Part 33

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I can't believe it's almost time for the Utah training camp! I've been waiting for this moment for weeks now, and I can't wait to get there. My bags are packed, and I feel ready and excited for the challenge that awaits me.

The past few weeks have been intense for my team and me. We've been training non-stop, focusing not only on our physical abilities but also on our mental well-being. We've been participating in player counseling and learning how to manage our emotions both on and off the court. These training plans are perfect for my team, especially since some of us tend to get angry or frustrated when we make mistakes or don't get the set we want.

My teammate Seth and I have been working hard on our positions, trying to improve our receiving skills by using a ball dispatcher machine that launches balls at speeds of 60-80 kilometers per hour. My knees and hips are bruised from all the hard work, but I know it's just proof of my dedication to reaching my full potential as a libero.

One thing I'm not too fond of, though, is the gym work. I struggle with lifting barbells and building up my chest. I like my lean body the way it is and don't want to have broad shoulders or a big chest. So I've asked my mentor for a few modifications to my lifting workouts, making them a little lighter so that I can still build strength without sacrificing my ideal body shape.

Practice has been tough, too, but we've been working on a drill that's particularly grueling: the one-man. In this drill, we have to chase the ball the coach throws at us, touch the ball from the coach first, and then move backward to receive powerful spikes. It's exhausting, and we're all sweating and tired by the end of it.

When it was my turn, I tried to deflect as many balls as I could, but the coach was relentless. He would spike the ball hard in my direction, then switch to throwing it as a drop or a tip. Just when I thought I had it figured out, he would switch back to spikes. I was panting and dizzy by the end of it, and I collapsed, losing my breath. The coaching staff attended to me right away, giving me water and space to breathe. I was sore and exhausted, but I knew I had given it my all.

Later that afternoon, I watched the boys play from the sidelines. Elliot sat down beside me and asked how I was feeling. I told him I was feeling better than earlier, and he smiled. "You gave it your all earlier," he said. "You look so damn hot when you dig." He ruffled my hair, and I blushed. "Stop," I said playfully, grabbing my cheeks to hide my face. He laughed and teased me some more, but I couldn't help but smirk back at him.

Before we were dismissed, the coaching staff briefed us on the details of the training camp. We were flying to Utah on Saturday morning and returning to Long Beach the following Saturday. They gave us guidelines and rules to follow once we arrived in Utah.

I'm grateful for tomorrow's free day. My body is exhausted from practice, and I need to rest and regain my energy before the training camp. I know it will be tiring, but I'm ready for the challenge.

As I arrived home, my body felt heavy, and my head was spinning. I knew something was off. My limbs felt weak, and every step felt like a chore. The thought of going to my bed was the only thing that gave me comfort.

I closed my eyes and slipped into a deep sleep, but my slumber was cut short by my mother's voice. Her palm rested on my forehead, and she could feel the heat radiating from my skin. She checked my temperature and quickly went to my medicine kit to look for some pills. She poured water into my glass and handed it to me.

Throughout the night, my mother stayed by my side. She would check on me every now and then, making sure that I had enough water and rest. It was comforting to know that someone cared for me that much.

The next day, I still felt weak and unwell, but I knew I had to get better before the training camp in Utah. I received a text message from my friend TJ, asking how I felt. I didn't want them to worry, so I told him I was fine. He asked if I wanted to play arcade games, but I turned him down. My body needed more rest.

I spent the whole day in bed, sleeping and taking naps. I realized that my body was punishing me for pushing myself too hard during training and practice. Rest and recovery were what I needed.

My mother suggested that I skip the training camp in Utah, but I refused. I knew that missing out on it would mean losing out on a lot of opportunities. Our argument escalated quickly, leaving me feeling anxious and stressed. The thought of missing out on the big day was too much to bear.

In my desperation, I dialed Elliot's number. I told him that I might not be able to join them in Utah because I was sick. He offered to come over and take care of me, but I refused. Instead, I asked him to sing me a song over the phone to comfort me. It was a small gesture, but it meant the world to me.


Author's note: 

Thank you for reading this chapter, to be honest, kinda want to finish this story but I'm not sure if it will gain more reads and votes. 

You guys are my motivation. Please read, vote, and comment on this chapter! 

Love you


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