Part 36

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As soon as we woke up the next day, I felt a surge of excitement rushing through my veins. Our team had planned to hike the beautiful mountain of Salt Lake City. We prepared ourselves and gathered our gear, eager to conquer the climb ahead.

We reached the base of the mountain and started our ascent. The view from the bottom was already stunning, but I knew that it would only get better as we climbed higher. The trek was challenging, but the breathtaking scenery kept us motivated.

As we continued our climb, I couldn't help but notice the weather here in Utah. Unlike other places where outdoor activities make you sweat profusely, Utah's dry weather ensured that even if you ran a mile, you wouldn't sweat at all. It was a surreal experience, and I was grateful for the opportunity to explore this beautiful state.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, we reached the top of the mountain. The view from above was the fruit of our labor. We could spot the whole metropolitan city from the top. It was a magical moment that only nature could provide.

I took out my phone and started taking as many pictures as I could with my teammates. Elliot, being the talented photographer he is, helped me capture some amazing shots. He even asked me to take a picture of him posing like Hercules on the mountain. I took a couple of shots of him, and we had a lot of fun doing it.

We asked Ivan to take a picture of me and Elliot overlooking Utah as our background. He jokingly carried me in a bridal style pose, and we all laughed. The others playfully teased us, and I couldn't help but blush. Elliot put me down, but he kept his arm around my shoulder, and I felt a rush of warmth.

After some time, our coaching staff arranged for a team lunch at a table in the park on the mountain. The food was delicious, and we enjoyed our time together before heading back down to our hotel.

Upon reaching our hotel, we discovered that it had a rooftop jacuzzi pool. We all decided to take a dip and relax before resting. However, we were disappointed to learn that alcohol was not allowed in public places in Utah. But our coach came up with a unique game to help us get to know each other better: pass-the-bottle.

The rules were simple: whoever received the bottle had to share their thoughts. The boys groaned at the idea, but I found it interesting since I only knew a few of them. TJ started and expressed his gratitude towards the team and the coaching staff. He also appreciated the trust we had in him as our team captain.

When it was my turn, I shared how grateful I was to the coach for accepting me into the team and giving me a chance to showcase my talent. I also thanked the mentors who taught us so much about volleyball. Lastly, I thanked Elliot for helping me get on the team.

But the most surprising message came from Elliot, who expressed his gratitude to everyone. He then told us that he had the courage to come out as bisexual because of me, and he asked me in front of the team if he could be my boyfriend. I was stunned, and my heart skipped a beat.

I looked back at him, and with a smile, I gave him my approval. The others cheered and applauded as Elliot moved closer to me for a hug. I couldn't explain how I felt at that moment. I was on top of the world, and Elliot and I were now official. Even our coaching staff joined in the celebration, and we all felt like a family.

"Wow, I mean," Coach paused as he looked at Elliot and me, "We support you guys, okay, but I hope this will not affect your game tomorrow alright?" I could feel my heart racing as I nodded in response, silently thanking Coach for being understanding. Elliot, my boyfriend, also nodded beside me.

We continued with the game, but I couldn't concentrate well. My mind kept replaying the conversation with Coach earlier. I was worried that it might affect our performance tomorrow. However, I reminded myself to focus on the game and not let my personal life affect my team's chance of winning.

After the game, TJ, our roommate, came over to us and congratulated us. He then told us that he would not be sleeping in our room tonight to give us some privacy. I told him that it wasn't necessary, but he insisted, so we let him.

Elliot and I were just so happy to make our relationship official. He had been there for me most of the time when I needed him, and he never failed to support me with what I wanted. We cuddled all night until we fell asleep.

The next morning, we woke up a bit late, so we decided to take a shower together to save time. We didn't do anything inappropriate, though, we just washed up quickly to be efficient and not be late for the game. When we got out of the shower, Elliot and I were goofing around, not realizing that TJ was in the room looking for something in his bag.

When TJ looked in our direction, I immediately stopped goofing and felt a bit awkward. Elliot got out of the shower after me and greeted TJ. "Hey man, are you going to use the shower?" Elliot asked him. "Yeah," TJ replied.

"Aight, all yours," Elliot stated. I remained silent while applying lotion and changing into our jersey. After changing, we went out of the hotel and stretched outside of the bus. TJ came to the bus late and apologized to the coach and others before we made our way to the venue.

We arrived at Jon M. Huntsman Center, a recreational stadium in Salt Lake City. We were told that not only volleyball organizations would be here to evaluate us, but also university recruiters would be here to watch us.

We headed straight to our changing room to gear up for today's matches. Being familiar with volleyball tapes, I helped some of my teammates to put them on. As I was helping them, I bluntly complained that my back hurt. My teammates started goofing around, teasing Elliot. "Yow my boy Elliot scored last night!" Vanjoe and Ivan said, laughing. I blushed like a tomato while they continued to mess around.

Coach then huddled us before the match started. He mentioned strategies and motivated us to play our best because this was our shot to be in the university we wanted or at least play in the National Games. By the looks of my teammates, everyone was determined to win every match we played.

We chanted our school's name and headed out to the court. I wore my usual outfit, short and unapologetic. Inside the court, I wore my serious face, and we played our best, executing our big guns and combination plays to bounce each ball.


Author's Note: 

Alright you guys, Elliot and Apol are now an official couple. I'm just so happy for them. 

Are you guys excited to read volleyball actions in the next chapter? 

let me know your thoughts! Vote and Read! ❤😘😉

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