Part 29

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I'm feeling really overwhelmed right now. It's like I'm in the middle of a love triangle and I don't know which way to turn. TJ and Elliot are both so amazing in their own way, and they both make it difficult for me to choose who to focus on.

But then something happened that threw me for a loop. Elliot told me that he's the one who's been writing me those letters that have been such a huge source of inspiration for me. I was completely taken aback. I had no idea that it was him. I've been wanting to meet the person who wrote those letters, and now I have him right in front of me.

When Elliot confessed his feelings for me, I felt so happy and grateful. He's been such a support for me during the difficult times when I was struggling with my sexuality and trying out for the team. He's always believed in me and encouraged me to be myself. And now he's telling me that he wants to be with me.

But at the same time, I'm still conflicted. TJ is someone who I've had feelings for for a while now. We recently made out and he's been telling everyone that we're a couple. I don't know how to feel about that. On one hand, I do like TJ and I feel like there's a connection between us. But on the other hand, I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship with him.

It's like my head is spinning with all these thoughts and emotions. I don't know what to do.

Elliot suggested that I take some time to rest and prepare for the news about the exam tomorrow. I appreciated his concern and his willingness to listen to me talk about the letters. I took his advice and did my usual routine of taking a hot bath and doing some skincare before going to bed.

The next day was a Friday, and I decided to wake up early to distract myself from all the confusing thoughts swirling in my head. As I walked to school, I noticed that my teammates were all there early too. I greeted them and we talked about the exam we had taken the day before. We were all nervous about the results, as it would determine whether we would be able to attend the Training Camp at UTAH.

TJ and Elliot seemed cool and confident during the conversation, and I tried to act the same way even though I was feeling so uncertain. Elliot put his arms around me and walked me to my locker to get my books. We talked and laughed with our teammates, and I felt a sense of comfort being around him.

As we walked to my first period, I could feel the eyes of some of the other students on us. They were probably teasing us about how sweet of a couple we were, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to have Elliot by my side.

When the first bell rang, we all went to our classes. I was relieved to find out that I had passed all of my exams. It was time for practice again, so I changed into my training outfit and headed out to the gym.

I decided to start with some drills, so I plugged in my earphones and started my new Libero warm-up program. I was the first one there, so I felt like I needed to make the most of my time. I decided to jog around the track and field oval while listening to Normani's "Motivation". I knew that TJ had warned us not to run there because the football jocks might start a fight with us, but since they weren't there yet, I decided to take a chance and run outside of the gym for a change.

I walked into the gym and immediately noticed the other jocks working out and running. They were intimidating up close, with bulging muscles and intense focus. However, some of them were also quite attractive. I tried not to stare as I made my way to the bench to grab my water bottle.

The jocks around me were catcalling and making jokes while we ran, but I ignored them and focused on my workout. Sweat was pouring down my face and I was starting to feel really thirsty, so I went to grab my water bottle.

As I sipped on the cool water, I couldn't help but notice that these jocks weren't all that bad. It made me wonder why some of my teammates, like TJ, seemed to despise them so much.

It had been a while since I had been in the gym, so I decided to take a break and admire the beautiful afternoon. The sky was painted with shades of orange and pink, and the warm breeze felt nice against my skin. I couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunities I had as an immigrant in America.

I took out my phone and snapped a picture of the scenery. Suddenly, Seth appeared beside me and we started chatting about the conflict between the football jocks and the other jocks on campus. Seth explained that the football jocks were total assholes, unlike the other jocks who were actually quite friendly.

We talked more about the upcoming training camp, and Seth's excitement was contagious. He explained that it was his opportunity to get a scholarship to a prestigious college and represent our state. I was just as eager to succeed and told him so.

As we made our way back into the gym, we saw the other jocks running and decided to join them. But just as we started, TJ spotted us and ordered us to report to him.

He looked absolutely furious. "Where have you two been?" he demanded, his eyes burning with anger. "We went for a run at the field," I replied, trying to sound calm. Seth was looking down, clearly nervous.

TJ lost it. "I told you not to go there! And you two violated my rules?" he exclaimed. The other jocks gathered around us, curious to know what was going on. I couldn't help but wonder if we had done something truly terrible.

But then I spoke up. "It was my idea. I'm sorry, TJ," I said, taking the blame for both of us. Seth was about to argue, but I stopped him. I knew I had to take responsibility for my actions.

TJ told me I would be punished for violating his rules as team captain. He ordered me to clean the gym, including the changing rooms, for a week as punishment. I looked him in the eye and agreed to his terms, determined to make things right.

That afternoon, practice went smoothly. I had no complaints and started my punishment as soon as we were done. I scrubbed every corner of the gym until it was spotless, determined to prove myself to TJ and my teammates.


Author's Note: 

Thank you for reading this chapter, so what do you think? 

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