Part 19

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It was Friday morning, and my teammates and I gathered at the gym for a practice match against a different school from across the city. As we stepped onto the court, I could feel the adrenaline rush and intense feeling building up inside me. We executed quick plays and established our pipe attack, courtesy of TJ from the back of the court. He was so used to hitting the ball from the back, which turned into our advantage and helped us ace the practice game. The other team's coach showered us with compliments, praising how strong and ready our team was for the upcoming competitions.

After a while, our coach dropped a bombshell on us that made everyone, except for me, shout and celebrate.

"We booked you a 1-week training camp to Salt Lake City and have a practice match with the UCLA Men's Volleyball team," he said.

"Wow, UCLA?"

"Woah!" some of the boys murmured.

"But coach, isn't it winter season there?" Curious Sam asked.

Then it dawned on me - I would get to see real snow! Oh my God, I was freaking out! I couldn't help but smile like a creep.

"Yeah, it is starting to get chilly there, but no reports of snow just yet. Well, who knows? We might witness the first snowfall there for this year," the coach said with a hint of excitement.

"It is an all-expense training camp for our club, but there is a catch," the coach added, and my ears perked up. Wow, an all-expense-paid training camp by the school? What could be the catch?

"Of course there is," the boys started to murmur again.

"What is it, coach?" TJ dared to ask, showing his temper.

"Simple, you just have to make sure to pass the periodical examination," the coach replied, almost all of my teammates groaning and arguing.

Then again, I was surprised. These jocks did not strike me as stupid. I guess there's so much to know about them.

"You get to pay for the expenses if you happen to fail the periodic exam," the coach added, and my jaw dropped. That was going to be expensive, that's for sure.

"Well, that's not going to be a problem for me because I'm maintaining my grades just right, but I was surprised that most of my teammates are worried about academics," I thought to myself.

"But coa-" Ivan was about to raise an argument, but he was shut down.

"No buts," the coach said firmly, interrupting Ivan. Now I'm starting to get worried.

The boys continued to groan as they lost to the idea of passing the examination.

"Find a tutor and ask them to help us get over with the exam. We have to focus and get this over with. We are not going to be stopped by fucking test papers," he shouted towards us, and others seemed to agree and nod their heads.

"Fuck yeah!" they murmured. I must say, I was impressed. The coach had that effect on everyone, including me. He must have seen that potential as the reason why he made him the captain of our team.

The coach seemed pleased with the enthusiasm he witnessed today and dismissed us.

"Good practice today," Elli said behind me while I was drying my hair from the shower. It was almost 7 when I finished showering, and I didn't take note of the time since I was listening to Arianna's track.

"Yeah, why are you still here?" I asked him, expecting that I was the only one left.

I thought I was the last one to leave the gym, but apparently, Elli had been waiting for me. "I was waiting for you," he said, scratching his head nervously. "I am thinking I must fetch you to your house, or we may have dinner if that's okay with you?"

I felt my cheeks flush with excitement at the thought of spending more time with him. Elli was always so sweet and attentive, treating me like a lady even though we were just friends. "Yeah, why not?" I answered without hesitation, returning his smile.

As we walked towards his motorcycle, my heart fluttered with excitement. It wasn't just any regular day - I was with him, my best friend, and I couldn't be happier. He offered to carry my bag for me, but I politely declined, feeling independent and not wanting to burden him. As we drove to the diner, I couldn't help but steal glances at him from the corner of my eye. He looked so handsome, and I felt so lucky to have such a great friend who cared about me.

"Are you not bothered with the exam?" I asked him out of nowhere. He made a face and replied, "Actually, I was going to ask you to be my tutor to pass the exam." He said it shyly, and I could feel my cheeks turn red. I kind of saw this coming, so I agreed to be his tutor until the periodic exam.

The night ended with good conversations and his cheesy pick-up lines. I must say I appreciated his efforts, but I wasn't sure if I felt the same way. I was happy with him, but I didn't know if I was ready to be more than just friends. I sighed, hoping that things would work out.

Later that night, I checked my phone and saw missed calls and a message from TJ, asking me to play beach volleyball with him again tomorrow. I thought about it for a while before composing a response. I was planning to jog the next day since it was the weekend, but I decided to text him back and say that I was down to play.

He replied, "Cool, wear something sexy." Reading this, I was taken aback. What the heck? When did I ever not look sexy in my volleyball outfits? I grunted and scanned my wardrobe, looking for the perfect outfit. I settled on a pair of bikini-like shorts and a crop top, feeling confident and ready to show him what I've got.

As I tried on my outfit for the next day, I smirked in front of my mirror. "Eat this, asshole. Not sexy my ass," I murmured to myself, feeling empowered and ready to dominate on the volleyball court.

Then, I dozed off to sleep, excited and nervous for the match tomorrow.

Saturday Morning

I woke up early, feeling excited and a bit nervous about the upcoming beach volleyball match. After munching on breakfast, I decided to go for a jog to clear my head and get some exercise in before the game. I grabbed my bag, which contained my volleyball outfit, and headed towards the beach.

As I was walking, taking in the beautiful scenery of the beach, I suddenly bumped into someone. "I'm so sorry, I didn't see you-" I apologized, feeling embarrassed. The tall figure in front of me smiled and asked, "It's fine, are you okay?"

Then he continued, "Hey, you're that volleyball player, right? The one who is very sassy and did that weird dig in a previous match, right?" I was taken aback by his comment, feeling a mix of surprise and flattery. "I watched your match, and it was amazing!" he exclaimed excitedly.

I couldn't help but feel a bit self-conscious about his comment. Did I come across as sassy? I mean, I always try to play my best and show confidence on the court, but I didn't think it came across as being sassy. Nonetheless, his compliment made me feel good, and I thanked him for his kind words.

As I continued my jog, I couldn't help but think about his comment. It made me realize that how others perceive me is not always how I perceive myself. It's important to embrace and love ourselves for who we are, and not worry too much about how others see us.


Author's Note: 

I'm glad you made it this far of the story. Thank you for your time and effort! Enjoy the next chapter! ✨

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