Part 32

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I watched intently as the match progressed, the energy of the crowd palpable as the two teams battled it out in the deciding set. Balboa Bay seemed to have the upper hand with a three-point advantage, thanks to the unstoppable Noah Dire, who made most of the points for his team. As I observed the liberos of both teams, I couldn't help but admire their skill and strategic placement on the court. They were quick to position themselves for services and spikes, but struggled with deflected balls during attacks.

When Balboa Bay emerged victorious with a score of 16 to 14, I could sense the disappointment in the crowd, who had been rooting for Sports Performance. My friend Elliot and I decided to head to the mall for the afternoon, though we didn't have any specific plans aside from dinner later on. As we walked towards the parking lot, we were joined by the others, who had decided to tag along to play arcade games.

I asked Elliot how we were going to sneak away later, but he simply shrugged and told me he would come up with an excuse. We snapped a quick selfie in the parking lot, and Elliot asked for a copy to post on his Insta story. I suggested he add me instead, and we all headed inside the mall.

We spent the afternoon playing arcade games, with the boys getting quite competitive. I wasn't usually interested in basketball, but when Seth asked me to play Taken with him, I was hooked. Elliot and TJ engaged in a 3 free throw relay, with TJ losing to Elliot. I could sense his frustration, but he kept it to himself, as he was a volleyball player.

We played several more games, and I found myself enjoying the bonding experience with the boys. They were very accepting and made an effort to include me. As the afternoon flew by, I realized it was already almost 7 pm. Elliot texted me, saying he was going to the restroom and to meet him at the parking lot. I told Seth and Ivan I was going to check on Elliot, and then walked outside.

I hopped into the car as soon as Elliot arrived, and we drove to McDonald's. I had been missing their fries, which brought back memories of eating lunch at McDonald's every day with my friends back in the Philippines. Elliot ordered us burgers, chicken nuggets, fries, and a McFlurry, telling me they served different McDonald's meals here. As we ate, I thanked him for inviting me to watch the game and learned more about the volleyball community in America. I was amazed at the number of volleyball organizations that recruited potential athletes and developed them throughout their careers. I also expressed how much fun I had with them at the arcade, feeling like I was no different from them.

After we finished eating, we rode around the city on Elliot's motorcycle, enjoying the cool evening breeze. By the time we returned to my house, it was past 9 pm, and I thanked him for a great day and for accompanying me to dinner. As soon as I walked into my room, my phone rang. It was TJ, asking where I was. I wasn't sure if I should respond, but I decided to call him back.

"Come over to my place," he said in his husky voice. My heart pounded stupidly fast, and I couldn't resist his intrigue. 

As soon as I hung up the phone, I couldn't help but feel a wave of nervousness wash over me. I had just agreed to meet TJ at his apartment, and the anticipation of what would happen once I arrived was almost too much to bear. I knew I couldn't just show up unprepared, so I quickly got up and went to the restroom to freshen up.

I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and did all of my usual body rituals. I wanted to make sure I looked and felt my best for TJ. Once I was satisfied with my appearance, I left the house and began walking towards his apartment. My parents were out for the night, so I didn't have to worry about them catching me.

When I arrived at TJ's building, I entered the password he had given me and made my way up to his apartment. As soon as I stepped inside, I could feel my heart racing. TJ came over to me and gently touched my face before leaning in for a kiss. It was a familiar kiss, one that he had given me the night after the party.

As we kissed, I could feel the intensity between us building quickly. TJ pushed me down onto his carpet and began tracing his fingers over my neck and down to my chest. It was like he knew exactly how to make me moan with pleasure. He took his time exploring my body, paying special attention to my breasts, just like a baby breastfeeding.

I was overcome with desire for him and let out a moan as our lips met again. I expressed my longing for him by biting down on his lips hard. It was like I couldn't get enough of him. I knew what I wanted and began to unzip his pants, tracing his neck with my lips as I made my way down to his abdomen and his proud penis.

I knew just what to do, touching him up and down, licking his head before taking him down to my throat. I could hear him begging for me to suck him again and again, and I loved the feeling of being able to please him in that way. But I also wanted to test how long he could last, so I explored and caressed his balls for the first time. He became even more excited, and I couldn't resist switching from his cock to his balls, depriving him of releasing his seed from time to time. 

He couldn't take it anymore and begged me to finish him off. I did as he told me, sucking his dick once again while he grabbed my hair and moaned with pleasure. He pushed it deeper into my throat, and I didn't back down. He kept repeating the action, shoving my head down his cock faster and faster until he moaned my name with pleasure, and I felt him release down my throat.He told me it was my turn and that he was willing to touch me, but I told him I wasn't ready yet. I knew I needed a little time to recover from the intense pleasure he had just given me. But I also knew that I couldn't wait to explore more of our desires together.

It's weird, I know, but I have always felt more comfortable giving pleasure than receiving it. I don't like being touched by hand or mouth, and I'm not entirely sure why. It's just a personal preference, and I know it's not the norm.

 So when TJ wanted to reciprocate and touch me, I had to refuse him. It's not that I didn't want him to be satisfied, but the thought of being touched in that way made me feel uncomfortable and vulnerable.

After our intense encounter, I quickly got dressed and headed out of his apartment. TJ tried to start a conversation, but I was too lost in my own thoughts to engage with him. 

All I wanted was to be alone with my thoughts and process what had just happened.As I walked back to my own apartment, I couldn't help but wonder why I felt the way I did. 

Was it something from my past that had influenced my preferences? Or was it simply a quirk of my personality?Regardless of the reason, I knew that I needed to be honest with my partners in the future and communicate my boundaries clearly.

 It wasn't fair to expect them to read my mind or understand my preferences without me telling them. In the end, I felt both satisfied and confused by my encounter with TJ. 

It had been intense and pleasurable, but it had also forced me to confront my own sexuality and preferences in a way that I hadn't before.


Authors Note:

I don't know what to say, 

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