20- Suffering his Punishment

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Walking into the penthouse out of breath, I ran into a guy who looked rather familiar, and I wondered where I'd seen him before. He looked relieved to see me. "OMG- where in the hell have you been?" he asked of me. Like I really thought I was going to answer this guy. I had no idea who he was. I remained silent as he grabbed my shoulders forcibly. "I asked you a question, Ms. Jennings. I would appreciate an answer, otherwise, I'll have to talk to Mr. Albertini about it."

It was only after I saw his face that I realized who this man was. He rescued me from the club. He was the one who pulled Felix off me and then handed me over to Lorenzo. "I went shopping with a friend," I said, shrugging my shoulders.

As if he wasn't convinced, "You went shopping with a friend, and Lorenzo's trying his hardest to protect and keep you safe. He is trying so hard to figure out all of this." He made me feel like I just made a horrible mistake.


"I think it's better to leave the talking to me," he said calmly as the elevator chimed announcing his arrival home. I turned in time to see an angry Lorenzo entering the room. He looked worried and angry at the same time.

He looks at me in shock, as if he wasn't expecting me there. "What's up, Nick? You said you couldn't find her." He glares at me as I grasp my bag with all my might. It's an indication of what I did in the afternoon.

"Hey dude, she just got here." he snapped back at him.

Lorenzo stared furiously at me. "Where the hell did you go? ", he asked. I tried my best not to get angry at the question.

"I went shopping with a friend at the mall," I replied, holding my bag up for him to see. I quickly regretted this as he rushed toward me and grabbed my bag, throwing it on the couch. He knocked me into a seated position and I looked up in shock.

"Thank you, Nick, your services are no longer needed. Feel free to leave," he says sharply, without taking his gaze off me, and I glance left to see the guy walking away. Lorenzo grabs the bag, peering inside, he pulls out my new piece of lingerie. I blushed immediately as he held it out before him. "What the hell is this?" he growled, flinging the article of clothing around. "I was concerned about you because I thought Julian had found you and had gotten his hands on you. And to find out that you were out shopping for lingerie?" he yells at me, anger flashing in his eyes, making them grow darker.

"Yeah... I went to the mall shopping with a friend!" I said softly, knowing he was angry and I didn't want to upset him.

"Oh my God, woman... I'm sure you're going to be my end!" he says, sitting on the other side of the couch. I glance over at him and notice how relieved he looks.

"I apologize, Lorenzo. My friend texted me as I was getting back here. She wanted to take me shopping. Since you gave me the rest of the day off, I just decided to head out. I really did not mean to worry you." I tried to explain it to him.

He takes a deep breath. "It's not that I don't want you to have fun Azlynn, but I was worried because Julian's here in New York right now. I am concerned he is here for you, so I have scheduled a meeting with him tomorrow to try to calm things down. I am hoping we can settle things between us as civilized human beings." His eyes were fixed on me for a few seconds.

You will have the rest of the week off while I am at work; Nick will stay with you at home while I am at work. Because I trust him, I have hired him to be your bodyguard, since one can never be too cautious with someone you care about."

I looked at him in puzzlement. "And why do you care so much about me, Mr. Albertini?"

"Because I do, you intrigue me," he replied. "But I must warn you, I am currently considering punishment for making you worry about me."

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