Part 2

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I was nervous as I walked into the school on my first day. As my dad had explained, it was the end of summer and the start of monsoon season here in Long Beach. But, it wasn't just the weather that was making me feel uneasy. I could sense that the other students didn't really want to be back at school yet either. Maybe they were bored with studying? I knew I certainly felt that way sometimes. Although I loved learning new things, I was frustrated that I hadn't had much time to adjust to my new surroundings. I'd only arrived in the United States last Saturday, and everything had been so rushed. I hated feeling rushed.

As I walked down the hallway, I noticed that groups of students were chit-chatting and greeting each other. I felt a pang of jealousy. How was I supposed to make friends when everyone else already knew each other? I let out a deep sigh and continued on my way.

Soon, we were all led to the gym for the welcoming ceremony for new students. The school principal delivered a welcoming speech and everyone applauded. I looked at my schedule and saw that my first class was History, in section "1B." Great. How was I supposed to keep up with American History when I knew nothing about it? I headed to my locker and stashed some books that I didn't need for the first period. I tried to find my classroom without asking anyone for directions, but I soon realized that this was a mistake. As the bell rang, teachers started to appear in the hallway, directing students to their classrooms. I quickly found my classroom and sat down at my designated desk. The boy sitting next to me looked bored and eyed me as I sat down. The seat next to me was empty, which wasn't a surprise, but it made me feel uncomfortable sitting next to this guy.

Our teacher started calling out names for us to introduce ourselves to the class. Suddenly, a gorgeous guy made an entrance into the room and sat down next to me. He was a tall, redheaded stud with greenish eyes and a beautiful smile. His skin glowed like every white guy's doing here in America. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen. I had to stop myself from checking him out too much. He turned to me and smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. I blushed and returned the smile.

"Mr. Apolo Joseph Capuno?" announced our teacher, and my heart raced as I heard her call my name. I stood up and started to introduce myself.

"Hi everyone, my name is Apolo Joseph D. Capuno. You can call me Apol. I just moved here from Manila, Philippines with my family, and I guess that's it." I stopped speaking before I said anything too crazy.

"Tell us something interesting about yourself, Apol," the teacher asked as I was about to sit down.

I hesitated for a moment before blurting out, "I'm gay, and I play a lot of volleyball." Everyone gasped, including the teacher. I realized that it was probably a bad idea to expose myself like that. She asked me another question, "Do you plan on joining our school's volleyball team, Apol?"

"Yeah, if it's okay?" I replied, and everyone laughed. I felt my face turn bright red with embarrassment. I wanted the floor to open up and swallow me whole. "Alright, thanks, Mr. Capuno, you may take your seat," the teacher said.

I can't believe it! As I sat down in my assigned seat, I saw my gorgeous seatmate eyeing me curiously. I felt my cheeks turn hot as I realized that he had actually sat beside me. "Oh my God," I muttered to myself. To my surprise, he then approached me with his husky voice and asked, "Hey, uh Apol? You play volleyball, right? What position do you play?"

My heart was racing as I blinked at his question. Is he asking me out? LOL, did he just ask me about my volleyball position? "Oh yeah, more on-floor defense, Libero," I replied, trying to sound confident and flirty, but it didn't fit me. Deep inside, I was bursting out, "Oh my God! He looks so good up close! Marry me! Have babies with me!"

"Why'd you ask?" I finally gathered the courage to ask. He paused for a moment before answering, "Because we are holding tryouts for our team. You see, I'm a volleyball player too." My eyes immediately went wide with excitement at the news.

"Holy Mother of God! Can I marry him? If yes, give me a sign!" I thought to myself.

This was my chance to get on his team! Without hesitation, I replied, "Okay, count me in! When is the tryout?" My excitement was evident in my voice, and he smiled even more. "Wait for the post on the bulletin. We haven't decided on the schedule yet, but it will be posted," he said. "Cool, Wait, forgot to tell you my name, I'm Elliot. Nice to meet you," he added.

Elliot. What a gorgeous name. It really suits him. My Elliot. I nodded, "Nice to meet you, Elliot. Alright then," I said, smiling the whole time, but inside, I was bursting out because of him. His name suits his look very much, he looks dashing and hot.

The first bell boomed in the background, interrupting our introduction, and my classmates, including Elliot, had to go to their respective classes. I pouted when I realized that I wouldn't be able to know more about him or witness his confidence level, which made me even more attracted to someone. But I guess I'll have to wait until tomorrow.

I did some research and unfortunately, Elliot was not a freshman like me. It turned out he was in his second year already and was taking only two first-year subjects because he failed them the last time. Meaning to say, he will be my classmate for only two periods. I felt sad, but I had to move on to my next class.

Nothing interesting happened that much during the first day, and no one dared to talk to me after my confession, but I suspected it would happen. So this is it, right? This is the part where everyone will hate me or even distance themselves from me because I was gay. Now I get to feel how those gay protagonists are in an American movie.

After my last class, I stopped by the bulletin to see if there was any update about the tryout for the Men's Volleyball team at the school. Luckily, I saw a student posting the update I was looking for. "Interested to sign in?" she asked, wearing a P.E. uniform. "Yeah," was all I could say. "Cool, see for yourself then," she said with a smile before walking out.

I couldn't believe my luck when I saw the announcement for the Men's Volleyball tryouts. Finally, a chance to show off my skills and potentially make it onto the team. I quickly flipped through the page and saw that I needed to sign up to formalize my participation. Without hesitation, I added my name to the list and snapped a picture of the announcement to post on my Instagram.

Within minutes of sharing the post, my phone started buzzing with messages from friends, all excited and encouraging me to go for it. It felt great to have their support, but deep down, I knew that the real challenge was yet to come.

As soon as Dad picked me up from school, I could hardly contain my excitement. I shared every detail with him about the tryouts, except for the fact that I had come out to my classmates. Thankfully, he was equally enthusiastic about the idea of me trying out for the team.

We got home, and after a hearty dinner, I retreated to my room to prepare for the big day. I laid out my volleyball gear and went through my pre-game routine, visualizing my moves on the court. I knew I had to bring my A-game if I wanted to impress the coach and make it onto the team.

With each passing minute, my excitement and nerves grew stronger. But deep down, I knew that I was ready for whatever came my way. I had the talent, the drive, and the support of my family and friends, and nothing was going to stop me from giving it my all at the tryouts tomorrow.


Author's Note: 

Hi, y'all do?

I hope everyone liked this chapter.

Let me know your thoughts comment down and don't forget to vote honey 😘

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