Part 21

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I woke up to my mom's voice and checked the time, it was already 8:23 PM. She told me that Elliot was downstairs, and I immediately asked her why he was here. She replied, "Yes, he told me you will tutor him for the exam?" I remembered our agreement to help him get through the exam and join the training camp, so I quickly got out of bed and went straight to the restroom to freshen up.

As I made my way downstairs, I saw Elliot talking to my dad. They must be discussing volleyball, I thought. Elliot then switched his gaze towards me and smiled genuinely, and I couldn't help but return the smile. My dad went to the kitchen to help my mom prepare dinner.

"Did you receive my texts?" he asked curiously, looking at me like something was funny. "I uhh.., I haven't checked my phone yet, I just woke up," I replied honestly. "Ohh, that's why you haven't returned any message," he nodded his head like he understood something. I felt a bit embarrassed that I had no idea he was coming over. I could have cleaned my room.

"So I heard you played with TJ in a beach volleyball game earlier today?" he asked, catching my gaze. "Yeah, we played earlier but lost. It was a close match though," I replied. He got it and nodded.

"So I heard you were here for a tutor?" I asked him. He smiled and scratched his head, "About that,... Yeah," he chuckled shyly. "Okay, what subject do you struggle with the most?" I asked. He was still scratching the back of his head and shrugged, "Everything," he chuckled lightly. I laughed genuinely at his reaction. "I just want to see you," he replied honestly. My eyes went wide for a short while, and I felt the heat rising from my cheeks. He was so cheesy!

"I was flattered," I replied, smiling back at him. To be honest, this was the first time a guy showed interest in me and visited me. It was overwhelming, but it felt nice and good. He then took my hand and squeezed it, and just as we were about to head to the kitchen, my mom shouted, "Dinner is ready!"

We went to the kitchen, and he kept holding my hand. I didn't take my hand back because I felt like he was adorable and sweet. But my mom, being the drama queen she was, shouted and startled my dad when she saw us.

"Wait, are you like, together-together?" my mom asked all of a sudden. "Mom!" I was about to argue when Elliot answered, "I like your son, ma'am." I switched my gaze at him with wide eyes for a little while. How can he be so calm and cool with this? I squeezed his hands in shock. He just told my parents he likes me, what the hell?

"Ohh, how sweet. What is your say to this darling?" my mom asked me. "I, I... I mean he told me that before, and I was flattered about it," I paused. "We are getting to know each other right now, mom," I told them. "Ohh, so you are not together yet," my father joined the conversation. "Yes," both of us answered and looked into each other's eyes. I squeezed his hands again. "Alright, well, you seem like a good guy to me, Elliot," my mom added. "Don't flatter him, mom," I replied sarcastically. He chuckled and winked at me.

We ate dinner and chatted with my parents for a while. After dinner, Elliot and I headed to my room

Elli and I headed upstairs to my room to start our tutorial shenanigans. We spent some time reviewing history and other subjects, but eventually, we both decided to just lie on my bed. I couldn't help but smile at him and say, "You really are something." Elli turned to me and asked, "What do you mean?" I looked him straight in the eye and replied, "You surprised me. I wasn't expecting all of what just happened earlier."

He smiled back at me and then asked, "Is this your first time being courted?" I nodded, feeling a little embarrassed. Elli then grabbed my shoulders and hugged me tightly. "I feel happy to know this, Apol. Someday I will make you my boyfriend," he whispered in my ear.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and happiness as I hugged him back. I knew deep down that I liked him, but I wasn't entirely sure about my feelings just yet. Elli was sweet and caring, the perfect boyfriend material, but I didn't feel challenged with him. I knew it sounded selfish, but I enjoyed the attention he was giving me. This was the first time I had ever felt this way, and I wanted more of it.

Suddenly, I found myself kissing him on the lips, a quick French kiss. Elli was clearly excited, but I immediately broke it off when I realized what I had done. He looked puzzled, and I felt stupid.

But then, all of a sudden, TJ popped into my head. I couldn't forget about him, even though I had almost made out with someone else. I knew I wasn't clean, and the guilt weighed heavily on me.

Elli noticed that something was wrong and asked me if there was a problem. I wanted to tell him the truth about kissing someone before, but I didn't want to ruin the happy moment we were having. Instead, I lied and said, "Ahh-- I'm sorry, I a--"

Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, I faked a yawn and said, "I think I'm sleepy." Elli smiled and said, "Oh! Alright, I'm gonna go then," before getting up and grabbing his bag.

As he prepared to leave, he turned to me and said, "You're such a tease," with a mischievous smile on his face. I leaned in to hug him again, but he broke it off and stood up. He said goodbye to my parents and then left before driving off into the night. "Good night," he said, to which I replied, "Good night."

I was left feeling conflicted and unsure about my emotions. On the one hand, I felt happy about what had happened earlier and Elli's boldness in telling my parents. On the other hand, I was scared of what I was feeling because I wasn't entirely sure about my affection towards him yet. Was it really that bad to flirt with someone who treated me right, even though I wasn't entirely satisfied because I was craving a challenge in getting a man?

I stayed up until 3 in the morning, lost in my thoughts, before finally deciding to get some rest and face another day.


Author's Note: 

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