Part 20

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"Wow, thanks. I just did what I had to," I replied awkwardly to the guy who was complimenting me on our previous match. "No, I was really entertained," he assured me, sensing my tense voice. "I thought that dig was a statement, what a perfect pass! I was literally your fan at that time. I searched for your social media after that match just to get to know you." He giggled excitedly. I was overwhelmed by what he just told me and thanked him humbly, giving him my Instagram since he told me he was not able to find it. Then, I jogged off to the venue for the beach volley.

TJ never mentioned that there would be a crowd or many audiences to watch our game when I packed my very short shorts and a crop top. "Like, the heck, this is gonna be embarrassing," I thought to myself as I walked into the venue. I saw the half-naked TJ wearing shades and looking flashy with his body. Of course, he would not wear a shirt. That's how flashy he was. He saw me and was about to get my backpack for me, but I immediately grabbed his hand and dragged him towards the cubicle. Some of the audience reacted like something was going on between us.

I paid it no mind, but this guy seemed to enjoy the moment. "Ohh, I didn't know you're kinky," he said playfully. I hit his shoulder, and he reacted with an "Aww!"

"Stupid! Why didn't you tell me many people are gonna watch this match?" I spat. He laughed, of course. "My bad, haha. If you knew, you wouldn't have agreed to be my partner," he replied.

"Argh! Coach is gonna be so mad," I replied worriedly. "Naah, he will let this pass. Don't worry about it," he assured me. I glared at him in response. "Go get changed. This is not an indoor play," he commanded. "No shit, Sherlock," I replied and walked into the cubicle. He guarded the door, which was just right. Sighing, I realized my outfit. "I'm gonna kill him for this," I murmured as I changed into my outfit.

As soon as I finished changing, I stashed my jogging clothes in my bag and slammed the door open. He smirked like a creep when he saw me. "Damn, you are fine," he said playfully with an accent. "Shut up and let's go," I replied, walking past him. He grabbed my bag and walked by my side towards our side of the court.

In the midst of the match about to start, I glanced at our opponents, and boy were they tall. "Oh, this is gonna be interesting," I said to myself.

The referee then called us to negotiate our side of the court and who was to serve first. We took the right court and were to serve first. I was the server. I missed these feelings. This would be the only time I got to serve and spike a ball in a match. As a libero, I only received the ball for a reception to make plays, but now, I got to do this.

I took a deep breath and tossed the ball up, ready to serve. As it sailed over the net, I could feel the tension building. The opposing team fumbled and managed to send the ball back over the net as a free ball. Our plan for the match was to have TJ, the taller spiker, receive the ball first as much as possible so he could attack and I could set for him when he touched the ball first. We executed this plan successfully in the first set, but things started to go awry in the second.

I couldn't help but feel self-conscious about my tight shorts, which were not cycling shorts, and my lavender panties that were peeking through. The opponents began targeting my zone, making me the attacker, which was a disadvantage for our team. Despite the odds, I tried my best to score as many points as possible.

After winning a point in the second set, TJ hugged me instead of giving me a double high-five. I was surprised when he grabbed my ass with both hands. I could hear the audience gasping, but he whispered playfully, "They are staring at it, this is to let them know that your booty is owned." His scent, a mix of cologne and sweat, was intoxicating.

"By myself," I said, breaking off the hug. He laughed, and I realized he was just trying to make me feel at ease.

"Let's end this, shall we?" I said. It wasn't a statement.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied.

It was the last set, and we were receiving. I ran close to the net, ready for TJ to receive the ball. He quickly approached, and I threw the ball to him at the center. He smashed the ball, and his blocker couldn't keep up. I ran towards him, jumping for joy. He caught me easily and put me down. It was a tight match, but we were defeated again. I had expected it, knowing I wasn't a spiker, but I still enjoyed the game.

TJ and I hugged again, patting each other's shoulders. We shook hands with our opponents and thanked them for the game.

"Thank you for the game. I enjoyed it," I said.

"Thank you, me too. Oh my gosh, you guys are a perfect couple," one of them said.

I was taken aback by the comment. TJ placed his hands on my shoulder, pulling me closer. He was laughing the whole time.

"Thank you. So I heard," he said, playing along. I shrugged and laughed along with him.

We decided to take a dip before lunch and headed to a cottage. TJ insisted on treating me to lunch to repay me for being his partner earlier, and I agreed because I was famished after the match. I changed into a new shirt and shorts, and he put on a shirt. We walked into a restaurant by the beach and talked about the match and the upcoming training camp in Salt Lake City. TJ also mentioned his tutor for the exam, a cheerleader who happened to be his classmate. He talked about how beautiful she was, and I listened to him the whole time. He seemed very interested in her and excited about their tutoring sessions. I felt a twinge of jealousy, but I decided not to say anything and just go with the flow.

TJ walked me home, insisting on it, and we said our goodbyes. I showered and dozed off to sleep, exhausted but content.


Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this chapter! So What do you think?

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