Part 27

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This is a surreal feeling, I'm on my way to TJ's cousin's party. We've been hanging out for a while now and I have to admit, I like him. I don't know if he's gay or bi or what, but he hasn't brought up that topic before. I mean, if he's straight, why would he bring me to meet his relatives? We've even almost made out before, in the shower and in the restroom by the gym. I definitely felt something, but maybe I'm reading too much into it.

As we arrive at the party, I can't help but notice how elegant and sophisticated it looks. TJ reaches for my hand, surprising everyone as we enter the venue. I wonder if he's open with his relatives about his sexuality. He's known as a jock and the ace of the team, he's tall and sometimes intimidating. I don't think anyone would guess that he's a member of the LGBTQ+ community.

We're greeted by a middle-aged couple who turns out to be TJ's parents. His mother kisses me on the cheeks in excitement. TJ introduces me to them as his boyfriend, catching me off guard. I didn't know that was his plan. We've talked about our feelings for each other, but we haven't discussed it thoroughly. TJ tells his parents that I'm on the team too, making them more curious about how we ended up together.

I try to get along with his parents, who are excited to finally meet someone TJ has formally introduced. TJ's mother even asks us who admitted their feelings first. I can feel my cheeks turning red as TJ and his parents laugh. It turns out I'm the first person he's ever introduced to his parents. I feel lucky, but also a bit embarrassed.

The party is amazing and TJ's relatives are accepting of me, but they can't believe the news about me being his boyfriend. I'm not sure I can believe it either, but I enjoy the moment nonetheless. TJ never leaves my side, so I don't have to answer any awkward questions about our relationship.

As we tell TJ's parents we're leaving, his mother encourages me to come over for dinner sometime. I sheepishly agree and we say our goodbyes before leaving the party. I can't help but feel a mix of emotions as we drive to my house. Part of me is angry at TJ for putting me in such an awkward situation, but another part of me is thrilled that he's so open about his feelings for me. Overall, I'm just happy to have him in my life.

As TJ suggested that we go to the beach, I was initially hesitant. I was wearing heels and didn't want to ruin them on the sandy beach. 

But, he insisted and drove us there. When we arrived, he parked his car in a dark corner and turned off the engine. Before getting out, he stole a quick kiss on my cheek, which left me feeling giddy and excited. As he rushed to my side of the car, he opened the door for me and offered his hand to help me out. 

"You're such a gentleman," I said with a smile as I took his hand and stepped out of the car.We walked towards the beach park, hand in hand. The pathway was stoned, so it was easy to walk on despite my heels. 

There were a few locals walking along the beach, and we joined them, enjoying the cool breeze from the ocean. 

 "So, I'm your boyfriend, huh?" I asked TJ, my gaze still fixed on the pathway. "Tell me you don't like it," he teased. I rolled my eyes at him and replied, "You're crazy, you know that? You just told your whole clan that I'm your boyfriend without actually asking me if I want to be your boyfriend."

 He squeezed my hand and replied with a smirk, "I could tell from the way you looked at me that you wanted to be my boyfriend." 

I chuckled and responded, "You wish," and moved past him.He was about to chase me, but I quickly took off my heels and ran through the sandy beach walk. 

It was like a scene from a romantic comedy as he chased after me. We stumbled together in the sand, and he ended up on top of me. 

 The moonlight highlighted his gorgeous smile, and I was left panting like a gremlin. He leaned in and kissed me passionately, slow and sweet. 

I wrapped my arms around his neck, and his hand caressed my face. Our bodies intertwined, and I could taste the mint from his warm mouth as he explored mine. 

 As we paused to catch our breath, he pecked my face with kisses before his mouth traced its way to my neck, slowly sucking on it. 

He bit my earlobe before rushing back to my mouth, sending shivers down my spine. "What a tease," I managed to tell him during the kiss. 

It was as if we were making out for the last time.He attacked my neck once again, and that was when I noticed he could see my bare chest. 

His touches were hot, burning my skin, as he made his way down to my nipples, teasingly biting them before sucking on my breasts. I moaned his name from the sensations he was giving me.With all my strength, I flipped our positions, and now I was on top of him. 

I attacked his lips once more and tried to do everything he did to me. I couldn't let him have all the control. 

I had to dominate him as he did to me. Without hesitation, I unbuttoned his shirt, but he grabbed my hand and stopped me."Apol, are you sure about this?" he asked, looking into my eyes with concern.


Author's Note:

Hello Everyone? Did you guys enjoy this episode?

This has been my longest chapter ever. Well, I think it's worth it right?

Let me know your thoughts? Comment and Vote and share this story, please!! 

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