37- Three on One

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Julian's POV

How dare she talk to me that way? Who does she think she really is? I could kill her and throw her body out and just be done with all this drama if only she didn't mean so much to me. She will be mine. No one else will ever touch her again except me. She's mine. I thought to myself as I sat behind my desk. There were a few hours before our appointment time at the courthouse. It is not the most glorious of weddings, but all I need is for it to be legal. I realize I'm going to have to pay off the judge whom I have made an appointment with, but she is worth it. She is worth all of this.

Turning my computer on, I notice the number of emails in my inbox. I click on my email, might as well check to see who they were from. A name stood out on the list, a name I knew all too well as his name made my blood boil. I didn't care that she told me they had slept together. She has been known to lie! It could be a lie to save his precious pathetic life. Clicking on his name, I read the email he had sent...


I know what you are up to. I am aware of the wedding plans. I am sending this to you to let you know that I am not giving up on her. She is the only girl who has ever made me feel anything. Even though you currently have her, I'm utterly and completely in love with her. Prepare for the fight of your life. I'll see you at the courthouse.

Best regards,
Lorenzo Albertini

Fury started its miserable climb up my arms. I wanted to kill him now. It really pissed me off that now I was going to have to put off my plans. Instead of taking her and making it easier for him to get her, I am instead opting to leave her cuffed to the bed. I will meet him alone, kill him and then head back to California in the morning where I will marry her at the courthouse there.

Opening the door, I spot her quiet form lying on the bed. I heard her quiet, calm breathing and knew that she was asleep. No need to wake her up, I'll just leave her. I close the door quietly and tell my housekeeper to stay silent and make her dinner. I would be back later to feed it to her, I just had a few things I needed to take care of first.

Walking out of my townhome, I felt a shiver run down my spine. I knew that something was up, or wrong but being who I am I shrugged it off. I proceeded on my way to the courthouse alone to kill one of the richest men in America. I knew his death would be plastered everywhere. The details were all around us. I would just have to tell her about it in the morning. Then, she will give in to me. As a result, she will understand that she is mine and will never be anyone else's. Then I will win for good.

I climb into my truck, start the engine and smile as I hear the engine purr to life. It was a spur purchase, but one I loved. My truck was one of my most prized possessions, and I took better care of it than I did of myself most of the time.

I have always had a thing for lifted trucks. They made me happy. It made me feel desirable and wanted when girls waved at me, wanting to take a ride in my big black truck. Chevy has always been my brand. I couldn't wait to show her what I traded my old truck in for. I always thought that she liked my truck, she'd like this one.

Shaking the thoughts in my head away, I brought myself back down to reality and the problem that I am facing now. I needed to forget about what I was going to do with her after tonight. I have to get through tonight first. I need to decide how I am planning to get rid of him. Most likely, he will have at least one bodyguard, and I doubt he has really thought any of this through at all.

Pulling up to the courthouse, I scan the parking lot looking for his car. I didn't see it anywhere, but that didn't mean that he wasn't there. I parked my truck, jumping out I walked up to the building where he opened the door and stepped out.

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