Part 6

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It was strange, that night. Our coach had treated us to dinner and to my surprise, TJ and the others acted totally weird. They seemed so friendly and interested while talking to me that night, like they were very intrigued about me. How strange is that? Are they for real?

Somehow, it changed my perception of them a little bit. Just a dime, but still.

They fired different questions about me, to which I honestly answered. Some of them were holding their laughs when TJ pinpointed that my features didn't fit my position for the team. He told me that I looked weak and fragile and not capable of digging strong hits. He also added that I should try the chess club or academic clubs instead. Is this guy for real?

Knowing me, I fired back, of course. "Maybe if you spike the ball harder, yeah?" The others burst out laughing when I mentioned how easy to read and light his spikes were. The boys were goofing and squealing like they're watching a rap battle.

TJ's ears immediately turned bright red. He was mad. He was about to lash out, not before the coach told us to stop. For someone who teases, boasts, and is so cocky, he sure can't manage his temper. I was smirking the whole time.

When the coach told us to settle things, I immediately apologized and told him that it was just a joke, but he shot me glares in return. Sigh.

I knew that my relationship with TJ and the others when we first met was the worst, but I was trying to prove them wrong about what they thought I was.

The coach then explained the matches and the training plan that we would be doing. Everyone was excited that we were going to compete in several school invitational matches. The coach told us as well that we were going to start our daily training next week and warned us not to drink any alcohol for the conditioning of our body. And with that being said, the rest of them, including Elliot, wanted to spend the remaining days and get wasted since we weren't going to be allowed to take alcohol starting next week.

The coach then left but warned us not to get too wasted. Oh, I doubted that, I muttered to myself.

That is when things became crazy.

I personally told them that I did not drink. But they insisted, so I had no choice. I didn't want to be labeled as "The Kill Joy" of the team, even though my tolerance for alcohol was way too low.

After a few cans of beer, I could feel my head spinning, like everything was circling. With my body numb and wobbly, I didn't know what was happening; probably the alcohol.? They were making fun of me, of course. As the night went by, we drank more beer as they insisted.

The jocks seemed preoccupied with a girl from the dance floor; some of them even went for her and tried to hit on her. Poor girl, I thought to myself.

It was just Eliot, TJ, and me sitting at our table. I tried to hold myself together, but as I finished my seventh can of Heineken, I couldn't help but gasp. "I need to pee, fuck!" I exclaimed, feeling the alcohol coursing through my veins.

Eliot looked at me with concern and asked, "Are you sure you can still drink, Apol?" I nodded, not wanting to turn down the offer, especially when I was facing him. But before I could answer, TJ interrupted, "Oh C'mon Eliot! Of course, he can!" He put his arm around my shoulder, reeking of beer, but still managing to hold himself together.

I felt a jolt of electricity as our skin touched, and I remembered that we were all wearing sleeveless undershirts because of the humid weather. TJ then turned to me and asked, "So tell me Apol, why do you dress so sexy when you play?" I was confused about his intention, but my heart was racing nonetheless. I then smirked and teased him, "Jealous? You can borrow them!" Elliot burst out laughing, but TJ rolled his eyes and continued his line of questioning.

"Are you trying to impress someone?" He lowered his face to mine, and I could smell the stench of beer on his breath. But despite the smell, I couldn't help but feel my heart racing as I realized how good-looking he was up close. It was his turn to smirk, and I could sense Eliot observing us carefully. I composed myself and decided to tease him even more, "What if I do? It surely was not you!" He was taken aback by my response and rolled his eyes again, asking, "Well, who could it be?" I replied, "You'll know," but I wasn't sure if he bought it, as the smug look on his face remained. However, Elliot seemed to be listening carefully.

I decided to end the line of questioning and said, "Enough with the questions, I want to loosen up." I then headed to the dance floor, managing to do so without stumbling, and danced carefree to the beat of the music. I didn't care if my teammates made fun of me or took a clip of me dirty dancing; all I wanted was to be myself tonight and own the dance floor.

As Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna's "This is what you came for" played, I moved with the crowd and danced my heart out. Raising my eighth can of Heineken and moving my hips side to side, I danced like a pro and tried to be as sexy as I could, not minding what other people thought.

As the next track played, I felt two strong hands grip my hands in the air and start grinding behind me. He had a rhythm, so I swayed alongside him and grabbed his neck, swaying deeper into his torso. I could smell him from behind, and he had this strong, masculine smell that was very familiar to me. Oh My God, is he a dancer? I loved his moves!

I couldn't recall how many drunk teenagers were trying to take me away from this stud, but he wouldn't let me be taken away from him. The party lights swayed with us as we grinded our hips together, and I felt like I was in a trance. It was just me and him, dancing like nobody else mattered.

the restroom and entered the first available cubicle, but I was too preoccupied to even lock the door. After I finished, I washed my hands at the sink and decided to freshen up a little by splashing some water on my face.

Suddenly, I felt a force pushing me against the cold tile wall. I grunted, but I was too drunk to complain. "You have the balls to get to my nerve, shorty!" a voice said, leaning towards me. I was confused and frightened. Did he just call me shorty? Why was he leaning towards me like that? I tried to shove him, but I was too tipsy to have the strength.

He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. Was he going to punch me? I closed my eyes, waiting for his palm to strike my face. Instead, his lips made contact with mine. I immediately opened my eyes, and my heart raced with confusion. What the fuck is happening? Did he mistake me for a girl? Is he gay? Isn't he drunk? Millions of questions raced through my mind, but I couldn't seem to form words to ask him.

He broke off the kiss and smirked at me before walking out of the restroom. I stood there in awe, trying to understand what had just happened. I was about to leave when I bumped into Elliot. He looked shocked to see me, and I could tell that I was plastered because of what had just happened. I tried to smile at him, but he looked pissed.

Elliot grabbed my hand and dragged me to his motorcycle, throwing me one of his helmets and ordering me to hop in. I didn't understand what his problem was, but I was too drunk to argue. Why do people keep doing things to me without asking first? Today, someone had slapped my ass, pinned me against a wall, and now, Elliot had dragged me out of the bar.

Neither of us wanted to start a conversation, and I wanted to tell him how good of a dancer he was earlier, but I chickened out when I noticed that he was clenching his jaw on the way to my house. I didn't know that Elliot had a bad-boy side to him, and he looked like he had a short temper.

As we arrived at the gate of our house, I asked Elliot if I could go inside, but he rejected my request, still angry. I thanked him for fetching me, but he just gave me a simple nod before drifting away. I was confused. What did I do to make him angry?

I headed to my bed and simply drifted off to sleep, hoping that Elliot's actions wouldn't affect our friendship. Damn those beers! I knew that I would regret this night tomorrow.


Author's Note:

Hi guys, so I'm back again, I hope I will be able to finish this book already 🤗

How have you been?

Let me know what you think about this chapter! 🤗

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