24- Disappointing night

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When he pulled up in front of the building that housed Lorenzo's penthouse, he stopped the car at the curb before jumping out and quickly stepping around. He then opened my door for me. I slowly walked towards the building, tension building inside of me as I dread telling him what had just taken place. I jump when I feel Nick's hand brush mine as he walks closely behind me.

Stepping into the elevator, my heart practically stopped as it climbed toward the penthouse. My stomach rolled. I was so worried that Lorenzo wouldn't understand how I justified what I did. I knew that he was about to get mad at me. This is because he realized how close to danger I had allowed myself to get. He realized how close I was to being taken from him by force. I knew that when it came to me, he worried about everything.

As the doors of the elevator opened, I immediately felt a rush of air and found myself wrapped up in a pair of arms. Held tightly against his chest, "Hi." I whispered to him as I suddenly realized who had engulfed me in a hard embrace, confirming that he had indeed worried about me. "Give me a second to catch my breath, and then I will tell you everything!"

He released his hold on me, and I pulled back and glanced shamelessly into his face. I watched as fear slowly turned to anger, as I began to tell him everything that had just happened at Julian's townhome. I tried to get him to calm down by explaining that it was something I needed to do on my own. That Nick refused to let me leave without him as he was hired as my bodyguard. It was his job to keep me safe.

"I am very disappointed in you Nick... I mean she could have gotten seriously hurt, or worse killed. That was very reckless of you. He could have had a gun as well. He could have killed you and taken her and I wouldn't have known!" He spun around directing his rage toward Nick.

I quickly grabbed his hand and drew his attention back to me. "It's not his fault Lorenzo... if it's anyone's fault it is mine. I was the one who wanted to leave!" I replied to his outburst trying to keep my tone calm and collected. "He just followed me... like he was supposed to! He drove me there after I told him what I wanted to do, what I needed to do! Do not just pin this all on him."

He turned and faced me. It was at that moment that I saw the hurt and the worry in his eyes as well as the anger he was trying to keep at bay. "Don't you dare make excuses for him Azlynn... it was his choice to act against a direct order and in turn, he put you in danger! He chose to disobey me... God, I could have lost you." He turned away from me, and facing the window I watched as he drew in a few long breaths. I knew he was trying to calm himself down. He was livid and I really couldn't say that I blamed him any. It was a pretty reckless thing we just did, but it was also pretty daring. "Look, Azlynn thinking about losing you... it makes me crazy. He had you, even for a few seconds, and that pisses me off. To tell you the truth, he could have killed Nick and taken you into his home and I would have never seen you again..."

"I know... I fucked it all up, but look, she's here. She's here and in all one piece. I completed the task you hired me to do... I kept her safe and returned her to you. Shouldn't that account for something?" Nick finally asks.

I watched as Lorenzo took a deep breath before saying anything back, "That is true, you did do that. But you also put her in danger, and that was something you were hired to keep her away from!" He slammed his hand down on the desk, causing me to jump and he looked at me in worry. "Look I am sorry, but I feel like I need to punish you both somehow for this!"

"Both of us?" I asked him in shock.

"Yeah, both of you," he turned towards Nick. "Nick that second payment that I owe you... look I am planning to cut $125,000 for putting her in danger, and losing my trust," he said in his usual cold tone. As Nick glared at him, he slammed his hands against his thighs.


I saw the anger on Nick's face at the pay cut and quietly wondered what my punishment was going to be. He had already made me suffer at his hands when he ravaged my body trying to make me apologize for something I had done to piss him off. However, this one was going to be awful.

"Get out of here Nick, I do not need you tonight," he growled looking at me, glaring deep into my soul. I watched as Nick left, and I knew that Lorenzo was beyond pissed off. There was really nothing that I could do about that except stare at him as he climbed into the elevator. He mouthed a sorry at me before the doors closed leaving me alone with him. Turning to me, "Now that it is after ten, I think that we should just head to bed." He spoke with a sharp tone. It made me pause and look at him before I turned and headed to my room.

Walking into my room, I was so unsure about a lot of things. For one he handed out his punishment to Nick for tonight but didn't do anything to me. It made me wonder when he would be punishing me. When I tried to close the door softly, he placed his hand on it and prevented me from doing so. I glanced into his face, before the sight of his lust-filled eyes made me feel embarrassed and I quickly looked away. I was so scared and silently wondered what he was going to do. "Look at me Azlynn!" he demanded loudly, his voice echoing in my ears.

I didn't want to look back at him, so I firmly kept my head down. I shuddered as I felt him lower his face towards my ear, his warm breath causing goosebumps to rise all over my body... I wanted to wither in fear under his cold, stern stare. He whispered, "If you do not look at me right now, I can guarantee it Ms. Azlynn Harper that you are going to regret it." I slowly raised my face so that I could meet his eyes with mine. He let out a low growl and I felt him relax slightly. "Good girl."

"What are you intending to do Mr. Albertini?"

"Wouldn't you like it if I told you?" he purred heavily into my ear. I felt my legs go soft as he brushed his lips across my neck. He wouldn't be doing the same punishment as before, would he? I held my breath as he slowly made his way to my lips. Holding his mouth an inch from mine, "You need to tell me exactly how sorry you are for making me worry!" he said before finally crushing my mouth with his. He was kissing me. This was my punishment... I felt him deepen the kiss, running his tongue across my mouth trying to be let in. I opened my mouth slightly and he took that opening and began to ravage my mouth.

I felt his hands begin to roam my body. With a slight flick of his fingers, my bra clasp had come undone. I feel as he slips his hand underneath my blouse, inching its way up my smooth skin to gently squeeze my breasts. I let out a small moan as he pinched my already-hardened nipple. When he finally released my mouth he smiled down at me with a satisfied look. It made me want to laugh. "You really think that's going to make me apologize to you?" I asked him, letting out another small moan as he rolled his finger across my nipple.

"Oh, I know that it will," he spoke softly, so softly that it could almost be counted as a threat. I felt him release my wrist from his grip, only to feel him grab me at my waist, picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder. I immediately knew where he was headed and began to scream at him.

"You throw me into that pool again Lorenzo and I swear you are going to regret it!" I screamed at him, smacking at his back trying to keep him from tossing me into the water again.

"Are you making a threat?" he snickered as he teetered on the edge of the pool. I knew he was ready to do it. I felt him shift his hold on me.

"No, Lorenzo. Don't... please don't do it!" I begged him. I really didn't want to get wet today.

"Wait, what is going on? Are you really begging me now?" he asked with a sly smirk on his face.

"Yes, I am. Please don't throw me in that water!"

He stood there for what seemed like forever, holding me in the air before he all of a sudden sets me down on the ground beside him with an "Oomph." I lost my balance and was about to fall in any way when he wraps his protective arm around me. Pressing me hard against him. I tried to push him away. "Is there something wrong Ms. Harper?" he asked me, without releasing me from his tight embrace.

"You're holding onto me too tight, I can't breathe!" I exhaled through raspy breaths. I paused as he leaned in close brushing his lips across my skin. Causing goosebumps to form. I couldn't breathe, and I let out another moan as he continued to brush his lips against my soft skin. Gently placing several soft kisses along my neck.

He moved to my ear and began to whisper huskily, "You have absolutely no idea exactly how much those small moans of yours turn me on." With that, he releases his hold of me and walks out of the room leaving me breathless for the third time since I have known this unique man.

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