Part 31

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After rummaging through my closet and arguing with myself about which outfit to wear, I finally settled on something cute. I opted for a yellow shirt with a Pikachu image printed on it that matched perfectly with my denim shorts, which I bought with my dad during our first visit to the mall. Tucking my shirt in and slipping into my white vans, I decided to accessorize with a unisex sports wave headband I recently ordered to tame my curly hair. I couldn't help but wonder if I had overdone it, like the last time I attended a party.

Feeling confident, I headed downstairs to grab lunch, and my mother had cooked my favorite Filipino dish, "Sinigang." I savored every bite of the delicious meal, then snapped a mirror picture of myself and uploaded it to Instagram before heading out to meet Elliot at the volleyball gym.

As I walked into the gym, the crowd was electric. A women's volleyball match was ongoing, and the set was intense. Many people had gathered to watch and enjoy the game. According to Elliot, it was an under-20 tournament, and as junior players, my teammates and I were preparing for the annual tournaments held for players under 15, under 18, under 20, and under 23.

Elliot was still on duty, one of the committees throwing balls to the players serving the ball. I looked around and found a few vacant seats at the top of the crowded benches. I made my way up there and took a seat, waiting for Elliot to notice me and wave. I texted him too, just to make sure he knew where I was seated.

A few moments later, I was greeted by Ivan, Seth, and Vanjoe. They were surprised to see me alone, and I told them that Elliot had invited me but was on duty. Seth and Ivan teased me about being Elliot's supportive girlfriend, but I just gave them the middle finger and laughed it off.

Suddenly, TJ appeared out of nowhere, wearing the same Pikachu shirt as me. I felt a wave of awkwardness wash over me because now everyone would think we were wearing couple shirts.

"Oh, shit," Seth whispered to me. "Hey, TJ, I thought Elliot was into Apol. Why are you wearing a couple shirt?" Vanjoe asked TJ teasingly.

TJ just smirked and teased me about spying on him on Instagram. I rolled my eyes and retorted, "You're the one stalking me, you creep." The other boys started goofing around like they were at a rap battle, and I found myself laughing with them.

TJ didn't sit next to me because I told them Elliot would join us after the ongoing game ended. When Elliot finally looked in our direction and waved at us, Seth and I waved back, but Vanjoe, Ivan, and TJ gave him the middle finger, and we all laughed when Elliot frowned.

As the women's game ended, I turned to see Elliot approaching us. I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous as he looked at TJ's shirt and then mine. I knew he was going to say something about us wearing couple shirts, and it was going to be awkward. Elliot frowned at me, clearly not amused. TJ, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy annoying him.

"That's not what you think, Elli," I tried to explain, feeling embarrassed by the attention we were getting. But TJ interrupted me with a smug look on his face, "Why are you explaining to him? He's not even your boyfriend yet."

I cringed at TJ's words, knowing it was only going to make things worse. Elliot's face grew angry, "Fuck you man!" he spat at TJ. I shot TJ a glare, feeling annoyed with him. He had snubbed me yesterday and punished me for a small violation, and now he was causing drama with Elliot.

As the next game was starting in twenty minutes, I decided to take Elliot outside to grab some snacks and cool down. "Hey," I grabbed his shoulder on our way to a nearby stall. "Are you free tonight?" I asked, hoping to make things right between us. "I'm free, yeah. Why?" he replied, looking surprised.

"I kinda not want to have dinner alone tonight, cause my dad will treat my mom on a date so... I wanted to know if it's okay for you to have dinner with me tonight?"

Elliot's frown turned into a smile, and I felt relieved that he was cool now. "You're the one who's asking me on a date now huh?" he teased. I chuckled, feeling a bit shy. He then grabbed my shoulder and lifted me cheerfully. "Alright, I'll have dinner with you," he whispered. I blushed, feeling flattered when he told me how much he liked my fashion taste and how I dressed unapologetically.

We grabbed some chips, snacks, and drinks, then made our way back to our seats. Seth couldn't help but tease Elliot, "Wow, someone changed his mood." When TJ looked at me, he raised a brow. I rolled my eyes, feeling satisfied that he was getting a taste of his own medicine. We handed over the snacks to them, and soon after, the match began.

Elliot and Seth told me that this was the BJNC 18 Open Gold Match between SPVB B18 Mizuno and Balboa Bay 18 Blue. Vanjoe added that it was the most awaited match to happen here in Long Beach State. I was blown away that these players were three years older than me and played like professional volleyball players. They were tall, powerful, and synchronized as a team.

I was grateful that Elliot had invited me to watch this match. It was a great opportunity to witness the next level we were about to face if we qualified for this category. I was also surprised to learn that in this tournament, a Libero serves. This gave me the adrenaline to practice my serving ability. I couldn't believe how much I was learning from being here in this country.

The match was intense, as expected in a higher level of volleyball. I watched in awe as the players executed their plays flawlessly. SPVB took the first set, and I couldn't help but feel impressed by their athleticism. Their service was on point, their attacks were intense, and both teams' defense was superb. This was the level of volleyball that I found exciting.

As the match continued, I couldn't help but feel the intensity of each play. Both teams were giving it their all, and I was in awe of their skills and teamwork. The energy in the gym was electric, and I could feel my own excitement growing with each passing point.Elliot's words about playing for these teams echoed in my mind. It made me realize that if I wanted to be a part of a team like this, I had to step up my game. I had to work harder, train better, and give it my all in every qualifying game.As the third set began, I felt a newfound determination within me. I wanted to be like these players on the court, giving it my all and working together as a team. I watched closely as they executed their plays flawlessly, and I made mental notes of what I could improve on in my own game.The third set was intense, with both teams fighting hard for every point. But in the end, SPVB came out on top, winning the set and the match. The gym erupted into cheers and applause, and I found myself clapping and cheering along with them.As we made our way out of the gym, Elliot turned to me with a smile. "You know, you have a lot of potential on the court," he said. "I believe you could make it to a team like that someday."His words filled me with a sense of pride and determination. I knew that it wouldn't be easy, but I was willing to put in the work and the effort to make it happen. As we walked towards the exit, I felt a sense of excitement building within me for the future of my volleyball career.


Authors Note: 

Wow, I just published two chapters in a row 

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