Part 25

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As we walked towards Vanjoe's family diner, I couldn't help but feel a little nervous. TJ suggested we go there, and although I've been there before, I wasn't sure how comfortable I'd be with the three of us hanging out together. As we walked in, Vanjoe greeted us wearing his apron, looking surprised to see us together. He gave a fist bump to TJ and Elliot, but since I wasn't that close to him, I just waved my hands. I noticed a tall, older man standing beside him who was smiling at us. That must be Vanjoe's father, I thought. No wonder he got those tall genes.

I was famished, thanks to the drills we did earlier, so I urged the group to order quickly. We sat at a table near the window, and Vanjoe came over with a pen and paper to take our orders. TJ ordered pasta and a burger, while Elliot ordered a pizza with chicken. When I told Vanjoe my order - 2 cups of rice, a steak, and a smoothie - they were a little surprised. Elliot, with a concerned tone, asked me if I was supposed to be on a strict diet. "I'm starving, El," I replied, placing my hand on his. "Besides, I don't gain weight even if I eat too much rice," I assured him. It's one thing I'm proud of my body, that I don't gain weight that much, probably because of my metabolism. I don't know, but back in my house, we Asians are used to eating rice meals, especially at lunch. However, I got Elliott's point, and our coaching staff told us to consume a diet because gaining weight might affect our game performance.

TJ couldn't help but tease me about my previous order, "The last time we were here, you ate like a little girl, pancakes remember?" he said with a teasing look. Elliot raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You've been here before?" he asked. "Yes, TJ brought me here once. We bumped into each other last time when I was taking a mile along the coast and park," I replied, turning to Elliot, who looked curious, raising his brows.

Vanjoe was eyeing us suspiciously. "What's with you three? Are you on a date or something?" he asked, causing my cheeks to turn red. Elliot made a face, and TJ laughed crazily. "No, we're not. I just dragged them here because I was hungry," I explained, pouting my lips as I glanced towards Elliot. His facial expression immediately changed. "Good girl," he said, patting me on my shoulder. TJ faked a cough, trying to tease Elliot whenever he treats me sweetly. When Elliot is around me, he's different - clingy, sweet, fun, and cute - and I like that about him. TJ, on the other hand, is the bad boy type. He doesn't have tattoos, but he looks serious, cool, and like the boy next door that will make your undies drop. I must say I am one lucky gay immigrant who gets to know and be close to them.

We ate our food and talked about the exam the next day, with Vanjoe joining in and telling us about how tiring studying and working for the family business was. We didn't stay long, realizing we needed to prepare for the exam. It was a fun dinner with these guys, and I must say I enjoyed it. At first, I thought it would be awkward, but it turned out okay. Elliot and TJ clearly knew each other, and I am now close to both of them.

As the three of us stepped out of the diner, I made the decision to ride with Elliot on my way home. Before leaving, I hugged TJ and wished him good luck with his exams. As we started to leave, TJ whispered something that stayed with me, "I like you too." My mind was racing as Elliot and I drove down the road.

When we arrived at my house, Elliot suddenly asked me, "Do you like TJ?" His deep, husky voice made me feel like he was uncertain about something. He didn't even look at me when he asked the question. I was caught off guard and didn't know how to respond. Earlier that day, I had confessed to TJ and he had told me that he liked me too. We had all had a good time together, and now Elliot was asking me if I liked TJ. Should I lie? No, I couldn't do that to him. He deserved the truth.

I let out a sigh and reached out to grab his arms. "Elliot, I like you," I said with a smile. He looked up at me, his eyes wide. "And I like him too," I added. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eye. "I'm sorry, I know I'm being selfish," I apologized.

Elliot cleared his throat and responded, "So I have competition, huh? Alright, it's fair." He looked determined and cheerful, and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I had been afraid that I would lose a friend tonight. It was silly for Elliot to think of us as a competition; I wasn't some prize to be won. I offered him to come inside my house, but he declined, saying that he needed to study for the exam tomorrow.

In my head, I thought this was what I wanted before, right? To have two guys like me?

I gave him a comforting hug instead and said, "Good luck with our exams tomorrow!" He replied, "Yeah, I'll do my best," before breaking off and hopping on his bike. He started the engine and drove off into the night.

So much had happened that day! My head was spinning with anxiety, not just from the exam, but from the fact that two jocks liked me! It was both overwhelming and flattering at the same time. I couldn't believe that Elliot was interested in me too. He wasn't a loser, and TJ better have some big guns to compete with him. I mean, I had seen TJ's big gun, but that wasn't what I meant! I laughed at the thought.

I cleared my mind and prepared a hot bath before changing into my pajamas. I spent the rest of the night reviewing for the exam tomorrow, hoping that everyone would pass.


 Author's Note: 

Hi there! I'm Apol, nice to meet you!

So what do you think about this chapter? please let me know your thoughts!

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Love you! Good Night! 😘💜

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