Part 8

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Today was just another day at school for me, but my mind was preoccupied with thoughts of last Friday night. I danced with Elliot, and I didn't care who saw us. But it seems like someone did, as there was a pink letter waiting for me inside my locker - again.

I grabbed the letter and rushed to my first class. The whole time, I was anxious to open it and see what the stalker had written this time. Finally, when the second bell rang, I couldn't resist anymore. I made my way to the restroom and locked myself inside a cubicle before opening the letter.

My heart skipped a beat when I read the message: "Didn't know you have some dance moves, you're so full of surprises." It was signed with a heart emoji. I couldn't help but blush and giggle at the same time.

But then, reality hit me. If the stalker saw me dancing with Elliot, that means he was on the team. My mind raced as I tried to figure out who it could be. Was it Elliot? TJ? Someone else?

I couldn't shake the feeling that the stalker knew everything about me - even things I did inside and outside of the shower room. It was a weird thought, but I couldn't help but giggle at it.

As I walked to my next class, I couldn't help but think about what the stalker might be thinking about me. What if he was disappointed in me for being weird or unusual? I wanted to confront each of them one by one, but a part of me also wanted them to confess their feelings to me in a romantic way.

The rest of the morning went by in a blur, and soon it was lunchtime. That's when I received a message from TJ.

Captain Perv: Sit with us

Most of the team members were there except for Elliot. I sat beside Vanjoe in front of TJ since that was the only vacant seat available. They greeted me when I arrived and some of them started teasing me about the party we had last Friday. I paid no mind to their stupid and childish jokes about how I dance, but there was one statement that caught my attention.

"Apol, you seemed to be very intimate with your dance partner last Friday," said one cheerleader from another table. She was a blond short girl, not so pretty but has the figure, she laughed after her comment.

I faced her with a smug look, "Yeah, I can't blame him for that though." I paused, this bitch. "We had a good time," I added, which makes everyone squeal like crazy.

"What about you? Have you experienced that?" I asked annoyingly. "Oh, I bet not," I added, which makes everyone listening goofed crazily.

Her smirk grew wider "I bet you do, you enjoy men like that, right?" She mumbled. She was literally getting on my nerves.

But knowing me, a good bitch, I just let it pass and pretended I heard nothing. Paying them no mind is the most annoying thing I can do.

I finished my meal and was about to head to my next class when TJ spoke all of a sudden, "Be my warmup buddy later?" He said not looking into my face. "Sure," was my only reply, then I headed out of the cafeteria.

The usual happened before practice, lots of homework and activities to do. I was just glad that it was time for practice again, and I got to do something that I wanted.

I went inside the changing room after knowing everyone was done changing to do the same. I changed into my usual shorts and sleeveless undershirt jersey that was my favorite because it all feels comfortable, a little showy but comfortable.

As requested by TJ, he was my warming-up partner. He gulped when I stood a few centimeters in front of him. What? He dared to kiss me, and he's stunned by me? Creep.

Normally, Elliot was my training buddy, but he was late, so I gave TJ his demand to be my partner for today. I was not feeling very comfortable with him around.

"Is there a problem?" I asked him, he kept on looking at me like he hasn't seen me in my training attire. "Nothing, let's begin," he shrugged.

And so we did our warm-up routine.

I noticed that he was a little bit of a touchy person when we were doing some two-person involved drills. He made it look like a natural thing to touch me at my legs, my butt, and my belly.

But I let it slide as if I didn't care about him accidentally touching my body. I don't want to cause a scene anyway.

We went through the ball drills after the floor drills, nothing new happened after that. Just the common body pain and stretches.

It was just that while TJ was helping me, Elliot was watching us over. He came in late.

Later that evening, Elliot approached me, I couldn't explain his facial expression, but the tone of his voice seemed off. Was he still mad at me?

"Hey, I thought we were warm-up buddies? What happened?" He asked all of a sudden. He sounded confused and annoyed. "TJ asked me to partner up with him, and you were late, so I had no choice but to start with him, so I'm sorry," I smiled apologetically. He rolled his eyes and responded.

"Treat me to dinner as payback,"

"Huh? C'mon, it's not like it's my fault!" I exclaimed. Wait, why should it be my treat? Payback? It's not even my fault he's late. Sigh.

His smile turned into a sad face. I don't know if he's doing it purposefully, but it's working on me. Damn cute boys! They're difficult to resist. "You're lucky you're cute!" I thought to myself.

"All right, all right, just quit making that face. It's annoying as hell," I sighed in defeat. He then hugged me, which startled me. What the hell is he thinking? Why hug me when everyone is here? I chuckled at his excitement.

As the night went by, we were able to do combination plays and further practice our receiving and spiking skills. It was a tiring day for all of us, but every practice is worth it, so I couldn't argue with that. Gosh, I never knew they trained so hard here in America.

Elliot then drove me to a classy resto-bar he had always been to. I bet they serve quality food here too. We went inside and dined.

He was so happy that I agreed to treat him to dinner as payback for warming up with somebody else's ball like it was my fault. Sigh.

He ordered, of course, since he was familiar with the restaurant. I just sat there looking at the menu.

We talked about so many topics, from my decision to migrate with my family here to how volleyball works back in the Philippines.

He was very curious about my volleyball background, and I told him all about my experiences with the sport.


Author's Note: 

Sorry if I cut the story there, any way you'll love the next episode so what are you waiting for? Vote and share this book 🤗


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