Part 23

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Days have passed and I find myself spending more time with Elliot after our volleyball practices. We have been tutoring each other for the upcoming Examination and watching NCAA men's volleyball matches in my room. My parents are so cool with him coming over after practice and everything seems to be going well.

It's always a delight to see Elliot's passion for volleyball. He reacts to every point made by each team, gasping, shouting, and growling just like men in bars watching football matches. Currently, BYU and UCLA are on my TV screen, and boy is it intense! Both of these teams are powerful in their way, BYU attacks superbly, while UCLA retaliates back. I can't help but cringe whenever members of their team commit errors in crucial situations. I can see why Elliot reacts the way he does.

What stands out about these athletes is that they're under the nineteen (U-19) category, meaning we are mostly of the same age! Some of them are even running to become national athletes, according to the commentator. How crazy is that?

Elliot wants to be like the athletes we are watching, just as much as I do. Ever since I was little, I wanted to play volleyball and become a national athlete. Back in Manila, I trained and worked hard to get to where I am now. Moving to Long Beach State ignites that dream even more.

"I've watched this game a couple of times, and I still feel the hype of the match," he said, not taking his focus away from the TV. I smiled, "Yeah, just as I thought," I replied blissfully. He was like a kid watching his favorite TV show. "You know, I want to qualify for NCAA and be like these athletes someday," he told me, looking serious. I can see his determination with what he just said. "After Senior High, I will enroll at Long Beach State University and become a national athlete as well." Having him say that, I never really thought of college here abroad. I mean, I just moved here, and I don't know much. But I'm sure he'll enlighten me with those things.

It's amazing to hear Elliot's plan after junior high. He has this vision in his mind of what he wants to become. "I'm sure you will, Elli. You and our teammates are building a legacy in Junior high now, and for sure, you're on their list to grant a scholarship," I replied blissfully. He hugged me, and I willingly accepted. "I want us to be together, I want both of us to get accepted in Long Beach University," he followed up without breaking the hug. I patted his back and told him I'd love that idea. Besides, we both want the same thing, right?

This conversation made me realize something. It made me realize how much he likes me. Including me in his dreams is too serious, and I find it very romantic.

"A man after my heart," I giggled and tightened the hug. He chuckled, "A man after your heart," he repeated.

That night turned out to be memorable for me and Elliot. He made me feel butterflies again in my belly. I think- no, I know I'm falling for him. That silly tall, red-headed, handsome, and sweet guy is after my heart.

It's another Thursday in school, and I can feel the pressure building up as the day goes by. The examination is just a day away, and my teammates are feeling the same way. Even during our break, all they talk about are the subjects and questions that might come up in the exam. I can see the determination in their eyes to pass this dreaded examination so that we can all join the upcoming training camp in Utah. Speaking of which, while we're in my room tutoring one another, we talk about how exciting the training camp will be. I'm even more excited to train with UCLA, a team that qualifies for NCAA.

The last bell for the afternoon finally rang, and we were all relieved to be free from our last instructor's shenanigans. I move outside the classroom, bumping shoulders with other teenagers as we make our way to the halls of our school. I head straight to my locker to stash my books and grab my training bag.

As I make my way to the gym, I bump into TJ, who has barely talked to me these past few weeks. I can tell that something's up, and I can't help but feel uneasy around him. Whenever I commit an error during our training, he pays me no mind, like I'm not even there with him on the court. He can't do that! Not to us, not to me, not if we're in a team!

I don't want the atmosphere to be awkward between us, so I approach him. "Hey," I greet him in an approachable tone. "Hey," he replies timidly, not making eye contact with me. I can feel the tension between us, and it's making me uncomfortable.

"That's it!" I say to myself as I walk away. I can't let this tension get in the way of our team's success. I need to find a way to talk to TJ and figure out what's been going on between us. We're a team, and we need to work together if we're going to succeed.

I pushed him away from me, causing him to stumble back. 

I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I looked at him, shocked at what had just happened. 

"What the hell, TJ?" I shouted, my voice shaking with both anger and confusion. 

 He looked at me, his eyes dark with desire, but there was something else there too, something I couldn't quite a place. 

"I'm sorry," he said, his voice low and husky. "I shouldn't have done that. I just couldn't resist you any longer." 

 I felt my anger slowly ebbing away as I looked at him. 

There was something about the way he was looking at me that made my heart flutter. 

Maybe it was the fact that he was so vulnerable, so unlike his usual jock self. 

"What do you mean, you couldn't resist me?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. 

 "I mean, I've been wanting you for so long," he said, taking a step closer to me. 

"I know we're teammates and all, but there's something about you that I just can't ignore."I looked at him, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. 

It wasn't just me who was feeling this way. "I've been wanting you too," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. 

 He smiled, and I felt my heart skip a beat. "Then why did you push me away?" he asked, his voice teasing."I just...I wasn't ready," I said, feeling embarrassed. 

 "It's okay," he said, taking another step towards me. "We don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with. We can take it slow." 

 I looked at him, feeling a sense of warmth spreading through my body. 

Maybe this was what I needed, someone who understood me, someone who wanted me for who I was. "Okay," I said, smiling at him.He grinned back at me, and I felt my heart swell with happiness. Maybe this was the start of something new, something exciting. 

I couldn't wait to find out.


Author's Note:

Hey, what do you think about this chapter?

Do you think this episode si hot?

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