11- His job offer

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Azlynn's POV

I woke up to a bright light shining brightly in my eyes. As I slowly opened my eyes, a sharp headache hit me and I moaned in pain. Oh, I hate alcohol. I felt weak, confused, and dizzy as I looked around the room I had found myself in. Nothing about this room reminded me of home, and I wondered where I was. Did I go home with some random guy? I sat up, my whole body aching, as I scanned the room trying to figure out what had happened last night.

When I heard the door open, I pulled myself out of my thoughts. A very sexy shirtless Lorenzo walked in, holding a tray filled with stuff in his hands. He placed it carefully on the bedside table and grinned, "Good morning Sunshine, I brought you something to help you with that headache I know you have." He told me, and I blushed when he caught me staring at his chest. "Do you like what you see?" He smirked at me, and I bit my tongue to avoid saying anything I might regret later. I couldn't keep my eyes from traveling up that chest. He had a well-defined six-pack. He was wearing black shorts with his hair wet probably from a shower. His musky scent drove me crazy as he stood so close to me. It made me nervous to be around him. However, I have to admit that I could get used to waking up to this in the mornings.

He pulled off the cover of the breakfast tray and everything was so delicious. On the plate was an omelet with cheese and spinach, bacon, fruit, and an all-grain muffin. It looked so tasty with orange juice and a cup of coffee. There was also a small white pill sitting there, and I stared up at him, wondering what it was. Evidently, he understood my reason for looking at him that way. "It is just something to soothe your hangover, and there are also some fresh clean clothes for you to change into in the bathroom as well as some fresh towels." he said with a smirk, "Now eat and freshen up." he stood up and walked out the front door he had appeared in.

After taking the small pill and eating a delicious breakfast, I turned into the bathroom, letting out a small gasp at the beautiful room. It was huge, probably twice the size of my whole apartment. It had a tub and shower and double sinks with a separate vanity to put on your makeup. I was in awe. I climbed into the shower and took a hot shower as hot as I could stand. Feeling refreshed, I step out and change into the clothes he left on the counter. Looking at my reflection, I see that I am wearing a tight-fitting red blouse and slim black jeans. They fit me perfectly, and I have to admit that his taste is excellent.

I sighed as I left the room because I was in Lorenzo Albertini's penthouse again. Great! Glancing around, I saw no sign of the ruthless billionaire who always seemed to make it a point to put himself in my life. Not knowing what to do, I rushed into the room I had just awoken in. As I turned to leave, I grabbed my dress and heels.

I came back out and still didn't see him. So I started approaching the elevator. I knew that was my escape out of there, but as I got closer to it he appeared out of nowhere blocking my path. "And where exactly are you heading?" he asked in a cold tone. Wearing an Armani suit, he looked extremely handsome. The suit showed off his muscles very well.

"Home!" I muttered shakily. He looked like he was about to pounce on someone by the way he was staring at me.

"Home?" he asked sarcastically. Suddenly he raised his hand, and I immediately regretted that I had flinched back. I didn't actually think he would hurt me, but I have been hurt by several guys before. I realized that I had just given that away. I didn't want him to know anything about my past. There was nothing he could do to help me with. I didn't want to stare at him, so I kept my face down and stared at the floor. "Azlynn, look at me," he said, but I didn't dare. I was embarrassed by my reaction, so I did not move at all. "Look at me now!" he commanded me in a cold tone, but I didn't dare look at him. Until he cupped his hand under my chin and gently lifted it up forcing me to gaze at him in the eyes. "Why did you flinch back so much? Did you think I would ever harm you?" he asked, sweetening his voice. "You know I would never hurt you, right?"

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