Part 13

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As we head into the final moments of the match, I feel my heart pounding with excitement. Our team is just one point away from winning, and I can already sense the elation that we will all feel when the final whistle blows. Elliot steps up to the service area once again, ready to unleash another powerful jump serve that will hopefully seal our victory.

The opposing team has struggled to receive our hard services all match, which has given us a significant advantage. Elliot takes a deep breath and launches the ball into the air. I watch as it sails over the net, my eyes locked on the opposing team's backcourt players, hoping that they will make a mistake.

The ball comes down fast and loaded, and the opposing team can't seem to get a handle on it. It bounces off their arms and sails out of bounds, and the crowd erupts into cheers. I feel a rush of exhilaration course through me as I realize that we have won the match.

As we take a 20-minute break before our next opponent, our coach congratulates us on our performance and gives us some instructions on what to focus on for the next game. We head into the player's lounge to relax and recuperate, and I can't help but feel proud of our team's strength and determination.

I notice Seth sitting alone, and I approach him to see if he's okay. "How's your ankle, Seth?" I ask him, concerned. He looks up at me and smiles, "Not the first one to ask that question," he says. "It was fine. I can still play." I can tell he's in pain, but he's trying to put on a brave face.

"You did an amazing job out there," I say, trying to lift his spirits. "That save you made was incredible." He grins back at me, and I offer to massage his ankle to help relieve some of his pain. It's a small gesture, but I hope it helps.

As we prepare for our next game, Ivan asks Seth and me to try a new strategy of faster play with our quicker/middle blocker, Vanjoe. I nod and agree to try my best, knowing that the success of this strategy will depend on how hard and fast the ball is served to us.

As we take to the court once again, our coach reminds us not to be overconfident, as our next opponent is a tough-to-beat team. He gives Seth and me specific instructions to watch out for the opposing team's smart hitters and use our agility to dig as many of their attacks as possible.

The referee blows the whistle, and the match begins with Elliot serving. Ivan quietly instructs me to do a fastball reception. "Nice serve, Elliot!" I shout, as the opposing team receives the ball and sets up a pipe attack combination. Unfortunately, Elliot misses the ball, giving the other team their first point.

I rush over to help him stand up, and offer some words of encouragement. "Nice try, El. Make up for it, okay?" He nods and smiles, determined to make a comeback.

When it's our turn to receive the ball, I watch as a float serve comes our way. "Ivan!" I shout, tossing the ball low enough for him to do a jump set. Vanjoe is already in position for a back quick hit, and he smashes the ball to the opposite court. The opposing blockers read Ivan's movement wrong, giving Vanjoe a free path to hit the ball to the ground.

Our team erupts into cheers as we score our first point with the quick play. Ivan embraces me tightly, thanking me for the perfect reception. I can feel the excitement building as we inch closer to victory.

As Ivan embraced me tightly, I felt a surge of adrenaline rush through me. "That's what I'm talking about, come on!" he shouted, thanking me for the successful receive.

Elliot and TJ were also in the mood to play, and we all had a great time spiking and blocking. However, Elliot was struggling a bit in the receiving department, and I made it my mission to cover him and ensure he could attack efficiently.

TJ had a couple of solid blocks and service aces, and I cheered for him as Seth and I switched. "Ivan, do some pipe combination play!" Coach shouted. Ivan replied, "Yes, coach!"

I shouted from the outside, "Come on Elliot! One good receive! Focus!" Elliot winked at me after digging a hit from the opposing team. "Way to go TJ!" I shouted, and he winked as well. I laughed the whole time as he stumbled backward like he was shot dead.

We managed to win the first set 25-20, but the opposing team made it really difficult for us to gain every point of the match. The second set was much more serious. After switching courts, the other team went four points ahead of us. Seth was the libero in charge of this set, and I could sense that he was struggling to move because of his ankle.

"Go, Seth! You can do this!" I shouted, and he nodded in response. Seth tried his best to receive hard hits, but unfortunately, he could not save a drop ball. We lost the second set, and my team struggled with the first ball reception, which made it impossible for Ivan to execute any combination play.

I tried to comfort Seth when they returned, and he said he was devastated by his performance. "It's okay, Seth, we have another set to fight them and win," I patted his shoulders as he sat beside me.

I approached TJ to talk, "Hey, can you go and talk to Seth? He seems a little down because of his performance," I said. "I can see that, no worries, I'll talk to him. Probably after this match?" He responded genuinely, ruffling my hair and assuring me. "Thanks, TJ!" I said happily. That's when I proved that he's a great team captain.

Coach did a little pep talk, instructing us on combination plays that we need to execute to defeat the enemy. We then received the first ball, and I was the libero inside. I was able to receive the ball for Ivan to set the ball, and the pipe attack hit worked for us. Most of our points came from either TJ and Elliot from their pipe combo plays.

I pulled all my tricks to receive their attacks, from digging to rolling, jolting, and throwing my body gracefully to the ground. The crowd went wild, cheering for us, and I knew that it boosted my teammates' performance.

It was a very crucial match, but we ended up victorious 16-14. It took a lot of floor defense, attacks, and stamina to win. I was so happy that I jumped and hugged my teammates, celebrating the win.

TJ, of course, grabbed my butt cheeks when I jumped at him, which made him and the others laugh, but I paid them no mind. I was happy. That was also the time I heard the crowd shouting "Queen" in chorus, and it made me feel proud of what I accomplished with my team.


Author's Note:

I was trying so hard to write this chapter since it mostly contains volleyball scenes. Well, that was one of the challenges of this story, so I guess I have to look for references next time 😅

With that being said, I would like to apologize if somehow you are lost and can't understand what is happening. 😅

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