arrived. Turning the corner I see her. She is wearing her maid's uniform. It is as always so tight that her massive breasts are threatening to fall out and her sweet ass is barely covered. She pushed a trolley into the room, full of all my favorite goodies, but none were as much as hers.

"I brought you all your favorites, sir." came her sweet soft voice as she puckered her full red lips at me. That always drives me crazy. I walked up to her, gazing at her for a moment as the pressure increased in my groin. I knew I needed this, but why was I feeling so guilty? After shaking off the guilt, I picked her up and quietly entered my room. I tossed her on the bed and rolled my pants down as I knelt down and trailed soft kisses down her throat. As she let out a moan, I covered her mouth. Not wanting to wake up Azlynn, I told her to be quiet and watched her shake her head. She bit her lip as I pulled down her underwear and tossed it down. So I decided to take her hard and fast. I shoved myself into her and bent her over. I didn't want this, but I needed it, and I wanted Azlynn's face instead of her face as I slammed into her. I knew this woman liked rough things.

When I felt the release, I left and took a shower to wash her stink off. I left her there in my bed. She knew the rules, that I do not sleep with girls of her status. Never have I let her sleep in my bed, or stay the full night. Therefore, I assumed she would be gone by the time I was finished with the bathroom. When I walked out of the bathroom, she was asleep on my bed, so I shrugged my shoulders and decided to rest on the couch. I may have fucked this bitch, but I would not sleep with her. I would never sleep next to a woman because they might get the wrong idea.

Azlynn's POV

I slammed my hand down on the alarm clock to turn it off. Was it already 4 am? It was way too early to get up, but I stood up and walked into the bathroom to relieve the pressure on my bladder. After coming out, I put on my yoga pants and sports bra, grabbed my jacket, and headed out the door just as I noticed him sleeping on the couch. I wondered why he was sleeping out here when he had a spacious, comfortable bed in his private room.

I pushed the button for the elevator to go down; it chimed letting me know it was here, and I glanced over at him to make sure it hadn't woken him. No movement, so I climbed in and pushed the button for the gym. Today, I was planning to run on the treadmill. When I got done on the treadmill, I headed back up to the penthouse, and when I saw her as I exited the elevator, I gasped. A maid was standing there in a uniform that was two times too small for her.

She had long, wavy blonde hair and full lips, and her eyes were crystal blue. She was emptying a trolley of its contents. When she stood up and turned around to leave, she spotted me. "Who are you?" she asked with a disgusted look on her face.

"I am Azlynn Jennings, Mr. Albertini's Personal Assistant," I replied back to her, but who exactly did this girl think she was?

She burst out laughing, "You're not his Personal Assistant! He has an old fat lady." she spat out and continued laughing until I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, she was old, but she just retired, and he hired me just yesterday. I can assure you that I am his assistant." I snapped at her, not pleased with her tone.

She stopped snickering and looked at me with a clear expression of anger in her eyes. She was about to say something else when the bedroom door opened and Lorenzo emerged shirtless. Seeing us standing there, he realized we were at a standstill and asked, "Is something wrong here?"

"Of course not, sir, I was just about to leave. I hope everything meets your needs, sir," she said with sweetness in her voice just for him. He nodded at her and smiled as she exited the penthouse. I knew he was known for sleeping with women. But sleeping with his maid was ridiculous, especially if he wanted me to live here with him like this.

I glance up at his face as the elevator doors close, anger burning in my eyes. "You know she couldn't believe I was your assistant, right?" I hissed at him, keeping my thoughts to myself. Without giving him a chance to respond, I rushed into my room and slammed the door. I was furious, and I didn't even know why. What was I upset about? He's just my boss!

I jumped into the shower to wash the sweat off and the gross feeling I had from meeting that woman, his little whore. Once I finished and turned off the water, I wrapped my hair in a towel and walked to my closet to plan my outfit. I wore a slim pink pencil skirt with a navy blue blazer and navy blue heels. I wore a pink beaded necklace and a navy blue bracelet. I finished off my look by throwing my hair into a messy bun and adding a light pink and blue floral purse. I knew I looked the part and was excited to show Lorenzo my updated look.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it, finding a very angry Lorenzo standing there tapping his toes in impatience. "Are you ready yet? You're going to make me late!" he said in his usual cold tone.

"Yeah, actually, I am," I said opening the door a bit more, walking behind him, and noticing that he couldn't stop staring. "What? Is there something wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing is wrong Azlynn, you just look gorgeous," he replied softly as he walked closely behind me out towards the elevator. As the doors closed, I glanced up at his face and smiled.

"Thank you."

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