2- Waking up in his Penthouse

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"Sounds like fun," I replied to the text on my phone. "Are there going to be other girls there?"

"Duh, it's a party Az." Came the response from the only friend I made during school this week. My mom moved us here after she divorced my father because she wanted a fresh start. It was my first time moving away. It was my first time being the new girl and everything was so unfamiliar to me. The first person to reach out to me and try to be friends happened to be the cheerleader captain of the school. This person also happened to be the one who gave me the school tour on my first day. I felt so out of place as she was so beautiful and popular, and I wasn't really popular at my last school. My friends were the nerds of the school. Being friendly and considerate of me, she invited me to a party one of the football players was throwing. I knew I had to be cautious as I didn't know any of these kids. However, I didn't want to be too cautious so I asked my mom and since she had a date, she allowed me to attend.

Looking in the mirror I stared at my reflection. I couldn't help but smile. I looked absolutely stunning. I had pulled my long blonde hair back into a side braid, encased my hazel eyes in black eyeliner with grey and purple eyeshadow, and of course some mascara. I painted my plump lips a bright pink color. I was wearing a black form-fitting tank top and a pretty blue jean skirt, and on my feet, I wore black glitter vans. I felt beautiful. My confidence grew as I twirled in front of the mirror. I was as prepared for the night as I wanted to be.

I took a cab to the house where the party was being held. As the cab pulled up in front of the house I paid the driver. As soon as I got out, I turned and stepped into the house. Walking in, I scan all the bodies dancing to the music that was blaring out of the speakers. I see my only friend dancing with one of the team members and send her a wave as she spots me and sends me a warm smile. I smile back as she hugs the boy and then moves toward me. "I'm really glad you decided to come, Az," she explains, her voice rising above the music.

She was rather pretty herself, with her straight hazelnut brown hair, her crystal blue eyes, and her slender body. She was any guy's dream girl, but for some reason, she wanted to be my friend. I never thought I would appeal to most people, but here she was making me a part of hers. I loved her friendly face, and I wanted friends so badly that I lowered my guard for one night. Neither I nor she knew that this one night would change my life forever. This was the night that ruined me...this night was the night that started it all.

As the party wound down, I noticed people leaving. Haley and I sat on one of the couches, laughing and joking with her boy toy James. We talked about football and how I should try dating one of the guys from it. She also told me I should try out for cheerleading, and I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't cheerleader material. They both left to go upstairs after someone informed them that one of the rooms was free so that they could do their thing before she took me home. I had an hour before my curfew was up, so I waited on the couch hoping that she wouldn't take too long.

That was when he approached me. I was sitting there twirling my hair in between my fingers unsure of what I should do. I had two choices. I could either wait for her to be done or walk home alone in the dark. "Hey, aren't you the new girl now?" he asks as he sits next to me on the couch. He looked at me with a type of hunger I didn't know existed before that night. He was obviously dangerous, yet he seemed like a nice guy and very handsome. I was so naive, stupid, and innocent that night and he ruined it all for me.

I glance at him shyly. "Yes, I'm Azlynn," I answer him. He was very handsome, but of course, he was, he was the team captain and everything. He was the one guy in school every other guy wanted to be, and every girl wanted to date. He was so handsome with his dirty blonde hair sleeked back, his high chiseled cheekbones, and his prominent forehead. He was flawless, those deep brown eyes sparkling at me in the light.

He smiled at me, "So why are you just sitting here? Everyone has gone home or is in the middle of a hook-up right now." He asked me as he lightly touched my knee. I shrugged it off thinking that he was just testing the waters with me so to speak.

I send him a friendly smile as well, "Yes I know, I am just waiting on my ride who is currently upstairs hooking up with her boy toy right now." I responded to him, looking around the room.

I notice him start to fidget with his hands. "Oh, well I could give you a ride home if you want. My truck is right outside and I currently do not have a girlfriend to be hooking up with right now so I am actually free." He announces looking me directly in the eyes. He sends me a cheesy smile as if he was trying to be funny and lighten the mood a little bit.

I glanced at the stairs where just a little bit ago Haley and James left. Without knowing exactly how long Haley was going to be, I decided to move ahead and accept his offer of a ride. I was silently hoping that he would be a nice guy. I also hoped that he would continue to be a gentleman as he drove me home. Maybe this can lead to something more.

We walk out of the house; he leads me to his big red lifted Chevy truck. He holds out his hand offering to help me into his gigantic truck, before walking around and climbing in behind the wheel. I buckle my seat belt and give him my address as he backs the truck up and takes off down the road. I tell him thank you for the ride and send him a smile before he pulls the truck over into a dark empty parking lot. This is about halfway to my house. He parks the truck and I glance over at him. "What's going on? What are you doing?" I ask him getting nervous about what he was doing.

He sits there watching me closely as he gives me a mischievous smirk. "I just want to get to know you a bit better. That's not a crime is it?" he says with a sinister smile on his handsome face. He reaches out and unbuckles my seat belt, pulling me closer to him when he flips me around and shoves me down onto the seat. I let out a loud scream, trying to get him to stop.

"No, Julian stop. Please stop!" I scream out at him as he reaches down, lifting up my skirt and pulling my panties down. He reaches down and covers my mouth with one of his hands as he unbuckles and unzips his pants with his other one. I continue to try to scream as he places wet sloppy kisses all over my neck as he bends over me, then he shoves himself inside of me hard. The pain was excruciating as he continued to enter and exit over and over again. I let a tear fall down my face as I looked up into this boy's face as he rolled his eyes and empties himself inside of me. I started to cry as he pulled himself out and off of me, shoving me roughly to the side as he zips his pants back up. He then starts the truck as he drives away. Once we were pulling up to my house, he shoved me outside the truck and then drove off leaving me there broken on the side of the road.

***End of Flashback***

I woke up screaming out loud in a giant comfy king-sized bed; the first thing I noticed was the giant windows that wrapped around the room. I swear two of the walls were nothing but windows. It was so grand, it was sleek as it was masculine. The brightness of the light that was streaming through the window threatened to blind me. Then came the pounding in my head, causing me to blink back at the pain that started to pound in my head. Where was I?

Sitting up I glanced around the room. I didn't recognize anything in it. I was in a sleek and contemporary penthouse, it seemed. Standing up I walked over to the window and looked out the window down into the city, many floors below me. I realized then that I must have been fifty stories up in the sky. The room itself was modernly styled in navy blues, greys, and browns. It resembled the rich's lifestyle.

Looking down at myself I noticed that I didn't have the shirt and skirt I was wearing yesterday and that made me wonder where they were. Instead, I was standing there in a pair of black women's sweatpants and a plain white women's T-shirt that clung to my body showing off my curves. My hair was down framing my face and smelled clean. I wondered where I was.

Oh, crap...

I heard his footsteps coming into the room, hearing the door close behind him as I turned around to face him offering him a sweet innocent smile. I narrowed my eyes as I studied his features. In the light, I could see just how handsome and tall this man was. He had charcoal black hair that was sleek and straight. He had a little bit of scruff along his jawline adding to his roughness. His emerald green eyes pierced right through mine as he stood there studying me back. His glare was cold and emotionless. He seemed harsh and demanding just standing there. He had on a deep blue Armani suit, complete with a crisp white shirt and tie with different hues of blue in it. He had his suit jacket slung over his shoulder while his muscles played peek-a-boo through his shirt. Why the hell did he look so familiar?

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