27- His Reality

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Lorenzo's POV

My anger grew as the man stood there looking at loafers. I was really starting to hate the man. He had terrified Azlynn so badly that she wouldn't even come inside a store he was in. That didn't sit well with me. It was time that I publicly claimed her as mine. That was my plan for tonight. I bought an engagement ring weeks ago, which honestly was very unlike me. I bought her an engagement ring, and I plan on giving it to her tonight. "Hey, Asshole. Who do you think you are? Scaring a girl the way that you did last night waving a gun in her face... it took me hours to get her calmed down enough to sleep." I raised my voice at him, getting the attention of others inside the store.

The smile on his face only grew bigger as he turned and looked back at me. "I was only trying to scare her a bit, I wasn't actually planning to use the damn thing!" he calmly responded.

"That is not what a real man does. An ideal man treats a woman kindly, surprises her and gives her gifts, and gives her the respect she deserves. A real man worships the woman he is with. Your life should revolve around her. A real man does not demean, belittle, or threaten her. He doesn't lie to those around him and tie her to a chair and leave her there for days. He does not repeatedly rape her and then try to force her into marrying him to hide the crimes he committed against her. That is not what a real man does..." I growled. I wanted to let him know that I believed everything that she had told me. I wanted him to wither in fear. But he only stood up straight, fury burning in his eyes as he glared back at me, fists clenched at his sides.

"How dare you spit out her lies?" he replied. Honestly speaking, his glare did not scare me one bit. I knew I had to show him that I was not the kind of person to back down. No one messes with me.

"I don't believe they are lies. I believe that she's been screaming the truth and no one before me would listen to her because you keep paying them off. But that isn't going to work for me. You've met your match here!" I hissed, arching my brows and folding my arms across my chest. This dipshit was really starting to piss me off.

"Okay, believe whatever you want. But those who matter know the truth of what's happened. She will be coming home with me when I return to California. You will tell her that for me, won't you? Tell her to pack her bags," he says with a sinister smile on his face. Honestly, that smug smile made me want to punch him in the face.

"I don't think so, because she belongs here with me." I blurted. "You can't just force her to return with you, and I won't just easily hand her over. She isn't your property you know!"

"Actually she does belong to me. We have a contract, several in fact. She's signed each and every one of them." he responds slyly. "Why don't we have another meeting and I will show them to you?"

"Fine, come to my office at five o'clock!" I replied to him before turning around and walking back out the door. I couldn't believe how much I despised that man. I slid into the car and directed the driver to head home. I knew she had a pair of shoes that would match the dress so she should just wear those. I watched as she sat there silently looking out the window. I really wanted to calm her down and make her feel safe again. But I knew because I didn't know the situation that I'd made some dire mistakes with her as well.

When the car approached the hotel, I helped her out of the car before walking around to grab the bags. Closing the trunk, I turned just in time to see her running into the hotel. I tried to shrug it off, thinking that she probably didn't want me to witness her cry. But I've seen them. It was difficult to ignore the fear in her for him. If she was truly merely spitting out lies about him, then why was she so fearful of the man? That fear wasn't an act, it was real. I knew I needed to look past the words here because the truth always lies in action as well as in words spoken.

As the elevator chimed to announce that I had arrived, I walked into the silent living room and felt dread in my stomach. Stepping up to the closed door of her room I knocked. "Come in." came her soft voice from inside and I opened the door slowly to find tears falling from her face. I knew it. How could I just look past this? I tossed the bags on the bed and slowly approached her, wrapping my fingers around her chin and tilting her face up to mine. I wiped away the tears from her face and looked into her red-rimmed eyes. The telltale sign of her true feelings and I brushed my mouth over them trying to make her feel better. I placed soft feather-light kisses around her face until I finally crushed her mouth with mine and heard her low moan.

Breaking the kiss, I pull away and glance down at her beautiful face. "Get ready for tonight, do not worry about him. He isn't listed for this function. I had the host check and cross it off if he was on it. So let's just focus on having a great night." I say to her and I crush her mouth with mine again. I was really starting to enjoy kissing her soft sweet lips.

When I broke the last kiss, I left the room so she could get ready for the day. I couldn't wait to see her in that dress tonight. However, if I was being honest here I couldn't wait to see my ring on her finger claiming her as mine. I walk into my room and hop in the shower to wash off the anger and the smell from getting all worked up earlier. Stepping out of the shower I wrap a towel around my lower body and walk into the bathroom. This is before heading into my closet to grab one of the many Armani suits that I own.

I selected a black suit and paired it with a navy blue button shirt and black tie. I figured that it would pair nicely with her dress. I slick my hair back in my usual style and shave the stubble off my face. Heading into the living room I began to wait for my beautiful date and as the minutes drew on and on and the time got closer to the proposal I began to get really nervous. This was huge for me. It meant that I actually wanted to be the kind of guy that she needed. The kind of guy who settles down with a woman and starts a family.

Standing there pacing back and forth, when those minutes grew into an hour I knocked quietly on her door hoping that she was all right. Not hearing a reply, I opened the door to find the room empty. Where was she? I walked up to the closed bathroom door and without knocking opened the door so hard that I knocked it into the wall. There she was standing in front of me... completely naked. I immediately felt my penis grow hard in response. I wanted her so badly. She was so beautiful. Her face was so embarrassed as she wrapped a towel around her body to cover it up.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. I was just wondering what was taking you so long. I'll just leave you to finish up." I say as I turn and walk very uncomfortably out of the room. I heard a silent chuckle coming from her and decided to ignore it for now. She'll get her payback later.

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