8- Hanging out with some friends

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Opening the door, I glance out and see the taxi in the parking lot. Turning around, I lock the door and leave, hoping that I didn't make the wrong decision about coming tonight. I open the back door of the cab and slide in, smiling at Elle. "Are you ready to start shopping?" she asks.

"Oh yeah, let's go!" I replied, eagerly showing my enthusiasm through my voice. The ride to the mall was very informative, as she told me all about this guy she wanted to hook me up with, and I told her all about me losing my job and why. The situation was unfair to me, and now I would end up losing my apartment if I couldn't find another job soon. I was planning to start the job search tomorrow, so today, I was determined to try and release my frustrations in liquid form.

When we got to the mall, we walked through store after store, trying to find the right outfit. I had no luck. Everything I found was not for me, and I was losing interest in going out tonight. Heading into what we agreed would be the last store, I glance over at Elle to see her heading toward the dressing room. She has a hand full of garments to try on. As I walk around the store scanning the racks, my eyes are drawn to it. It was just right, so I had to put it on. In the adjacent room, I told Elle I was there and tried on the dress.

After trying the dress on, I stepped out of the room to see Elle's choices were now down to three. One was black and very revealing while the other was dark emerald green in color and was long, tight-fitting, and cut in a teasing way but wasn't too revealing. A deep purple, short, sexy, and tight one was the final choice. "I think the purple one is my favorite!" I tell her, trying to help her with her decision. I hold up the dress I have found. It was black, mid-length, and elegant instead of sexy. I knew I would look gorgeous in this dress; the style was baby-doll off the shoulders and the front was cut in a teasing way. I happily paid $115 for the dress and then continued shopping for shoes to match the dress I'd just bought.

Walking into a store called Forever 21, I saw the most gorgeous pair right away. The black-colored, sequin-encrusted heels would add sparkle to the outfit. I was planning to wear those shoes tonight. I was going to look stunning. I knew I was going to blow him away.

After we were done with our shopping, Elle dropped me off at my apartment around 5 pm. I had just enough time to eat a bit of something and get ready for my night out. I microwaved a microwaveable dinner and got ready for my night. I was unaware that someone in a high position had plans of his own that would eventually prove to be dangerous and would intertwine with mine.

A couple of hours later...

I admired my reflection as I stood in front of my mirror. I was absolutely gorgeous, and I felt confident about myself. I wore a black dress and high heels. My hair was pulled back into a half-do to frame my face, and I used eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and fake lashes. I applied blush to my cheeks and painted my lips with bright red lipstick. I knew I was going to be drinking, so I called a cab because I didn't want to drive my car drunk. From the window, I waited patiently for the cab to arrive.

The cab pulled up and honked to let me know it was there, so I quickly grabbed my purse and locked my door. Then, I walked outside and down the stairs, climbing into the taxi cab. I gave the driver the name of the club we were meeting at and he took off driving in that direction. I was nervous because I had never been to a club, let alone one as hot as Bubble. Bubble opened a few months ago, and I heard it was packed every night since it opened.

As the taxi pulled up to the club, I paid the driver and tipped him before climbing out of the car to thank him for the safe ride. I scanned the crowd looking for Elle, finding her standing in line a few groups back from the door. She was standing among a crowd of strangers and I slowly willed myself to walk up to her and say hi. They were so busy talking among themselves that they didn't even notice I approached them. I cleared my throat loudly and waited for Elle to turn around.

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