Part 28

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AN: hot scene on the way.

I leaned in close to him, my lips brushing against his ear, and whispered, "100%, but not here." The words sent a shiver down my spine, and I couldn't help but smile as he chuckled and attacked my mouth once again. The intensity of our passion was almost overwhelming, but I knew we couldn't continue where we were. The security cameras were watching, and we couldn't risk getting caught.

Without a word, TJ grabbed my hand and led me to his car. As we drove to his apartment, I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. I had never done anything like this before, but with TJ, it felt natural. When we finally arrived, he wasted no time in pushing me onto his bed, his lips crashing onto mine.I flipped him over and took control, doing to him what I knew he liked. I could feel his fingers in my hair as I took him between my lips, sucking him down. "Ahhh, Apol, good mouth," he moaned, his hips rocking into my mouth. I was a little surprised at how easy it all came to me. I had watched a lot of porn, but I had never done anything like this with another person before.

I pulled back licking and stroking him for a second. My tongue traced over every vein in his proud cock, making a road map of him in my mind as I explore him with my mouth. I am not shocked at all, I've seen and felt him before. But now is a different story, now I get to actually taste him. Then I took him back between my lips going slightly deeper than the last time. I may not have experience with this kind of stuff but I sure watch a lot of porn to which I find very educational. I've had a practice of course but not with another person. 

TJ grabbed my hair, pulling it away from my face. I could feel him watching me as I sucked him, I could feel how hard he was sliding down my throat. My own dick pulsed. After all the teasing, and makeout moments with him, I would like to make him release for me. 

Pulling back again my tongue twisted around his tip taking the pre-cum that bubbled out, he tastes sweet. Was it his first time? I find that hard to believe. TJ grunted softly as he started to thrust into my mouth once again, doing it hastily this time.  I could feel myself choking but ignored it. 

"Swallow, Apol" TJ begged just as the hot liquid shot into my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut, not pulling back as I drank down his load. "Ah, good job baby" he moaned. I pulled back licking away the extra before standing up and attempted to press my mouth against his. He pecks on my lips but did not get on the kiss like we usually do. I shrugged, maybe he's not into this. To be honest, that kinda set me off. 

TJ wanted to continue more of what we are doing, but I told him I'm not ready to bottom just yet, which is true though. I just realize, even how exciting I thought to take someone right at this moment.I mean, sure, we've been flirting and hooking up for a while now, but I still didn't feel like I knew him well enough. I second-guessed myself for giving him a head so quickly. Was I too easy? Was I not being selective enough?I know it sounds sentimental, but I wanted to give my all to someone who wouldn't just break me after we did it.

 I wanted to feel like I had a real connection with someone, and that they cared about me as much as I cared about them. Right now, I just felt like I gave TJ what he wanted, but it wasn't enough for me.Instead, I wanted him to crave me. 

I wanted to leave him wanting more, to tease him and show him that I was in control. I didn't want him to think that I was just a casual hookup, but someone worth pursuing and getting to know. But how do I do that without coming across as desperate or clingy? I needed to find a way to balance my desires with my self-respect and figure out what I really wanted out of this relationship.

"Hey, I respect your decisions, okay?" he said softly. His sweet demeanor was a side of him I wasn't used to, but it was cute. I snuggled into his embrace, feeling safe and warm. Maybe this was the beginning of something special.

I switch on TJ's lampshade and make my way over to his mini-fridge. I feel parched, so I reach in and grab a cold beer. TJ is staring at me with a look of amusement as if he's never seen someone down a bottle of beer in one go before. Little does he know, I've done this many times before.

I can feel the tension between us, the elephant in the room. It's like we both know what happened at the party, but neither of us wants to address it. I'm afraid to ask him if we're official, afraid of seeming too clingy or needy. Instead, I decided to call it a night.

"I'm heading out now," I say after finishing my beer. "I need to get home before 2:00 AM or I might be grounded by my parents."

TJ offers to drop me off, but I decline. I don't want to cause him any more trouble. We've already had a wild night, and I just want to go for a walk and clear my head. The village is close to where we are anyway, so I convince him to let me go.

As I'm walking through the quiet streets, I can't help but smile to myself. I can't believe what just happened. I gave TJ a blow job, something I never thought I'd do. But it was amazing.

As I approach my house, I notice a familiar bike parked outside. It's Elliot's. My heart sinks. I don't want to face him right now, not after what just happened with TJ.

I enter the house, and my mom greets me. Elliot and my dad are in the living room, having a conversation. I greet Elliot with a smile, and he returns the gesture. My parents must have told him that TJ accompanied me to the party because Elliot asks me how it went.

"It was fun. We hung out and enjoyed ourselves," I reply, keeping my answers short and sweet. Elliot looks a little disappointed, but he masks it with a sheepish smile.

I grab Elliot's arm and lead him to my room. I start to tell him about the party, editing and omitting certain details. I can't tell him everything that happened. Elliot seems to be listening intently, but then he changes the subject.

"So, what do you think of the notes I left you?" he asks suddenly. I'm caught off guard. "What notes?" I reply, confused."The letters I left in your locker," he says, looking at me expectantly.

 I'm in shock. "That was you all along?" I blurt out, grabbing his cheeks in my hands. "Yes, it was me," he replies with a smile. I can't believe it. 

All this time, I thought the notes were from someone else. But it was Elliot, the person I've had a crush on for months.


Author's Note:

OMFG! So I just posted officially Matured Content! 

Thank you so much for reading my book this far. I appreciate your efforts in staying with me all along. 

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