Part 18

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The weekend had come and gone and now it was Monday morning again. I woke up early and decided to take the public bus to school instead of waiting for my dad to drive me. But just as I was about to leave, I received a call from my mom telling me that Elliot was coming to fetch me for school. I was surprised because we hadn't agreed on it. Then I remembered what he said to me last night, "I will make you like me back." His words sounded serious, and I couldn't help but feel flustered. Was this his way of trying to make me fall for him? If it was, then it seemed to be working.

As I walked down the hallway, I was greeted by a bunch of students who congratulated me on our game last week and showered me with compliments. It was surprising because I wasn't used to being noticed. Seth had told me before that TJ and Elliot were usually the only ones getting attention because of their skills and looks. But now, I was being noticed, and it made my stomach flutter with excitement.

I smiled as I reached my locker and opened it to stash my things like usual. But there was no note, which left me feeling a little disappointed. I couldn't help but wonder if the person who had been leaving me notes had watched our game last week.

The bell rang, signaling the start of class. During the second period, Elliot approached me, but I told him that my mom had already informed me that he was coming to fetch me. "Elliot, you don't have to do this. I can go to school by myself," I said shyly. "Others might tease you when they see us arrive here together."

"So what?" he paused. "It's not like we don't know each other, right?" Although he was right, he seemed to miss my point. I just didn't want others to think he was gay for hanging out with me. If we arrived together on his motorcycle, it would only fuel those rumors.

"Please?" I tried to convince him by acting cute, and it seemed to work. He finally understood and apologized for not letting me know that he was coming. I forgave him, of course. I couldn't resist this guy.

Throughout the day, so many students approached me, asking for pictures and praising me for my performance in our last game. Some even called me the "Queen of the Jocks" because of how sassy I was during the game. I felt happy but also careful not to be too cocky in front of them.

After classes, it was time for practice. The headteacher congratulated us and promised to give our team additional funds for the upcoming Inter-State Under 18 Volleyball Competition. We were now preparing for a more intense competition, and we knew that states like Hawaii, Utah, California, Wyoming, Washington, and Minnesota would be tough opponents. That's why we were putting in extra time to train and improve ourselves.

The training was tiring, especially when preparing for a more intense competition. We were all exhausted, and as the others rushed to the shower room, I remained lying on the floor, panting and cooling down. That's when TJ came up to me and asked if I could massage his back for a while. I thought he was hurting, but knowing he was my senior, I obliged.

I watched as he took off his T-shirt and pointed out where he felt stiff.

 I could see the bruises on his hips, proof that he was training hard just like the rest of us. 

I started to rub his back, taking my time to work out the knots and tension in his muscles. As I worked, his back softened and he let out a soft moan. 

 "Hmmm, amazing hands," he said, and I felt a little taken aback by his reaction. But I kept going, enjoying the feeling of his muscles relaxing under my touch. 

 Suddenly, he pinned me down to the floor, his body behind mine. 

I was caught off guard, but he was just playing around, saying he was going to return the favor and give me a massage. 

I was too embarrassed to move or talk, and I could feel his manhood probing my butt cheeks. I closed my eyes and arched my back, giving in to the feeling. 

 There was something about TJ that I couldn't resist when he was doing things like this. It was embarrassing as hell, but I couldn't deny the attraction I felt toward him. 

I didn't want to do anything like this in public, especially in front of my teammates, but I couldn't help myself when he was around. 

 "Dude, get a room!" Ivan shouted, laughing with the others.I buried my face in my hands, feeling flustered and embarrassed. 

TJ leaned in closer to me and whispered, "Just so you know, I mark what is mine," his voice sounding husky and seductive. 

He got up from our awkward position and walked toward the locker room, leaving me feeling a mix of confusion and desire.

 I stayed a little longer, still feeling the heat of his body against mine. I couldn't deny that I was physically attracted to him, and it scared me a little. 

My body was a traitor, betraying my better judgment and making me crave more of him.


Author's Note: 

Thanks for reading

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