22- Figuring things out

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As the car pulled up in front of the building, a feeling of dread overtook all of my senses. I quickly ran inside and silently regretted returning to work today. It worried me that he had found a way to get to her, a way through Nick. As a result, I worried that he might take her away from me.

When the elevator dinged to announce that I had indeed arrived at my destination, I released a breath as the doors opened. I saw Nick pointing a gun directly at my head. "Look, Nick, it's just me!" I growled at him, watching him lower his weapon.

As he harnesses his weapon, I notice him taking a deep breath. "What the hell Lorenzo, I wasn't expecting you home so soon," he says.

"Yeah, after that meeting with him, I couldn't stay at work. I had to be here, I had to be where I could see her. This isn't acceptable Nick!" Snapping out, I immediately felt guilty for expressing my unhappy mood to him. The fact that he sat there and took it as it came is a testament to his loyalty and friendship. "So, where is she?"

"She is sleeping in her room," he replied. I walked up to her door, nudged it open, and looked at her sleeping form on the bed. Her body was covered in all my markings, and I wanted more. I intend to make sure that she remains mine. After closing the door gently, I walk back over to Nick.

"Will you stay overnight? He wants her back. He even threatened me that he would not return home without her." I kept my voice steady, but it was extremely difficult to suppress my screams inside.

"Yes, sir... that is fine."

"Okay, thanks a lot. We'll figure it out together." I smiled as I shrugged my shoulders. We sat there in the living room planning everything out. He was such an invaluable help to me in keeping her safe, but I wasn't sure whether or not I could return to work. I knew I had to try, and I hated the fact that he knew where my penthouse was since it meant that he knew exactly where she was.

When she exited her room nearly two hours later, she gazed at me with worry written all over her beautiful face. "What are you doing at home?" she asks as she sits down in the chair next to mine.

Looking back at her worry-stained eyes, I realized that I didn't want to worry her by telling her everything I had learned. Still, I knew I couldn't keep my mouth shut. She had to know... After all, it was her future. "Well, I met with Julian today," I said softly as if I was trying to convey the news to her. "He told me that you had been lying to me the entire time you've been here. It's all an elaborate hoax to get me to help you so you wouldn't be homeless." I paused right then to let it all sink in.


As she looked back at me with narrowed eyes, I could clearly see that she had no words to express herself. I admit I love it when she gets feisty. I loved everything about this strange girl who made her way into my life. Although I was rather attracted to her attitude, I had no chance of telling her that right now. As I spoke, I looked back into her eyes, full of worry. "He told me that everything you said to me never happened. That night you consented and made love with him and the next morning he asked you to be his girlfriend. After a nearly year-long relationship full of happy moments, he took a knee and asked you to marry him on the eve of your graduation and you agreed. However, you disappeared just before the wedding and he has been searching for you ever since." I paused for a moment before continuing. "He said he wouldn't leave home without you."

I noticed that all the color had drained out of her face and that she looked completely scared as she lowered her head and stared blankly at the ground. She looked broken, and no one... No actress no matter how well trained could achieve that. "Do you believe him? Do you believe that I would do such a thing to you? Do you think that I would make any of that stuff up?" she asks, her voice low.

"Honestly, I don't," I replied as swiftly as I could.

With her eyes sharp and focused directly on me, "What are you planning to do with me now?" she asked, bringing the fire in her eyes to life.

"I will tell you this, I won't just let him come in here and take you away from me... I guarantee it!" I smile softly, cupping my hand under her jaw as I lift her head to look into my eyes. I knew that I was falling hard for her, and that scared me to death. I knew if we were to make a go of it and be a couple I would ruin her and she didn't deserve that. Neither did he deserve her, after all, he'd done. "I'll keep you safe!"

As tears welled up in her eyes, she said, "Oh yeah. How will you keep him from just coming here and forcing me to leave? He knows where I am, and he isn't about to just give up." Her tears fell down her face, and that touched a nerve inside of me.

Taking a step away from her, I say, "Excuse me, I just need to think for a bit." I step into my office. Nick was there, and he wouldn't let anyone just barge in without a fight. As I sat down at my desk, I began to think about the many ways I could stop him, including the one thing she told me not to do. She begged me not to kill anymore, so I couldn't do that. I could keep her safe from harm only by locking her up here, but I couldn't do that to her. As for myself, the only thing I can do is claim her as my own and keep her safe as long as possible... Regardless of the circumstances.

Even though I knew she wouldn't like that idea, it was the only way. I had to let her know what I was planning to do. Therefore, I stepped into her bedroom, where I assumed she was since she was no longer sitting in the living room. After lightly knocking on her door, I received no response. By twisting the knob, I push my way into the room. What? It was completely empty? Where did she disappear? While I ran out into the living area, where I figured Nick was standing, I stopped in my tracks when I realized he wasn't there. What the hell was going on? Where have they disappeared?

There was no answer to their cell phones and I became frantic. Where would they be after that talk? She could be in danger. I couldn't just sit here. As a result, I called my car down. I was only told to remain where I was. I was told they would return shortly. It is without saying that they discussed this at the front desk and to top it all off... I was robbed of my favorite car. Now, I was fuming, since no one just borrows my car like that, and I hated waiting. Worrying about her and all the new feelings I was allowing myself to feel for her was rather confusing, and it had a negative effect on my body.

As I returned to my office, I studied the file I had of information on Julian Greene. I hoped to find some kind of weakness that I could exploit to make him run for his life. Yet I wasn't having any luck, so my mind shifted back to her, causing me to worry. I felt a sense of dread in the pit of my stomach as if I was about to lose the only woman who captured my heart.

It was difficult for me to ignore the fact that I didn't have any idea where she was. After all, I knew Nick had to be with her. What kind of trouble could she really get into with him around her? Not knowing how long I would have to work from home, I started working on the files I brought home to work on. The situation proved to be difficult, and I was concerned that she might find herself in some other adverse circumstances. The thought of losing her pissed me off because it wouldn't budge. The more I thought about her, the more I drove myself crazy.

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